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The Slycat server includes a plugin system that streamlines the process of customizing it to suit your environment and adding new Slycat features.


A Slycat plugin is a Python module (.py file) that is loaded into the Slycat Web Server at startup. By default, Slycat ships with a set of plugins in the web-server/plugins directory. The set of plugins to be loaded is specified in the server's config.ini file. The plugins entry in config.ini is a Python list containing zero-or-more plugin locations, which may be individual .py files to be loaded, or directories. Every .py file in a directory will be loaded as a plugin, but directories are not searched recursively. Relative paths are relative to the executable. Plugin developers can append their own paths to the list to deploy their plugins, by editing the config.ini file included with the Slycat source code, or by using a different config file altogether.

Once all plugin modules have been loaded, the server will call the register_slycat_plugin function in each module, if it exists. The function will be called with a context object as its sole argument. The plugin code uses the API provided by the context object to register new functionality with the server. This explicit registration process allows a single plugin module to register as many new capabilities as it wishes, and the registration API continues to expand as we add new categories of plugin functionality to the server.


You are free to register as many plugins or as many types of plugins as you like within a plugin module - you are not obliged to split your code into one plugin per module, unless you want to. For example, if your organization created a new type of model and had three in-house marking types, you could put all four plugins in a single, organization-specific plugin module.


Plugin module names must be globally unique - that is, the filename of all plugin .py files loaded by the server must be unique, not just the filepaths. Thus, you should not use generic filenames like for plugin modules. Instead, incorporate functionality- or organziation-specific strings into the filenames such as or The prefix slycat- is reserved for plugin modules shipped with Slycat.

New Marking Types

Examples: plugins/, plugins/, plugins/

A plugin can register new marking types with the Slycat server. Markings are used to apply user-specific administrative or organizational labels to models such as "Draft" or "Human Resources Only".

A marking consists of the following:

  1. A unique string identifier called the marking type.
  2. A human-readable label that will become part of the user interface when prompting end-users to choose the marking for a model.
  3. A block of HTML markup that provides a "badge" representation of the marking used in lists.
  4. Optional block of HTML markup that will be inserted into the user interface before marked content.
  5. Optional block of HTML markup that will be inserted into the user interface after marked content.

If the plugin doesn't provide 5), 4) will be displayed at the top and bottom of marked content. If 4) and 5) are omitted, 3) will be displayed at the top and bottom of marked content.

In practice, most marking plugins should include inline style information in their HTML markup to control the appearance of the marking. Note that models can currently have a single marking applied.

New Model Types

Examples: plugins/slycat-hello-world, plugins/slycat-linear-regression-demo, plugins/slycat-bookmark-demo

A plugin can add a new type of model to the Slycat server. In this context, a plugin model consists of the following:

  • A unique string identifier called the model type.
  • Code that will be executed on the server when a model is finished (i.e. one-time computation to perform after the model's input artifacts have been stored).
  • A block of HTML code that will be used as the model's interactive user interface. This block of HTML will be inserted into a larger HTML frame that provides common functionality for manipulating models, and delivered to the end-user's client.

Here is a bare-minimum example of a do-nothing model plugin:

def register_slycat_plugin(context):

  def finish(database, model):
    import datetime
    import slycat.web.server.model
    slycat.web.server.model.update(database, model, state="finished", result="succeeded", finished=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), progress=1.0, message="")

  def html(database, model):
    return "<h1>Hello, World!</h1>"

  context.register_model("my-model", finish, html)

Note that finish() simply marks the model as "finished" so clients will know that the model is ready to view, and the html() function returns a familiar message.

When the Slycat server starts, the plugin will be loaded into the server and register a new my-model model type. Of course, you'll need some way to actually create an instance of a my-model model. The easiest way is to use a script to create my-model model instances:

import slycat.web.client

parser = slycat.web.client.option_parser()
parser.add_argument("--marking", default="", help="Marking type.  Default: %(default)s")
parser.add_argument("--model-name", default="Hello World Model", help="New model name.  Default: %(default)s")
parser.add_argument("--project-name", default="Hello World Project", help="New project name.  Default: %(default)s")
arguments = parser.parse_args()

connection = slycat.web.client.connect(arguments)

pid = connection.find_or_create_project(arguments.project_name)

mid = connection.post_project_models(pid, "my-model", arguments.model_name, arguments.marking)

connection.join_model(mid)"Your new model is located at %s/models/%s" % (, mid))

In this case the script provides a simple command line interface for specifying the name and marking for the model, along with the name of a new or existing project to contain the new model. Once the connection to the Slycat server has been made and a project identified or created, the new model is created and immediately finished (causing the finish() function to be called). When you view the new model in a web browser, it will display the content returned by the plugin's html() function.

Model Commands

Examples: plugins/slycat-matrix-demo-model

Typically, we assume that a Slycat model is created, artifacts are ingested, one-time server-side computation is performed (using a model plugin's finish() function), then a web browser provides interactive visualization of the results (using the output of a model plugin's html() function).

However, in some circumstances this may be insufficient - a model may need to provide additional server-side computation to be executed by the client. In this case, a model command plugin is used to register additional server-side commands that can be invoked by the client.

Password Check Plugins

Examples: plugins/, plugins/

Password check plugins are callbacks that are executed whenever the server needs to verify a user's credentials. The password check plugin registers a callback that will be called with an authentication realm, username, and password, and returns a tuple containing True if the username and password can be authenticated, and a (possibly empty) list of groups of which the user is a member:

def register_slycat_plugin(context):
  def check_password(realm, username, password):
    """Allow any user, so long as their username and password are the same.
    Obviously, this is suitable only for testing."""
    groups = []
    return username and password and username == password, groups

  context.register_password_check("slycat-identity-password-check", check_password)

To use a password check plugin, you would have to add it to your server's config.ini:

password-check: {"plugin": "slycat-identity-password-check"}

In a more realistic authentication scenario, you might use the LDAP password check plugin that ships with Slycat to connect to an LDAP server. The following configuration enables the LDAP plugin and configures it to connect to a public test server:

password-check: {"plugin": "slycat-ldap-password-check", "kwargs":{"server":"ldaps://", "user_dn":"uid={},dc=example,dc=com"}}