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403 lines (309 loc) · 12.3 KB
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Partial Effect Analysis
Samuel Araya
February 15, 2019
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Partial Effect Analysis

This script analyzes the partial dependency of $$K_s$$ on bulk density and organic carbon.

We explore functional forms of relationships between soil structural properties and $K_S$ using a form of partial dependence values.


  1. Randomly sample, with replacement, n soils from each textural class.
  2. Copy rows x times and add perturbed BD and logOC: linearly increment both as seq(min, max, length.out= 60).
  3. Fit linear model between BD and OC.
  4. Add OC fitted BD column: fit.BD = m(OC) + b
  5. Add OC fitted BD column perturbed with normal distribution of variance: rfit.BD = rnorm(1, mean = fit.BD, var = sqrt(SD.BD)).
  6. Predict Ks with perturbed OC and BD as: log10Ks_OC, log10Ks_OCBD, log10Ks_BD.
  7. Fit logistic curves to log10Ks_OC ~ log10OC, log10Ks_OCBD ~ log10OC, and log10Ks_BD ~ BD as: fit.log10Ks_OC, fit.log10Ks_OCBD, and fit.log10Ks_BD.
  8. Plot points and fit lines.

1. Resample soils

Staratified random samples with replacement from each soil textural class. Replacement since some textural classes don't have n soils,

2. Make copies of resamples soils with perturbed BD and logOC

Create table where each soil repeates 60 times accross bulk density and logOC with linear incremental changes of both as seq(min, max, length.out= 60).

# Create a unique ID
sub.usksat.dt <- sub.usksat.dt%>%
  mutate(SoilID2 = paste(rTexclass, SoilID, sep="_"))
# Cross join bulk density sequence to soil id (faster than expand.grid())
bseq.dt = data.table::CJ(SoilID2 = sub.usksat.dt$SoilID2, Db.seq= seq(0.05,2.5, length.out = 60), sorted = FALSE)
cseq.dt = data.table::CJ(SoilID2 = sub.usksat.dt$SoilID2, logOC.seq = seq(-4.5,3, length.out = 60), sorted = FALSE)
seq.dt = cbind(bseq.dt, cseq.dt[,2])
seq.dt = merge(seq.dt, sub.usksat.dt, by="SoilID2", sort = FALSE)
rm(cseq.dt, bseq.dt)

1. Fit linear model between BD and OC of USKSAT data

## Fit linear model by texture
bd.cor.dt <- usksat.dt%>%
  do(fitBD = lm(Db ~ OC, data = .))

# get the fit coefficients by texture group in a tidy data_frame
bd.coef.dt <- tidy(bd.cor.dt, fitBD)
# get the summary statistics by group in a tidy data_frame
bd.summ.dt = glance(bd.cor.dt, fitBD)
# reshape coeficient table and add a model equation column.
bd.coef.dt2 <- bd.coef.dt%>%
  gather(key = "Var", value = "Val", -rTexclass, -term)%>%
  spread(key = term, value = Val)%>%
  filter(Var == "estimate")%>%
  mutate(model = paste0("rho[b] == ", round(`(Intercept)`,2),
                        round(OC,2), "~OC") )
# Merge coeficent table with fit summary table
bd.summ.dt = left_join(bd.summ.dt, bd.coef.dt2)
## Joining, by = "rTexclass"
## Plot BD ~ OC
# Add blank row for silt clay texture
p.dt = data.frame(usksat.dt)
p.dt[nrow(p.dt)+1,] <- NA
p.dt$rTexclass[nrow(p.dt)] <- as.factor("SILTY CLAY")
bd.cor.p <- ggplot(p.dt)+
  geom_point(aes(y = Db, x = OC), shape = 1, color = "navyblue")+
  geom_smooth(aes(y = Db, x = OC), na.rm = TRUE,
              method = "lm", se = FALSE, color = "black")+
  geom_text(data = bd.summ.dt ,aes(x = Inf, y = Inf,
                                   label = paste("atop(", model,",",
                                                 "{R[adj]}^2 ==", format(adj.r.squared, digits = 3),")" ) ),
            vjust = "inward", hjust = "inward", parse = T) +
  labs(x = "Organic Carbon [%]",
       y = bquote("Bulk Density ["~g~cm^3~"]" ) )+
  facet_wrap(~rTexclass, ncol = 3)+
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, NA), breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 5))+
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0.2, NA),breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 5)) +
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
        strip.background = element_rect( fill="white"))
## Warning: Removed 12 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

