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File metadata and controls

490 lines (349 loc) · 21.7 KB

Script Engine Overview

You may need to modify the default script engine, whether because you need to make additional functionality available to it, or because you might want to restrict its capabilities for security reasons.


By default, the scripting environment passes input directly to eval and exec! In most cases, you'll want to replace the default scripting environment with one of your own.

Restricting the Script Environment

The following example replaces the default global enviroment with the one provided by RestrictedPython

We've modified our engine configuration to use the restricted environment in misc/

from RestrictedPython import safe_globals
from SpiffWorkflow.bpmn.script_engine import TaskDataEnvironment

script_env = TaskDataEnvironment(safe_globals)

We've also included a dangerous process in dangerous.bpmn

If you run this process using the regular script enviromment, the BPMN process will get the OS process ID and prompt you to kill it; if you answer 'Y', it will do so (it won't actually do anything more dangerous than screw up your terminal settings, but hopefully proves the point).

./ -e spiff_example.spiff.file add -p end_it_all -b bpmn/tutorial/dangerous.bpmn
./ -e spiff_example.spiff.file

If you load the restricted engine:

./ -e spiff_example.spiff.restricted

You'll get an error, because imports have been restricted.


Since we used exactly the same parser and serializer, we can simply switch back and forth between these two script engines (that is the only difference between the two configurations). If you've made any serializer or parser customizations, this is not likely to be possible.

Making Custom Classes and Functions Available

Another reason you might want to customize the scripting environment is to provide access to custom classes or functions.

In many of our example models, we use DMN tables to obtain product information. DMN is a convenient way of making table data available to our processes.

However, in a slightly more realistic scenario, we would surely have information about how the product could be customized in a database somewhere. We would not hard code product information in our diagram (although it is much easier to modify the BPMN and DMN models than to change the code itself!). Our shipping costs would not be static, but would depend on the size of the order and where it was being shipped -- maybe we'd query an API provided by our shipper.

SpiffWorkflow is obviously not going to know how to query your database or make API calls to your vendors. However, one way of making this functionality available inside your diagram is to implement the calls in functions and add those functions to the scripting environment, where they can be called by Script Tasks.

We are not going to actually include a database or API and write code for connecting to and querying it, but since we only have 7 products we can model our database with a simple dictionary lookup and just return the same static info for shipping for the purposes of the tutorial.

We'll create these "services" along with serialization methods in spiff/ (see serializing_custom_objects for more information about serialization):

from collections import namedtuple

ProductInfo = namedtuple('ProductInfo', ['color', 'size', 'style', 'price'])
    'product_a': ProductInfo(False, False, False, 15.00),
    'product_b': ProductInfo(False, False, False, 15.00),
    'product_c': ProductInfo(True, False, False, 25.00),
    'product_d': ProductInfo(True, True, False, 20.00),
    'product_e': ProductInfo(True, True, True, 25.00),
    'product_f': ProductInfo(True, True, True, 30.00),
    'product_g': ProductInfo(False, False, True, 25.00),

def lookup_product_info(product_name):
    return INVENTORY[product_name]

def lookup_shipping_cost(shipping_method):
    return 25.00 if shipping_method == 'Overnight' else 5.00

We'll then make the "services" available to our scripting environment.

script_env = TaskDataEnvironment({
    'datetime': datetime,
    'lookup_product_info': lookup_product_info,
    'lookup_shipping_cost': lookup_shipping_cost,


We're also adding datetime, because other parts of the process require it.

We can use the custom functions in script tasks like any normal function. To load the example diagrams that use the custom script engine:

./ -e spiff_example.spiff.custom_object add -p order_product \
    -b bpmn/tutorial/{top_level_script,call_activity_script}.bpmn

If you start the application in interactive mode and choose a product, you'll see tuple info reflected in the task data after selecting a product.

Service Tasks

We can also use Service Tasks to accomplish the same goal. Service Tasks are also executed by the workflow's script engine, but through a different method, with the help of some custom extensions in the spiff module:

  • operation_name, the name assigned to the service being called
  • operation_params, the parameters the operation requires

The advantage of a Service Task is that it is a bit more transparent what is happening (at least at a conceptual level) than function calls embedded in a Script Task.

We customize a scripting environment to implement the call_service method in spiff/

class ServiceTaskEnvironment(TaskDataEnvironment):

    def __init__(self):
        'datetime': datetime,
        'product_info_from_dict': product_info_from_dict,

    def call_service(self, operation_name, operation_params, task_data):
        if operation_name == 'lookup_product_info':
            product_info = lookup_product_info(operation_params['product_name']['value'])
            result = product_info_to_dict(product_info)
        elif operation_name == 'lookup_shipping_cost':
            result = lookup_shipping_cost(operation_params['shipping_method']['value'])
            raise Exception("Unknown Service!")
        return json.dumps(result)

script_env = ServiceTaskEnvironment()

Instead of adding our custom functions to the environment, we'll override call_service and call them directly according to the operation_name that was given. The spiff Service Task also evaluates the parameters against the task data for us, so we can pass those in directly. The Service Task will also store our result in a user-specified variable.

