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Solving a few AI problems with Python: Part 2 {.p-name}

This blog is the second part of this blog, here we shall continue discussing on a few more problems in artificial intelligence and their…

Solving a few AI problems with Python: Part 2 {#ad94 .graf .graf--h3 .graf--leading .graf--title name="ad94"}

AI Problems on Uncertainty, Learning and Language {#ede3 .graf .graf--h4 .graf-after--h3 .graf--subtitle name="ede3"}

This blog is the second part of this blog, here we shall continue discussing on a few more problems in artificial intelligence and their python implementations. The problems discussed here appeared as programming assignments in the edX course****CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python (HarvardX:CS50 AI). The problem statements are taken from the course itself.

Heredity {#7c0e .graf .graf--h3 .graf-after--p name="7c0e"}

Write an AI agent to assess the likelihood that a person will have a particular genetic trait.

  • Mutated versions of the GJB2 gene are one of the leading causes of hearing impairment in newborns.
  • Each person carries two versions of the gene, so each person has the potential to possess either 0, 1, or 2 copies of the hearing impairment version GJB2.
  • Unless a person undergoes genetic testing, though, it’s not so easy to know how many copies of mutated GJB2 a person has.
  • This is some “hidden state”: information that has an effect that we can observe (hearing impairment), but that we don’t necessarily directly know.
  • After all, some people might have 1 or 2 copies of mutated GJB2 but not exhibit hearing impairment, while others might have no copies of mutated GJB2 yet still exhibit hearing impairment.
  • Every child inherits one copy of the GJB2 gene from each of their parents. If a parent has two copies of the mutated gene, then they will pass the mutated gene on to the child; if a parent has no copies of the mutated gene, then they will not pass the mutated gene on to the child; and if a parent has one copy of the mutated gene, then the gene is passed on to the child with probability 0.5.
  • After a gene is passed on, though, it has some probability of undergoing additional mutation: changing from a version of the gene that causes hearing impairment to a version that doesn’t, or vice versa.
  • We can attempt to model all of these relationships by forming a Bayesian Network of all the relevant variables, as in the one below, which considers a family of two parents and a single child.

Image taken from here

  • Each person in the family has a Gene random variable representing how many copies of a particular gene (e.g., the hearing impairment version of GJB2) a person has: a value that is 0, 1, or 2.
  • Each person in the family also has a Trait random variable, which is yes or no depending on whether that person expresses a trait (e.g., hearing impairment) based on that gene.
  • There’s an arrow from each person’s Gene variable to their Trait variable to encode the idea that a person’s genes affect the probability that they have a particular trait.
  • Meanwhile, there’s also an arrow from both the mother and father’s Gene random variable to their child’s Gene random variable: the child’s genes are dependent on the genes of their parents.
  • The task in this problem is to use this model to make inferences about a population. Given information about people, who their parents are, and whether they have a particular observable trait (e.g. hearing loss) caused by a given gene, the AI agent will infer the probability distribution for each person’s genes, as well as the probability distribution for whether any person will exhibit the trait in question.
  • The next figure shows the concepts required for running inference on a Bayes Network

Image created from the lecture notes from this course

  • Recall that to compute a joint probability of multiple events, you can do so by multiplying those probabilities together. But remember that for any child, the probability of them having a certain number of genes is conditional on what genes their parents have.
  • The following figure shows the given data files

Image created by Author

  • Implement a function joint_probability() that should take as input a dictionary of people, along with data about who has how many copies of each of the genes, and who exhibits the trait. The function should return the joint probability of all of those events taking place.
  • Implement a function update() that adds a new joint distribution probability to the existing probability distributions in probabilities .
  • Implement the function normalize() that updates a dictionary of probabilities such that each probability distribution is normalized.
  • PROBS is a dictionary containing a number of constants representing probabilities of various different events. All of these events have to do with how many copies of a particular gene a person has , and whether a person exhibits a particular trait based on that gene.
  • PROBS[“gene”] represents the unconditional probability distribution over the gene (i.e., the probability if we know nothing about that person’s parents).
  • PROBS[“trait”] represents the conditional probability that a person exhibits a trait.
  • PROBS[“mutation”] is the probability that a gene mutates from being the gene in question to not being that gene, and vice versa.