4. Add OC fitted BD columns

  1. Bulk density fitted to OC: $fit.BD = m(OC) + b$
  2. Bulk density fitted to OC and perturbed with random 'error' from within the normal distribution of the fit variance $rfit.BD = rnorm(1, mean = fit.BD, var = sigma)$.
# Append BD~OC fit summary data to seq data.
bd.summ.dt = dplyr::rename(bd.summ.dt, "OC.m" = OC)
#names(bd.summ.dt)[which(names(bd.summ.dt)=="OC")] = "OC.m"
seq.dt <- left_join(seq.dt, bd.summ.dt, by = "rTexclass")
# Append fit and perturbed fit columns, Force BD > 0.05.
seq.dt <- seq.dt%>%
  mutate(fit.Db = `(Intercept)` + OC.m * exp(logOC.seq),
         fit.Db = ifelse(fit.Db >0.05, fit.Db, 0.05),
         rfit.Db = rnorm(n = n(), mean = fit.Db, sigma),
         rfit.Db = ifelse(rfit.Db > 0.05, rfit.Db, 0.05))

# Visualize and compare the two BD fits.
rp = ggplot(seq.dt, aes(x = fit.Db, y = rfit.Db)) +

5. Predict Ks with perturbed OC and BD

Predict: log10Ks_OC, log10Ks_OCBD, log10Ks_BD.

## Function to predict from table with selected BD and logOC

pred_custom <- function(dt.table, = NA, = NA,
                        prepro_model = usksat.pre,
                        ptf_model = gbmModelTune){

  # Remove default columns and rename selected BD and OC columns
  if (!{
    dt.table = dt.table%>%
      dplyr::rename("logOC" =
  if (!{
    dt.table = dt.table%>%
      dplyr::rename("Db" =

  prepro_cols <- prepro_model$method$scale # all Column names for centering and scaling
  model_cols <- predictors(ptf_model) # column names for predictor input

  # Preprocess predictors
  dt = subset(dt.table,select = prepro_cols)
  dt = predict(prepro_model, dt)
  # Run PTF
  dt <- subset(dt, select = model_cols)
  pred_logKs = predict(ptf_model, newdata = dt)

# Merge predicted column
logKs_OC = pred_custom(dt.table = seq.dt, = "logOC.seq")
seq.dt = cbind(seq.dt, logKs_OC)
logKs_OCBD = pred_custom(dt.table = seq.dt, = "rfit.Db")
seq.dt = cbind(seq.dt, logKs_OCBD)
logKs_BD = pred_custom(dt.table = seq.dt, = "Db.seq")
seq.dt = cbind(seq.dt, logKs_BD)

6. Fit logistic curves to Ks ~ perturbation.

Fit s-curve as:

  • $sfit.log10Ks_OC = log10Ks_OC ~ log10OC$,
  • $sfit.log10Ks_OCBD = log10Ks_OCBD ~ log10OC$, and
  • $sfit.log10Ks_BD = log10Ks_BD ~ BD$
# Convert Ks units to log10(cm/day)
seq.dt = seq.dt%>%
  mutate(log10Ks_OC = log10(exp(logKs_OC)*24),
         log10Ks_OCBD = log10(exp(logKs_OCBD)*24),
         log10Ks_BD = log10(exp(logKs_BD)*24),
         log10Ks = log10(Ksat_cmhr*24) )

seq.dt = seq.dt%>%
  group_by(rTexclass, SoilID)%>%
  mutate(norm_log10Ks_OC = scales::rescale(log10Ks_OC),
         norm_log10Ks_OCBD = scales::rescale(log10Ks_OCBD),
         norm_log10Ks_BD = scales::rescale(log10Ks_BD) )

S-curve function $$ y = \frac{L}{1+e^{-k(x-x_0)}} $$

logisticFun = function(L, k, x0,x){
  y = L/(1+exp(-k*(x-x0)))
# Function to run S-curve fitting
get.fitcoef <- function(Ksat.i,seq.i){
  sFit <- nlsLM(formula = Ksat.i~logisticFun(L,k,x0,seq.i),
                data = data.frame(Ksat.i = Ksat.i, seq.i = seq.i),
                start = list(L = 5, k = -10, x0 = 0),
                alg = "plinear", control = list(maxiter = 5000) )

  sfit.coef <- data.table(t(coef(sFit)))
  rmse <- data.table(mean(residuals(sFit)^2))
  sfit.ceof <- cbind(sfit.coef,  rmse)


sfit_cols <- c("varL", "vark", "varx0",

Fit logistic curve to $Log_{10}(K_s)$

seq.dt <- data.table(seq.dt)
log10OC_sfit_cols <- paste0("log10OC_", sfit_cols)
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, (log10OC_sfit_cols) := get.fitcoef(log10Ks_OC, log10(exp(logOC.seq))), by = rTexclass]
log10OCBD_sfit_cols <- paste0("log10OC_BD", sfit_cols)
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, (log10OCBD_sfit_cols) := get.fitcoef(log10Ks_OCBD, log10(exp(logOC.seq))), by = rTexclass]
BD_sfit_cols <- paste0("BD_", sfit_cols)
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, (BD_sfit_cols) := get.fitcoef(log10Ks_BD, Db.seq), by = rTexclass]
## Predict with s-fit for plotting purpuses
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, sfit_log10Ks_OC := logisticFun(log10OC_varL,log10OC_vark, log10OC_varx0, log10(exp(logOC.seq)))]
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, sfit_log10Ks_OCBD := logisticFun(log10OC_BDvarL,log10OC_BDvark, log10OC_BDvarx0, log10(exp(logOC.seq)))]
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, sfit_log10Ks_BD := logisticFun(BD_varL,BD_vark, BD_varx0, Db.seq)]