We need to send the result back as json, so we'll reuse the functions we wrote for the serializer (see serializing_custom_objects).

The Service Task will assign the dictionary as the operation result, so we'll add a postScript to the Service Task that retrieves the product information that creates a ProductInfo instance from the dictionary, so we need to add that to the scripting enviroment too.

The XML for the Service Task looks like this:

<bpmn:serviceTask id="Activity_1ln3xkw" name="Lookup Product Info">
    <spiffworkflow:serviceTaskOperator id="lookup_product_info" resultVariable="product_info">
        <spiffworkflow:parameter id="product_name" type="str" value="product_name"/>
    <spiffworkflow:postScript>product_info = product_info_from_dict(product_info)</spiffworkflow:postScript>

Getting this information into the XML is a little bit beyond the scope of this tutorial, as it involves more than just SpiffWorkflow. I hand edited it for this case, but you can hardly ask your BPMN authors to do that!

Our modeler has a means of providing a list of services and their parameters that can be displayed to a BPMN author in the Service Task configuration panel. There is an example of hard-coding a list of services in app.js and as suggested, it would be reasonably straightforward to replace this with a API call. SpiffArena has robust mechanisms for handling this that might serve as a model for you.

How this all works is obviously heavily dependent on your application, so we won't go into further detail here, except to give you a bare bones starting point for implementing something yourself that meets your own needs.

To run this workflow:

./ -e spiff_example.spiff.service_task add -p order_product \
    -b bpmn/tutorial/{top_level_service_task,call_activity_service_task}.bpmn

Generating BPMN Events Inside the Scripting Environment

When calling external services, there is course a possibility that a failure could occur, and you might want to be able to pass that information back into the workflow and define how to handle it there.

In this example, we'll have a service that displays the contents of a file and handles FileNotFoundError. We'll use the diagram event_handler.bpmn and the code in misc/

As in the previous section, we'll use the ServiceTask from the spiff package, but we'll need to extend it. This is where we'll handle errors.

We define the following error in our XML (we can do this in our modeler):

<bpmn:error id="file_not_found" name="file_not_found" errorCode="1">

In our scripting enviroment, we'll implement a "read_file" service. This will of course raise an exception if the requested file is missing, but will otherwise return the contents.

class ServiceTaskEnvironment(TaskDataEnvironment):

    def call_service(self, operation_name, operation_params, context):
        if operation_name == 'read_file':
            return open(operation_params['filename']).read()
            raise ValueError('Unknown Service')

And here is the code for our task spec.

class EventHandlingServiceTask(ServiceTask):

    def _execute(self, my_task):
        script_engine = my_task.workflow.script_engine
        # The param also has a type, but I don't need it
        params = dict((name, script_engine.evaluate(my_task, p['value'])) for name, p in self.operation_params.items())
            result = script_engine.call_service(self.operation_name, params,
  [self._result_variable(my_task)] = result
            return True
        except FileNotFoundError as exc:
            event_definition = ErrorEventDefinition('file_not_found', code='1')
            event = BpmnEvent(event_definition, payload=params['filename'])
            return False
        except Exception as exc:
            raise WorkflowTaskException('Service Task execution error', task=my_task, exception=exc)

If the file was read successfully, we'll set a variable in our task data with the result (the name of the result variable is optionally specified in the XML and the _result_variable method returns either the specified name or a calculated name otherwise). We return True because the operation was a success (see ../concepts for more information about state transitions).

We'll catch FileNotFoundError and construct an event to send it back to the workflow. What we generate needs to match what's in the XML.


If you are building an application, you'll probably need to manage known exceptions in a way that is accesible to both your modeler and your execution engine, but here we'll just show how to build the event so that it can be caught in the diagram in the task spec.

We have to construct an EventDefinition that matches what will be generated from the parsed XML (see events for a general overview of BPMN event handling). SpiffWorkflow uses the EventDefinition to determine whether a particular task handles an event. The BPMN spec allows certain events, including Error Events, to optionally contain a payload. In this case, we'll set the payload to be the name of the missing file, which can then be displayed to the user.

We pass our contructed event to the workflow's catch method, which will check to see if there are any tasks waiting for this event. Each task has a reference to its workflow, but this task occurs in a subworkflow. Event handling is done at the outermost level so we'll use my_task.workflow.top_workflow to get access to the top level.

We'll return False, since the operation was not a success; this will prevent task execution on that branch, but will not halt overall workflow execution. An unhandled exception, as in the last case, will cause the entire workflow to halt.


The task spec is not the only place error handling could be implemented. I kind of like this approach, as the task spec defines the behavior for a particular type of task and this is part of that. It would also be possible to extend the PythonScriptEngine to handle the errors. The main reason I didn't do that here is that this example application can be made less complex if only a scripting environment is supplied. The script engine, unlike the script enviroment, has access to the task and workflow (via the task), and the same thing could be done there as well.