The following python code snippet shows how to compute the joint probabilities:

def joint_probability(people, one_gene, two_genes, have_trait):    """    Compute and return a joint probability.    The probability returned should be the probability that    * everyone in set `one_gene` has one copy of the gene, and    * everyone in set `two_genes` has two copies of the gene, and    * everyone not in `one_gene` / `two_gene` doesn't have the gene    * everyone in set `have_trait` has the trait, and    * everyone not in set` have_trait` does not have the trait.    """    prob_gene = PROBS['gene']    prob_trait_gene = PROBS['trait']    prob_mutation = PROBS['mutation']    prob_gene_pgenes = { # CPT        2: {            0: {                 0: (1-prob_mutation)*prob_mutation,                 1: (1-prob_mutation)*(1-prob_mutation) + \                                   prob_mutation*prob_mutation,                 2: prob_mutation*(1-prob_mutation)            },            1: {                 0: prob_mutation/2,                 1: 0.5,                 2: (1-prob_mutation)/2            },            2: {                 0: prob_mutation*prob_mutation,                 1: 2*(1-prob_mutation)*prob_mutation,                  2: (1-prob_mutation)*(1-prob_mutation)            }        },   # compute the probabilities for the other cases...  }       all_probs = {}    for name in people:        has_trait = name in have_trait        num_gene = 1 if name in one_gene else 2 if name in two_genes                                                                    else 0        prob = prob_trait_gene[num_gene][has_trait]* \                                        prob_gene[num_gene]         if people[name]['mother'] != None:           mother, father = people[name]['mother'], \                            people[name]['father']           num_gene_mother = 1 if mother in one_gene else \                             2 if mother in two_genes else 0           num_gene_father = 1 if father in one_gene else 2                                if father in two_genes else 0           prob = prob_trait_gene[num_gene][has_trait] * \                prob_gene_pgenes[num_gene_mother][num_gene_father] \                                            [num_gene]                      all_probs[name] = prob    probability =    return probability

The following animations show how the CPTs (conditional probability tables) are computed for the Bayesian Networks corresponding to the first couple of families, respectively.

Image by Author

Image by Author

The following figure shows the conditional probabilities (computed with simulation) that children does / doesn’t have the gene given the parents does / doesn’t have the gene.

Image by Author

Crossword {#149d .graf .graf--h3 .graf-after--figure name="149d"}

Write an AI agent to generate crossword puzzles.

  • Given the structure of a crossword puzzle (i.e., which squares of the grid are meant to be filled in with a letter), and a list of words to use, the problem becomes one of choosing which words should go in each vertical or horizontal sequence of squares.
  • We can model this sort of problem as a constraint satisfaction problem.
  • Each sequence of squares is one variable, for which we need to decide on its value(which word in the domain of possible words will 􀃥ll in that sequence). Consider the following crossword puzzle structure.

Image taken from here

  • In this structure, we have four variables, representing the four words we need to 􀃥ll into this crossword puzzle (each indicated by a number in the above image). Each variable is defined by four values: the row it begins on (its i value), the column it begins on (its j value), the direction of the word (either down or across), and the length of the word.
  • Variable 1, for example, would be a variable represented by a row of 1 (assuming 0 indexed counting from the top), a column of 1 (also assuming 0 indexed counting from the left), a direction of across, and a length of 4.
  • As with many constraint satisfaction problems, these variables have both unary and binary constraints. The unary constraint on a variable is given by its length.
  • For Variable 1, for instance, the value BYTE would satisfy the unary constraint, but the value BIT would not (it has the wrong number of letters).
  • Any values that don’t satisfy a variable’s unary constraints can therefore be removed from the variable’s domain immediately.
  • The binary constraints on a variable are given by its overlap with neighboring variables. Variable 1 has a single neighbor: Variable 2. Variable 2 has two neighbors: Variable 1 and Variable 3.
  • For each pair of neighboring variables, those variables share an overlap: a single square that is common to them both.
  • We can represent that overlap as the character index in each variable’s word that must be the same character.
  • For example, the overlap between Variable 1 and Variable 2 might be represented as the pair (1, 0), meaning that Variable 1’s character at index 1 necessarily must be the same as Variable 2’s character at index 0 (assuming 0-indexing, again).
  • The overlap between Variable 2 and Variable 3 would therefore be represented as the pair (3, 1): character 3 of Variable 2’s value must be the same as character 1 of Variable 3’s value.
  • For this problem, we’ll add the additional constraint that all words must be different: the same word should not be repeated multiple times in the puzzle.
  • The challenge ahead, then, is write a program to 􀃥find a satisfying assignment: a different word (from a given vocabulary list) for each variable such that all of the unary and binary constraints are met.
  • The following figure shows the theory required to solve the problem:

Image created from the lecture notes from this course

  • Implement a function enforce_node_consistency() that should update the domains such that each variable is node consistent.
  • Implement a function ac3() that should, using the AC3 algorithm, enforce arc consistency on the problem. Recall that arc consistency is achieved when all the values in each variable’s domain satisfy that variable’s binary constraints.
  • Recall that the AC3 algorithm maintains a queue of arcs to process. This function takes an optional argument called arcs, representing an initial list of arcs to process. If arcs is None, the function should start with an initial queue of all of the arcs in the problem. Otherwise, the algorithm should begin with an initial queue of only the arcs that are in the list arcs.
  • Implement a function consistent() that should check to see if a given assignment is consistent and a function assignment_complete() that should check if a given assignment is complete.
  • Implement a function select_unassigned_variable() that should return a single variable in the crossword puzzle that is not yet assigned by assignment, according to the minimum remaining value heuristic and then the degree heuristic. Also, it should return the variable with the fewest number of remaining values in its domain.
  • Implement a function backtrack() that should accept a partial assignment as input and, using backtracking search, return a complete satisfactory assignment of variables to values if it is possible to do so.