Fit logistic curve to normalized $Log_{10}(K_s)$

norm_log10OC_sfit_cols <- paste0("norm_log10OC_", sfit_cols)
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, (norm_log10OC_sfit_cols) := get.fitcoef(norm_log10Ks_OC, log10(exp(logOC.seq))), by = rTexclass]
norm_log10OCBD_sfit_cols <- paste0("norm_log10OC_BD", sfit_cols)
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, (norm_log10OCBD_sfit_cols) := get.fitcoef(norm_log10Ks_OCBD, log10(exp(logOC.seq))), by = rTexclass]
norm_BD_sfit_cols <- paste0("norm_BD_", sfit_cols)
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, (norm_BD_sfit_cols) := get.fitcoef(norm_log10Ks_BD, Db.seq), by = rTexclass]
## Predict with s-fit for plotting purpuses
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, norm_sfit_log10Ks_OC := logisticFun(norm_log10OC_varL,norm_log10OC_vark, norm_log10OC_varx0, log10(exp(logOC.seq)))]
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, norm_sfit_log10Ks_OCBD := logisticFun(norm_log10OC_BDvarL,norm_log10OC_BDvark, norm_log10OC_BDvarx0, log10(exp(logOC.seq)))]
seq.dt <- seq.dt[, norm_sfit_log10Ks_BD := logisticFun(norm_BD_varL,norm_BD_vark, norm_BD_varx0, Db.seq)]

### Table of fit variables
sfit.seq.dt <- seq.dt%>%
  dplyr::select(rTexclass, log10OC_varL:BD_rmse, norm_log10OC_varL:norm_BD_rmse)%>%
  summarize_all(funs(mean, sd))
  1. Plot partial dependency plots
seq.dt = na.omit(seq.dt)
# Calculate point density
get_density <- function(x, y, n = 100) {
  ## Function to get density of points in 2 dimensions.
  #   x: A numeric vector.
  #   y: A numeric vector.
  #   n: Create a square n by n grid to compute density.
  ## @return The density within each square.
  dens <- MASS::kde2d(x = x, y = y, n = n)
  ix <- findInterval(x, dens$x)
  iy <- findInterval(y, dens$y)
  ii <- cbind(ix, iy)
seq.dt = seq.dt%>%
  mutate(d_fit_OC = get_density(log10Ks_OC, log10(exp(logOC.seq))),
         d_fit_OCBD = get_density(log10Ks_OCBD, log10(exp(logOC.seq))),
         d_fit_BD = get_density(log10Ks_BD, Db.seq),
         d_fit_OC = scales::rescale(d_fit_OC),
         d_fit_OCBD = scales::rescale(d_fit_OCBD),
         d_fit_BD = scales::rescale(d_fit_BD),
         n_d_fit_OC = get_density(norm_log10Ks_OC, log10(exp(logOC.seq))),
         n_d_fit_OCBD = get_density(norm_log10Ks_OCBD, log10(exp(logOC.seq))),
         n_d_fit_BD = get_density(norm_log10Ks_BD, Db.seq),
         n_d_fit_OC = scales::rescale(n_d_fit_OC),
         n_d_fit_OCBD = scales::rescale(n_d_fit_OCBD),
         n_d_fit_BD = scales::rescale(n_d_fit_BD))

## ranges for s curve fit labels:
sfit.seq.dt <- sfit.seq.dt%>%
  mutate(min_log10OC_vark_mean = (log10OC_vark_mean/abs(log10OC_vark_mean)) )

seq.dt <-  data.frame(seq.dt)
seq.dt[nrow(seq.dt)+1,] <- NA
seq.dt$rTexclass[nrow(seq.dt)] <- as.factor("SILTY CLAY")

seq.dt = data.table(seq.dt)

Plot of Ks change over OC

Plot of Ks change over OC and BD f(OC) change

Plot of Ks change over DB

Normalized plot of Ks change over OC

Normalized plot of Ks change over OC and BD f(OC) change

Normalized plot of Ks change over DB

title: "Structure_Partial_Effect.R" author: "saray" date: "Fri Feb 15 16:04:16 2019"