To load this example:

./ -e spiff_example.misc.event_handler add -p read_file -b bpmn/tutorial/event_handler.bpmn
./ -e spiff_example.misc.event_handler


When running this example, it will probably useful to change the task filter so that all tasks are visible. Set the state to ANY_MASK to see all tasks.

Threaded Service Task

Suppose that we have some potentially time-consuming tasks and we want to execute them in threads so that we aren't blocking the entire workflow from executing while it runs (the default behavior). In this section, we'll customize a scripting enviroment that contains a thread pool.

First let's write a simple "service" that simply waits.

def wait(seconds, job_id):
    return f'{job_id} slept {seconds} seconds'

We'll make this "service" available in our environment:

class ServiceTaskEnvironment(TaskDataEnvironment):

    def __init__(self):
        self.pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)
        self.futures = {}

    def call_service(self, operation_name, operation_params, context):
        if operation_name == 'wait':
            seconds = randrange(1, 30)
            return self.pool.submit(wait, seconds, operation_params['job_id'])
            raise ValueError("Unknown Service!")

Our service will return a future, and we'll manage these futures via a custom task spec. The parent class is the Service Task of the spiff package, which provides us with an operation_name and operation_parameters. Each parameter has a name and a type, but I don't need the type, so I'll just get the values. The values are expressions that we evaluate against the task data. We'll map the future to the task in the script environment.

class ThreadedServiceTask(ServiceTask):

    def _execute(self, my_task):
        script_engine = my_task.workflow.script_engine
        params = dict((name, script_engine.evaluate(my_task, p['value'])) for name, p in self.operation_params.items())
            future = script_engine.call_service(self.operation_name, params,
            script_engine.environment.futures[future] = my_task
        except Exception as exc:
            raise WorkflowTaskException('Service Task execution error', task=my_task, exception=exc)

Since our _execute method returns None, our task will transition to a STARTED state (see ../concepts for more information about state transitions). SpiffWorkflow will ignore this task from this point on; this means our engine has to take over.

We'll extend the Instance class (defined in engine/ to also check these futures when waiting tasks are refreshed. As jobs complete, we'll call task.complete to mark the task COMPLETED. The workflow will then be able to continue down that branch.

class ThreadInstance(Instance):

    def update_completed_futures(self):
        futures = self.workflow.script_engine.environment.futures
        finished = [f for f in futures if f.done()]
        for future in finished:
            task = futures.pop(future)
            result = future.result()
  [task.task_spec._result_variable(task)] = result

    def run_ready_events(self):


In a real application, you would probably want a separate service keeping track of the jobs and checking the futures rather than polling in the engine, but that can't be easily set up in this example application.

To load and run thie example (as in the previous example, it is probably a good idea to update the task filter to show all tasks with the ANY_MASK state.

./ -e spiff_example.misc.threaded_service_task add -p threaded_service -b bpmn/tutorial/threaded_service_task.bpmn
./ -e spiff_example.misc.threaded_service_task

Executing Scripts in a Subprocess

In this section, we'll show how you might execute your scripts outside of the workflow execution context. This ia a little contrived and there are undoubtedly better ways to accomplish it, but this has the advantage of being very simple.

First we'll create an executable that can take a JSON-serialized context and an expression to evaluate or a script to execute (see spiff/ This little program simply replicates the behavior of the default script engine.

We import our custom function here rather than our workflow's engine. We'll also import the registry used by our serializer; we need to be able to generate JSON when we write our output, so we might as well reuse what we have.

from .custom_exec import (

This emulates how the default script engine handles evaluation and execution.

local_ctx = registry.restore(json.loads(args.context))
global_ctx = globals()
if args.external is not None:
if args.method == 'eval':
    result = eval(args.expr, global_ctx, local_ctx)
elif args.method == 'exec':
    exec(args.script, global_ctx, local_ctx)
    result = local_ctx

Then we'll tell our scripting enviroment to use the script rather directly invoke eval and exec.

class SubprocessScriptingEnvironment(BasePythonScriptEngineEnvironment):

    def __init__(self, executable, serializer, **kwargs):
        self.executable = executable
        self.serializer = serializer

    def evaluate(self, expression, context, external_context=None):
        output =['eval', expression], context, external_context)
        return self.parse_output(output)

    def execute(self, script, context, external_context=None):
        output =['exec', script], context, external_context)
        DeepMerge.merge(context, self.parse_output(output))
        return True

    def run(self, args, context, external_context):
        cmd = ['python', '-m', self.executable] + args + ['-c', json.dumps(registry.convert(context))]
        if external_context is not None:
            cmd.extend(['-x', json.dumps(registry.convert(external_context))])
        return, capture_output=True)

    def parse_output(self, output):
        if output.stderr:
            raise Exception(output.stderr.decode('utf-8'))
        return registry.restore(json.loads(output.stdout))

executable = 'spiff_example.spiff.subprocess_engine'
script_env = SubprocessScriptingEnvironment(executable, serializer)

To load this example:

./ -e spiff_example.spiff.custom_exec add -p order_product \
    -b bpmn/tutorial/{top_level_script,call_activity_script}.bpmn
./ -e spiff_example.spiff.custom_exec