The following python code snippet shows couple of the above function implementations:

def select_unassigned_variable(self, assignment):    """    Return an unassigned variable not already part of `assignment`.    Choose the variable with the minimum number of remaining values    in its domain. If there is a tie, choose the variable with the     highest degree. If there is a tie, any of the tied variables     are acceptable return values.    """    unassigned_vars = list(self.crossword.variables - \                               set(assignment.keys()))    mrv, svar = float('inf'), None    for var in unassigned_vars:        if len([var]) < mrv:           mrv, svar =  len([var]), var        elif len([var]) == mrv:           if self.crossword.neighbors(var) >               self.crossword.neighbors(svar):              svar = var     return svar    
def backtrack(self, assignment):    """    Using Backtracking Search, take as input a partial assignment     for the crossword and return a complete assignment if possible     to do so.    `assignment` is a mapping from variables (keys) to words     (values).    If no assignment is possible, return None.    """    # Check if assignment is complete    if len(assignment) == len(self.crossword.variables):    return assignment
    # Try a new variable    var = self.select_unassigned_variable(assignment)    for value in[var]:        new_assignment = assignment.copy()        new_assignment[var] = value        if self.consistent(new_assignment):           result = self.backtrack(new_assignment)           if result is not None:              return result    return None

The following animation shows how the backtracking algorithm with AC3 generates the crossword with the given structure.


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Now let’s compute the speedup obtained with backtracking with and without AC3 (on average), i.e., compare the time to generate a crossword puzzle (with the above structure), averaged over 1000 runs (each time the puzzle generated may be different though). The next figure shows the result of the runtime experiment and that backtracking with AC3 is way faster on average over backtracking implementation without AC3.

Image by Author

Shopping {#c0b2 .graf .graf--h3 .graf-after--figure name="c0b2"}

Write an AI agent to predict whether online shopping customers will complete a purchase.

  • When users are shopping online, not all will end up purchasing something. Most visitors to an online shopping website, in fact, likely don’t end up going through with a purchase during that web browsing session.
  • It might be useful, though, for a shopping website to be able to predict whether a user intends to make a purchase or not: perhaps displaying different content to the user, like showing the user a discount offer if the website believes the user isn’t planning to complete the purchase.
  • How could a website determine a user’s purchasing intent? That’s where machine learning will come in.
  • The task in this problem is to build a nearest-neighbor classifier to solve this problem. Given information about a user — how many pages they’ve visited, whether they’re shopping on a weekend, what web browser they’re using, etc. — the classifier will predict whether or not the user will make a purchase.
  • The classifier won’t be perfectly accurate — but it should be better than guessing randomly.
  • To train the classifier a dataset from a shopping website from about 12,000 users sessions is provided.
  • How do we measure the accuracy of a system like this? If we have a testing data set, we could run our classifier and compute what proportion of the time we correctly classify the user’s intent.
  • This would give us a single accuracy percentage. But that number might be a little misleading. Imagine, for example, if about 15% of all users end up going through with a purchase. A classifier that always predicted that the user would not go through with a purchase, then, we would measure as being 85% accurate: the only users it classifies incorrectly are the 15% of users who do go through with a purchase. And while 85% accuracy sounds pretty good, that doesn’t seem like a very useful classifier.
  • Instead, we’ll measure two values: sensitivity (also known as the “true positive rate”) and specificity (also known as the “true negative rate”).
  • Sensitivity refers to the proportion of positive examples that were correctly identified: in other words, the proportion of users who did go through with a purchase who were correctly identified.
  • Specificity refers to the proportion of negative examples that were correctly identified: in this case, the proportion of users who did not go through with a purchase who were correctly identified.
  • So our “always guess no” classifier from before would have perfect specificity (1.0) but no sensitivity (0.0). Our goal is to build a classifier that performs reasonably on both metrics.
  • First few rows from the csv dataset are shown in the following figure:

Image created by Author

  • There are about 12,000 user sessions represented in this spreadsheet: represented as one row for each user session.
  • The first six columns measure the different types of pages users have visited in the session: the Administrative , Informational , and ProductRelated columns measure how many of those types of pages the user visited, and their corresponding _Duration columns measure how much time the user spent on any of those pages.
  • The BounceRates , ExitRates , and PageValues columns measure information from Google Analytics about the page the user visited. SpecialDay is a value that measures how closer the date of the user’s session is to a special day (like Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day).
  • Month is an abbreviation of the month the user visited. OperatingSystems , Browser , Region, and TrafficType are all integers describing information about the user themself.
  • VisitorType will take on the value Returning_Visitor for returning visitors and New_Visitor for new visitors to the site.
  • Weekend is TRUE or FALSE depending on whether or not the user is visiting on a weekend.
  • Perhaps the most important column, though, is the last one: the Revenue column. This is the column that indicates whether the user ultimately made a purchase or not: TRUE if they did, FALSE if they didn’t. This is the column that we’d like to learn to predict (the “label”), based on the values for all of the other columns (the “evidence”).
  • Implement a function load_data() that should accept a CSV filename as its argument, open that file, and return a tuple (evidence, labels) . evidence should be a list of all of the evidence for each of the data points, and labels should be a list of all of the labels for each data point.
  • Implement a function train_model() function should accept a list of evidence and a list of labels, and return a scikit-learn nearest-neighbor classifier (a k-nearest-neighbor classifier where k = 1) 􀃥fitted on that training data.
  • Relevant concepts in supervised machine learning (classification) needed for this problem is described in the following figure.

Image created from the lecture notes from this course

Use the following python code snippet to divide the dataset into two parts: the first one to train the 1-NN model on and the second one being a held-out test dataset to evaluate the model using the performance metrics.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitfrom sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifierTEST_SIZE = 0.4
# Load data from spreadsheet and split into train and test setsevidence, labels = load_data('shopping.csv')X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(   evidence, labels, test_size=TEST_SIZE)# Train model and make predictionsmodel = train_model(X_train, y_train)predictions = model.predict(X_test)sensitivity, specificity = evaluate(y_test, predictions)
def train_model(evidence, labels):    """    Given a list of evidence lists and a list of labels, return a    fitted k-nearest neighbor model (k=1) trained on the data.    """    model = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1), labels)    return model

With 60–40 validation with a sample run following result is obtained, by training the model on 60% training data and use the model to predict on the 40% held-out test dataset, and then comparing the test predictions with the ground truth:

Correct: 3881Incorrect: 1051True Positive Rate: 31.14%True Negative Rate: 87.37%

Now, let’s repeat the experiment for 25 times (with different random seeds for train_test_split()) and let’s plot the sensitivity against specificity for every random partition, along with color-coded accuracy, to obtain a plot like the following one.

Image by Author

with the mean performance metrics reported as follows (to reduce the variability in the result):

Sensitivity: 0.3044799546457174 Specificity: 0.8747533289505658 Accuracy: 0.7867234387672343

As can be seen from the above result, the specificity if quite good, but sensitivity obtained is quite poor.

Let’s now plot the decision boundary obtained with 1-NN classifier for different 60–40 train-test validation datasets created, with the data projected across two principal components, the output is shown in the following animation (here the red points represent the cases where purchase happened and the blue points represent the cases where it did not).

Image by Author

Nim {#93ec .graf .graf--h3 .graf-after--figure name="93ec"}

Implement an AI agent that teaches itself to play Nim through reinforcement learning.

  • Recall that in the game Nim, we begin with some number of piles, each with some number of objects. Players take turns: on a player’s turn, the player removes any non-negative number of objects from any one non-empty pile. Whoever removes the last object loses.
  • There’s some simple strategy you might imagine for this game: if there’s only one pile and three objects left in it, and it’s your turn, your best bet is to remove two of those objects, leaving your opponent with the third and final object to remove.
  • But if there are more piles, the strategy gets considerably more complicated. In this problem, we’ll build an AI agent to learn the strategy for this game through reinforcement learning. By playing against itself repeatedly and learning from experience, eventually our AI agent will learn which actions to take and which actions to avoid.
  • In particular, we’ll use Q-learning for this project. Recall that in Q-learning, we try to learn a reward value (a number) for every (state,action) pair. An action that loses the game will have a reward of -1, an action that results in the other player losing the game will have a reward of 1, and an action that results in the game continuing has an immediate reward of 0, but will also have some future reward.
  • How will we represent the states and actions inside of a Python program? A “state” of the Nim game is just the current size of all of the piles. A state, for example, might be [1, 1, 3, 5] , representing the state with 1 object in pile 0, 1 object in pile 1, 3 objects in pile 2, and 5 objects in pile 3. An “action” in the Nim game will be a pair of integers (i, j) , representing the action of taking j objects from pile i . So the action (3, 5) represents the action “from pile 3, take away 5 objects.” Applying that action to the state [1, 1, 3, 5] would result in the new state [1, 1, 3, 0] (the same state, but with pile 3 now empty).
  • Recall that the key formula for Q-learning is below. Every time we are in a state s and take an action a , we can update the Q-value Q(s, a) according to: Q(s, a) <- Q(s, a) + alpha * (new value estimate — old value estimate)
  • In the above formula, alpha is the learning rate (how much we value new information compared to information we already have).
  • The new value estimate represents the sum of the reward received for the current action and the estimate of all the future rewards that the player will receive.
  • The old value estimate is just the existing value for Q(s, a) . By applying this formula every time our AI agent takes a new action, over time our AI agent will start to learn which actions are better in any state.
  • The concepts required for reinforcement learning and Q-learning is shown in the following figure.

