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File metadata and controls

257 lines (170 loc) · 7.84 KB


This package is simply an extension of the original django-import-export, so if you want to know more about the import/export process and advanced resource utilization, you should refer to the official django-import-export documentation.

This section describes the features that are added by this package.

ImportJob/ExportJob models

The django-import-export-extensions provides ImportJob and ExportJob models to store all the information about the import/export process. In addition, these models participate in the background import/export process.

Job models are already registered in Django Admin and have custom forms that allow to show all current job information including import/export status.


Example of custom form for ImportJob details in Django Admin

ImportJob/ExportJob models contain useful properties and methods for managing the import/export process. To learn more, see the :ref:`Models API documentation<Models>`.

Celery admin mixins

The mixins for admin models have been rewritten completely, although they inherit from the base mixins mixins.BaseImportMixin, mixins.BaseExportMixin and admin.ImportExportMixinBase. The new celery admin mixins add new pages to display import/export status, and use custom templates for the status and results pages.

Now after starting the import/export, you will first be redirected to the status page and then, after the import/export is complete, to the results page.


A screenshot of Djagno Admin export status page


There are ImportJobViewSet and ExportJobViewSet view sets that make it easy to implement import/export via API. Just create custom class with resource_class attribute:


from import_export_extensions.api import views as import_export_views
from . import resources

class BandImportViewSet(import_export_views.ImportJobViewSet):
    resource_class = resources.BandResource

class BandExportViewSet(import_export_views.ExportJobViewSet):
    resource_class = resources.BandResource

from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter
from .api import views

band_import_export_router = DefaultRouter()

urlpatterns = band_import_export_router.urls

By default, all import/export jobs for the set resource_class will be available, but you can override get_queryset method to change it. You can also override get_resource_kwargs method to provide some values in resource class (for start action).

These view sets provide all methods required for entire import/export workflow: start, details, confirm, cancel and list actions. There is also drf-spectacular integrations, you can see generated openapi UI for these view sets (drf-spectacular must be installed in your project):



CeleryResource and CeleryModelResource also support django-filter to filter queryset for export. Set filterset_class attribute to your resource class and pass filter parameters as filter_kwargs argument to resource:

from django_filters import rest_framework as filters

from . import models

class BandFilterSet(filters.FilterSet):

    class Meta:
        model = models.Band
        fields = [

from import_export_extensions import resources
from . import filters
from . import models

class BandResource(resources.CeleryModelResource):

    filterset_class = filters.BandFilterSet

    class Meta:
        model = models.Band
        fields = ["id", "title"]

If filterset_class is set for your resource, you can pass filter_kwargs to filter export queryset:

>>> from .resources import BandResource
>>> from .models import Band
>>> Band.objects.bulk_create([Band(title=title) for title in "ABC"])
>>> BandResource().get_queryset().count()
>>> filter_kwargs = {"title": "A"}
>>> band_resource_with_filters = BandResource(filter_kwargs=filter_kwargs)
>>> band_resource_with_filters.get_queryset().count()

Pass filter_kwargs in resource_kwargs argument to create ExportJob with filtered queryset:

>>> export_job = ExportJob.objects.create(
        resource_kwargs={"filter_kwargs": filter_kwargs},
>>> export_job.refresh_from_db()
>>> len(export_job.result)

Since we are using the rest framework filter set, ExportJobViewSet also supports it. It takes the filter set from resource_class. You can see that start action expects query parameters for filtering:


Force import

This package provides force import feature. When force import is enabled, then rows with errors will be skipped and rest of the rows will be handled.

Admin page

This functionality available in admin:


In case if some rows contain any errors it will be reported on parse/import stage:



In api there're 2 fields: force_import and skip_parse_step.

  • force_import allows you to skip rows with errors.
  • skip_parse_step allows you to run the import task immediately, without having to call the confirm endpoint.



This package also provides additional widgets for some types of data.


Working with file fields is a common issue. FileWidget allows to import/export files including links to external resources that store files and save them in DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE.

This widget loads a file from link to media dir. And it correctly render the link for export. It also supports AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME setting.


IntermediateManyToManyWidget allows to import/export objects with related items. Default M2M widget store just IDs of related objects. With intermediate widget additional data may be stored. Should be used with IntermediateManyToManyField.



This is resource field for M2M fields. Provides faster import of related fields.

This implementation deletes intermediate models, which were excluded and creates intermediate models only for newly added models.


This is resource field for M2M with custom through model.

By default, django-import-export set up object attributes using setattr(obj, attribute_name, value), where value is QuerySet of related model objects. But django forbid this when ManyToManyField used with custom through model.

This field expects be used with custom IntermediateManyToManyWidget widget that return not simple value, but dict with intermediate model attributes.