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This is a chatbot based on Chatgpt which uses openAI apis made in Flutter.


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A ChatGPT Clone mobile app built with Flutter, leveraging the OpenAI API's text-davinci-003 model. This app allows users to have interactive conversations with the AI-powered language model, providing a unique and engaging chat experience.


  • Interactive chat interface powered by the text-davinci-003 model from the OpenAI API.
  • Real-time conversation with the AI model for generating dynamic and context-aware responses.
  • User-friendly bubble-based UI using the Bubble package.
  • Firebase integration for analytics and crash reporting.
  • Device information retrieval using the Device Info Plus package.
  • HTTP and Dio packages for making HTTP requests from Flutter.
  • Flutter Toast for displaying user-friendly toast messages.


  • bubble: ^1.2.1: Flutter package for creating chat bubbles.
  • cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2: Flutter's official Cupertino icons package.
  • device_info_plus: ^8.1.0: Flutter plugin for retrieving device information.
  • dio: ^5.0.1: Powerful HTTP client for Dart.
  • firebase_analytics: ^10.1.4: Official Firebase plugin for analytics.
  • firebase_core: ^2.7.0: Official Firebase plugin for initializing Firebase services.
  • firebase_crashlytics: ^3.0.15: Official Firebase plugin for crash reporting.
  • flutter: Flutter SDK.
  • fluttertoast: ^8.2.1: Flutter plugin for displaying toast messages.
  • http: ^0.13.5: A package for making HTTP requests from Flutter.

Getting Started

Follow the steps below to set up and run the ChatGPT Clone:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Change to the project directory:
cd chatgpt_clone_flutter
  1. Install the Flutter dependencies:
flutter pub get
  1. Run the app:
flutter run

Ensure that you have the necessary API credentials and configurations for the OpenAI API and Firebase. Update the appropriate files and settings in the project to integrate with the API and Firebase services.


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create an issue on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to customize the README file according to your project's specific details and instructions.