Image created from the lecture notes from this course

Next python code snippet shows how to implement q-values update for Q-learning with the update() method from the NimAI class.

class NimAI():
    def update(self, old_state, action, new_state, reward):        """        Update Q-learning model, given an old state, an action taken        in that state, a new resulting state, and the reward         received from taking that action.        """        old = self.get_q_value(old_state, action)        best_future = self.best_future_reward(new_state)        self.update_q_value(old_state, action, old, reward,                                                     best_future)
    def update_q_value(self, state, action, old_q, reward,                                                    future_rewards):        """        Update the Q-value for the state `state` and the action         `action` given the previous Q-value `old_q`, a current         reward `reward`, and an estimate of future rewards           `future_rewards`.         Use the formula:
        Q(s, a) <- old value estimate                 + alpha * (new value estimate - old value estimate)
        where `old value estimate` is the previous Q-value,        `alpha` is the learning rate, and `new value estimate`        is the sum of the current reward and estimated future         rewards.        """        self.q[(tuple(state), action)] = old_q + self.alpha * (                              (reward + future_rewards) - old_q)

The AI agent plays 10000 training games to update the q-values, the following animation shows how the q-values are updated in last few games (corresponding to a few selected states out of (1+1)*(3+1)*(5+1)*(7+1) = 384 states and action pairs):

Image by Author

The following animation shows an example game played between the AI agent (the computer) and the human (the green, red and white boxes in each row of the first subplot represent the non-empty, to be removed and empty piles for the corresponding row, respectively, for the AI agent and the human player).

Image by Author

As can be seen from the above figure, one of actions with the highest q-value for the AI agent’s first turn is (3,6) , that’s why it removes 6 piles from the 3rd row. Similarly, in the second tun of the AI agent, one of the best actions is (2,5), that’s why it removes 5 piles from row 2 and likewise.

The following animation shows another example game AI agent plays with human:

Image by Author

Traffic {#b9af .graf .graf--h3 .graf-after--figure name="b9af"}

Write an AI agent to identify which traffic sign appears in a photograph.

  • As research continues in the development of self-driving cars, one of the key challenges is computer vision, allowing these cars to develop an understanding of their environment from digital images.
  • In particular, this involves the ability to recognize and distinguish road signs — stop signs, speed limit signs, yield signs, and more.
  • The following figure contains the theory required to perform the multi-class classification task using a deep neural network.

