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This repo is associated with Solving Euclidean Max-Sum problems exactly with cutting planes [1]. It contains two exact cutting-plane solvers for binary quadratic programs of type

max  <Qx,x>
s.t. Ax <= a
     x >= 0.

where Q is a Euclidean distance matrix.


To use one of the available solvers, begin by creating an EmsModel instance. This object should contain a JuMP model, a Euclidean distance matrix, and a list of location-associated decision variables.

using JuMP
using EuclideanMaximisation.Model: EmsModel, build_edm, check_model_valid
# create the JuMP mip model
mdl = JuMP.Model()
n = 10
x = @variable(mdl, 0 <= x[1:n] <= 1, Bin)
weights = rand(0:100, n)
capacity = sum(weights) * 0.1
@constraint(mdl, weights' * x <= capacity)
# create the euclidean distance matrix
locations = rand(0:100, (n, 2))
edm = build_edm(locations)
# create ems model
ems = EmsModel(; mdl = mdl, loc_dvars = x, edm = edm)
# check the mode
@assert check_model_valid(ems)

Then call solve!(ems) to solve the model using repeated outer-approximation. To change to a different solution method, use solve!(ems, method = "fcard"). The solutions methods are described in more detail in the next section.

using EuclideanMaximisation.Solvers: solve!

The solve! function respects the time limit set on the JuMP model.


  • Repeated ILP: repoa

The first method generates valid cuts by solving the outer approximation subproblem to optimality. This is described in detail in section 2.2 of [1].

  • Forced Cardinality: fcardXX

The second cutting method fixes cardinality at maximum, and iteratively reduces this until an optimal solution is confirmed. Each iteration is solved using a branch-and-cut approach, and the cuts are reused in future iterations. An upper bounding problem is solved after each iteration to help terminate early.

LP-cuts can be added at each iterations to help quickly approximate the objective function. To keep solutions close to integer, a trust-region constraint is added to keep LP solutions close to the best known incumbent. To incorporate LP-tangents, add an integer in [0,100] to the end of "fcard". This will then be interpreted a as percentage trust region. This means "fcard" and "fcard0" are equivalent and do not add any LP tangents, as there is essentially 0 trust region. "fcard50" allows LP tangent to be added that are within $0.5n$ of the incumbent solution. "fcard100" add all LP tangents, ignoring the trust region constraint. This method is described in detail in section 2.2 of [1].

  • Glover linearisation: glov
  • Quadratic Programming: quad


You can use a YAML file to setup and run a large scale experiments to test the different solution algorithms. For example:

- name: fcdp-1-thread
  run: true
  generator: file_capacitated_diversity_problem
  solver: [repoa, fcard, fcard50, fcard100, quad, glov]
  optimizer: [CPLEX, Gurobi]
  timelimit: 600
  workers: 16
  optimizer_threads: 1
    filename: data/instance/CDP (Const.)/*

- name: fcdp-16-thread
  run: true
  generator: file_capacitated_diversity_problem
  solver: [repoa, fcard, fcard50, fcard100, quad, glov]
  optimizer: [CPLEX, Gurobi]
  timelimit: 600
  workers: 1
  optimizer_threads: 16
    filename: data/instance/CDP (Const.)/*

- name: rcdp-1-thread
  run: true
  generator: random_capacitated_diversity_problem
  solver: [repoa, fcard, fcard50, fcard100]
  optimizer: [CPLEX, Gurobi]
  timelimit: 600
  workers: 16
  optimizer_threads: 1
    n: [1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000]
    s: [2, 10, 20]
    b: [0.2, 0.3]
    seed: 1
    repeats: 5

This YAML file defines 3 experiments to conduct. You can then run these experiments using

using EuclideanMaximisation.Experimenter:run_experiment

or by using the docker file.

The setup of each experiment is then saved in its own yaml file under data/setup/experiment_name.yml, and the results saved under data/setup/experiment_name.csv.

Results Analysis

We have saved the results reported in [1], and saved their performance profiles under the analysis folder.


A docker file is provided for reproducibility. To use the docker file, first prepare the bin/ folder by adding the following files:

  • Avaliable here
  • cplex*.bin installer
  • gurobi.lic license
  • startup.jl (provided)
  • (provided)

Note that to run any file-based experiments from MDPLIB, you must first unzip this package and put the contents in data/instance. The easiest way to do this is to run


Then, to open a REPL session with everything loaded, run

docker compose run euclid-max

To run the experiments defined in experiments.yml in the background, run

nohup docker compose run experiments &

This will run the experiments in the background, as they can take a long time.


[1] Bui, H. T., Spiers, S., & Loxton, R. (2024). Solving Euclidean Max-Sum problems exactly with cutting planes. Computers & Operations Research, 168, 106682.