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58 lines (39 loc) · 2.98 KB

File metadata and controls

58 lines (39 loc) · 2.98 KB


By default, ./ lints for items given by positional arguments:

./ filename item -> ./ docs missing-docstring empty-docstring (generate a file output/pylint/docs.out that logs places that have empty or missing docstrings)

A full list of items can be found here
(Or in pylint_message.txt)

For simplicity, a filename can be left off if only one item is being looked for:

./ unused-import generates a file unused-import logging the occurances of unused-import

Some examples:

  • ./ duplicate-code
  • ./ todos fixme
  • ./ unused unused-variable unused-import unused-argument

If no positional arguments are given, pylint lints for all:

  • All warnings except those blacklisted in pylint_config
  • All errors except those blacklisted in pylint_config
  • No refactors except those whitelisted in pylint_config
  • No conventions, ever.

Branches beta and master:
If --score is specified, exits with 1 if the code scores lower than the latest run (visible in pylint_config)

Optional flags:

Flag Description
--score compares repo score to latest score, exits 0 if lower
--errors generate pylint report for errors
--warnings generate pylint report for warnings
--adjustables generate pylint report for adjustable refactors
--noerrors return 1 if any errors are found in pygsti (not tests)

(Multiple flags can be provided in a call to, as well as the positional arguments)

The command ./ --noerrors is called whenever a push is made to any branch. There aren't any 'errors' in the repository right now, so this will catch any missing parentheses or other syntax errors. It is definitely worth the time to run, but can be bypassed with the flag --no-verify.

The command ./ --score is run in the background after a commit to develop. (A report will be generated within a minute)

Config file:

Found in test/config/pylint_config.json. Allows setting default values for refactoring issues (i.e. max-statements=100 limits functions/methods to 100 lines when running ./ --adjustables). Also allows specifying pylint version (Set to pylint3 by default) and a threshold score for branches like beta and master (which require travis CI to pass, anyways..)


While pylint has capability for finding duplicated code (./ duplicate-code), I've found the tool clonedigger to be better.

Installation: pip install clonedigger

Usage: clonedigger tools/ -o duplicated_tools.html would generate a file outlining duplicated code in a tools package.

The script will automatically generate these files for each sub package in pygsti! Use it!