Image created from the lecture notes from this course

  • In this problem, we shall use TensorFlow (https://www.tensor􀃦 to build a neural network to classify road signs based on an image of those signs.
  • To do so, we shall need a labeled dataset: a collection of images that have already been categorized by the road sign represented in them.
  • Several such data sets exist, but for this project, we’ll use the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark ( (GTSRB) dataset, which contains thousands of images of 43 different kinds of road signs.
  • The dataset contains 43 sub-directories, numbered 0 through 42. Each numbered sub-directory represents a different category (a different type of road sign). Within each traffic sign’s directory is a collection of images of that type of traffic sign.
  • Implement the load_data() function which should accept as an argument data_dir, representing the path to a directory where the data is stored, and return image arrays and labels for each image in the data set.
  • While loading the dataset, the images have to be resized to a fixed size. If the images are resized correctly, each of them will have shape as (30, 30, 3).
  • Also, implement the function get_model() which should return a compiled neural network model.
  • The following python code snippet shows how to implement the classification model with keras, along with the output produced when the model is run.
import numpy as npimport tensorflow as tf
# Get image arrays and labels for all image filesimages, labels = load_data('gtsrb')
# Split data into training and testing setslabels = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(labels)x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(     np.array(images), np.array(labels), test_size=TEST_SIZE)
# Get a compiled neural networkmodel = get_model()
# Fit model on training, y_train, epochs=EPOCHS)
# Evaluate neural network performancemodel.evaluate(x_test,  y_test, verbose=2)
def get_model():    """    Returns a compiled convolutional neural network model.     Assume that the `input_shape` of the first layer is     `(IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT, 3)`.    The output layer should have `NUM_CATEGORIES` units, one for     each category.    """    # Create a convolutional neural network    model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
       # Convolutional layer. Learn 32 filters using a 3x3 kernel       tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(         32, (3, 3), activation="relu", input_shape=(30, 30, 3)       ),
       # Max-pooling layer, using 2x2 pool size       tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),
       # Convolutional layer. Learn 32 filters using a 3x3 kernel       tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(         64, (3, 3), activation="relu"       ),
       # Max-pooling layer, using 2x2 pool size       tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),        tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(         128, (3, 3), activation="relu"       ),
       # Max-pooling layer, using 2x2 pool size       tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),
       # Flatten units       tf.keras.layers.Flatten(),
       # Add a hidden layer with dropout       tf.keras.layers.Dense(256, activation="relu"),       tf.keras.layers.Dropout(0.5),
       # Add an output layer with output units for all 10 digits       tf.keras.layers.Dense(NUM_CATEGORIES, activation="softmax")    ])    print(model.summary)
    # Train neural network    model.compile(       optimizer="adam",       loss="categorical_crossentropy",       metrics=["accuracy"]    )    return model    # Model: "sequential"# _________________________________________________________________# Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param ## =================================================================# conv2d (Conv2D)              (None, 28, 28, 32)        896# _________________________________________________________________# max_pooling2d (MaxPooling2D) (None, 14, 14, 32)        0# _________________________________________________________________# conv2d_1 (Conv2D)            (None, 12, 12, 64)        18496# _________________________________________________________________# max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2 (None, 6, 6, 64)          0# _________________________________________________________________# conv2d_2 (Conv2D)            (None, 4, 4, 128)         73856# _________________________________________________________________# max_pooling2d_2 (MaxPooling2 (None, 2, 2, 128)         0# _________________________________________________________________# flatten (Flatten)            (None, 512)               0# _________________________________________________________________# dense (Dense)                (None, 256)               131328# _________________________________________________________________# dropout (Dropout)            (None, 256)               0# _________________________________________________________________# dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 43)                11051# =================================================================# Total params: 235,627# Trainable params: 235,627# Non-trainable params: 0# _________________________________________________________________
  • The architecture of the deep network is shown in the next figure:

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  • The following output shows how the cross-entropy loss on the training dataset decreases and the accuracy of classification increases over epochs on the training dataset.
Epoch 1/1015864/15864 [==============================] - 17s 1ms/sample - loss: 2.3697 - acc: 0.4399Epoch 2/1015864/15864 [==============================] - 15s 972us/sample - loss: 0.6557 - acc: 0.8133Epoch 3/1015864/15864 [==============================] - 16s 1ms/sample - loss: 0.3390 - acc: 0.9038Epoch 4/1015864/15864 [==============================] - 16s 995us/sample - loss: 0.2526 - acc: 0.9285Epoch 5/1015864/15864 [==============================] - 16s 1ms/sample - loss: 0.1992 - acc: 0.9440Epoch 6/1015864/15864 [==============================] - 16s 985us/sample - loss: 0.1705 - acc: 0.9512Epoch 7/1015864/15864 [==============================] - 15s 956us/sample - loss: 0.1748 - acc: 0.9536Epoch 8/1015864/15864 [==============================] - 15s 957us/sample - loss: 0.1551 - acc: 0.9578Epoch 9/1015864/15864 [==============================] - 16s 988us/sample - loss: 0.1410 - acc: 0.9630Epoch 10/1015864/15864 [==============================] - 14s 878us/sample - loss: 0.1303 - acc: 0.966710577/10577 - 3s - loss: 0.1214 - acc: 0.9707
  • The following animation again shows how the cross-entropy loss on the training dataset decreases and the accuracy of classification increases over epochs on the training dataset.

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  • The following figure shows a few sample images from the traffic dataset with different labels.

Image by Author

  • The next animations show the features learnt at various convolution and pooling layers.

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Image by Author

  • The next figure shows the evaluation result on test dataset — the corresponding confusion matrix.

Image by Author

Parser {#d743 .graf .graf--h3 .graf-after--figure name="d743"}

Write an AI agent to parse sentences and extract noun phrases.

  • A common task in natural language processing is parsing, the process of determining the structure of a sentence.
  • This is useful for a number of reasons: knowing the structure of a sentence can help a computer to better understand the meaning of the sentence, and it can also help the computer extract information out of a sentence.
  • In particular, it’s often useful to extract noun phrases out of a sentence to get an understanding for what the sentence is about.
  • In this problem, we’ll use the context-free grammar formalism to parse English sentences to determine their structure.
  • Recall that in a context-free grammar, we repeatedly apply rewriting rules to transform symbols into other symbols. The objective is to start with a non-terminal symbol S (representing a sentence) and repeatedly apply context-free grammar rules until we generate a complete sentence of terminal symbols (i.e., words).
  • The rule S -> N V , for example, means that the S symbol can be rewritten as N V (a noun followed by a verb). If we also have the rule N -> “Holmes” and the rule V -> “sat” , we can generate the complete sentence “Holmes sat.” .
  • Of course, noun phrases might not always be as simple as a single word like “Holmes” . We might have noun phrases like “my companion” or “a country walk” or “the day before Thursday” , which require more complex rules to account for.
  • To account for the phrase “my companion” , for example, we might imagine a rule like: NP -> N | Det N. In this rule, we say that an NP (a “noun phrase”) could be either just a noun ( N ) or a determiner ( Det ) followed by a noun, where determiners include words like “a” , “the” , and “my” . The vertical bar ( | ) just indicates that there are multiple possible ways to rewrite an NP , with each possible rewrite separated by a bar.
  • To incorporate this rule into how we parse a sentence ( S ), we’ll also need to modify our S -> N V rule to allow for noun phrases ( NP s) as the subject of our sentence. See how? And to account for more complex types of noun phrases, we may need to modify our grammar even further.
  • Given sentences that are needed to be parsed by the CFG (to be constructed) are shown below:
Holmes sat.Holmes lit a pipe.We arrived the day before Thursday.Holmes sat in the red armchair and he chuckled.My companion smiled an enigmatical smile. Holmes chuckled to himself.She never said a word until we were at the door here.Holmes sat down and lit his pipe.I had a country walk on Thursday and came home in a dreadful mess.I had a little moist red paint in the palm of my hand.

Implementation tips

  • The NONTERMINALS global variable should be replaced with a set of context-free grammar rules that, when combined with the rules in TERMINALS , allow the parsing of all sentences in the sentences/ directory.
  • Each rules must be on its own line. Each rule must include the -> characters to denote which symbol is being replaced, and may optionally include | symbols if there are multiple ways to rewrite a symbol.
  • Do not need to keep the existing rule S -> N V in your solution, but the first rule must begin with S -> since S (representing a sentence) is the starting symbol.
  • May add as many non-terminal symbols as needed.
  • Use the non-terminal symbol NP to represent a “noun phrase”, such as the subject of a sentence.
  • A few rules needed to parse the given sentences are shown below (we need to add a few more rules):
NONTERMINALS = """S -> NP VP | S Conj VP | S Conj S | S P SNP -> N | Det N | AP NP | Det AP NP | N PP | Det N PP"""
  • Few rules for the TERMINALS from the given grammar are shown below:
TERMINALS = """Adj -> "country" | "dreadful" | "enigmatical" | "little" | "moist" | "red"Conj -> "and"Det -> "a" | "an" | "his" | "my" | "the"N -> "armchair" | "companion" | "day" | "door" | "hand" | "he" | "himself"P -> "at" | "before" | "in" | "of" | "on" | "to" | "until"V -> "smiled" | "tell" | "were""""
  • The next python code snippet implements the function np_chunk() that should accept a nltk tree representing the syntax of a sentence, and return a list of all of the noun phrase chunks in that sentence.
  • For this problem, a “noun phrase chunk” is defined as a noun phrase that doesn’t contain other noun phrases within it. Put more formally, a noun phrase chunk is a subtree of the original tree whose label is NP and that does not itself contain other noun phrases as subtrees.
  • Assume that the input will be a nltk.tree object whose label is S (that is to say, the input will be a tree representing a sentence).
  • The function should return a list of nltk.tree objects, where each element  has the label NP.
  • The documentation for nltk.tree will be helpful for identifying how to manipulate a nltk.tree object.
import nltk
def np_chunk(tree):    """    Return a list of all noun phrase chunks in the sentence tree.    A noun phrase chunk is defined as any subtree of the sentence    whose label is "NP" that does not itself contain any other    noun phrases as subtrees.    """    chunks = []    for s in tree.subtrees(lambda t: t.label() == 'NP'):       if len(list(s.subtrees(lambda t: t.label() == 'NP' and                                         t != s))) == 0:        chunks.append(s)    return chunks

The following animation shows how the given sentences are parsed with the grammar rules constructed.

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Questions {#b32e .graf .graf--h3 .graf-after--figure name="b32e"}

Write an AI agent to answer questions from a given corpus

  • Question Answering (QA) is a field within natural language processing focused on designing systems that can answer questions.
  • Among the more famous question answering systems is Watson , the IBM computer that competed (and won) on Jeopardy!.
  • A question answering system of Watson’s accuracy requires enormous complexity and vast amounts of data, but in this problem, we’ll design a very simple question answering system based on inverse document frequency.
  • Our question answering system will perform two tasks: document retrieval and passage retrieval.
  • Our system will have access to a corpus of text documents.
  • When presented with a query (a question in English asked by the user), document retrieval will first identify which document(s) are most relevant to the query.
  • Once the top documents are found, the top document(s) will be subdivided into passages (in this case, sentences) so that the most relevant passage to the question can be determined.
  • How do we find the most relevant documents and passages? To find the most relevant documents, we’ll use tf-idf to rank documents based both on term frequency for words in the query as well as inverse document frequency for words in the query. The required concepts are summarized in the following figure:

Image created from the lecture notes from this course

  • Once we’ve found the most relevant documents, there are many possible metrics for scoring passages, but we’ll use a combination of inverse document frequency and a query term density measure.
  • More sophisticated question answering systems might employ other strategies (analyzing the type of question word used, looking for synonyms of query words, lemmatizing to handle different forms of the same word, etc.), but that comes only after the baseline version is implemented.

Implementation tips

  • Implement a function compute_idfs() that should accept a dictionary of documents and return a new dictionary mapping words to their IDF (inverse document frequency) values.
  • Assume that documents will be a dictionary mapping names of documents to a list of words in that document.
  • The returned dictionary should map every word that appears in at least one of the documents to its inverse document frequency value.
  • Recall that the inverse document frequency of a word is defined by taking the natural logarithm of the number of documents divided by the number of documents in which the word appears.
  • Implement the top_files() function that should, given a query (a set of words), files (a dictionary mapping names of files to a list of their words), and idfs (a dictionary mapping words to their IDF values), return a list of the filenames the n top files that that match the query, ranked according to tf-idf.
  • The returned list of should be of length n and should be ordered with the best match first.
  • Files should be ranked according to the sum of tf-idf values for any word in the query that also appears in the file. Words in the query that do not appear in the file should not contribute to the file’s score.
  • Recall that tf-idf for a term is computed by multiplying the number of times the term appears in the document by the IDF value for that term.
  • Implement the function top_sentences() that should, given a query (a set of words), sentences (a dictionary mapping sentences to a list of their words), and idfs (a dictionary mapping words to their IDF values), return a list of the n top sentences that match the query, ranked according to IDF.
  • The returned list of sentences should be of length n and should be ordered with the best match first.
  • Sentences should be ranked according to “matching word measure”: namely, the sum of IDF values for any word in the query that also appears in the sentence. Note that term frequency should not be taken into account here, only inverse document frequency.
  • If two sentences have the same value according to the matching word measure, then sentences with a higher “query term density” should be preferred. Query term density is defined as the proportion of words in the sentence that are also words in the query.
  • The next python code snippet shows how the couple of functions mentioned above are implemented:
def compute_idfs(documents):    """    Given a dictionary of `documents` that maps names of documents     to a list of words, return a dictionary that maps words to their     IDF values.    Any word that appears in at least one of the documents should     be in the resulting dictionary.    """    words = set()    for document in documents:        words.update(documents[document])    idfs = dict()    for word in words:        f = sum(word in documents[document] for document in                                                  documents)        idfs[word] = math.log(len(documents) / f)    return idfs
def top_files(query, files, idfs, n):    """    Given a `query` (a set of words), `files` (a dictionary mapping     names of files to a list of their words), and `idfs` (a     dictionary mapping words to their IDF values), return a list of     the filenames of the the `n` top files that match the query,     ranked according to tf-idf.    """    scores = []    for filename in files:        score = 0        for word in query:            tf = len(list(filter(lambda w: w == word,                                            files[filename])))            score += tf * idfs.get(word, 0)        scores.append((score, filename))    scores.sort(key = lambda x: -x[0])    return [item[1] for item in scores][:n]

The following animation shows the answers to the questions found from the given corpus: for each question, the best candidate text (document) likely containing the answer is first found inside the corpus and then the top 5 candidate answer sentences is found inside that document.

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This blog is a continuation of my previous blog. In this blog, we discussed some AI problems related to / to be solved with Uncertainty,Optimization, Learning, Neural NetworkandLanguage. We discussed how to implement a (reinforcement-) learning-based game (Nim). We have also seen how to generate crossword puzzles by representing the problem as a CSP problem. Finally, we have seen application of AI in Computer Vision (traffic sign classification needed for self driving cars) and Natural Language Processing (question-answering system with information retrieval).

By Sandipan Dey on October 24, 2020.

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Exported from Medium on January 8, 2021.