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Evaluation script and code to generate the relevant data

To evaluate the final data, please use our adjusted Python3-compatible version of the TempEval3 toolkit. Results are equivalent to the original toolkit.

Transforming classification output to tags

Use, an example of the usage:

python3 --input_dir ./data/temporal/wikiwars/wikiwars_test_with_newline/  \
  --output_dir ./results/token_clasification/fine_tune_wikiwars/wikiwars_test_crf_bert_no_pretrain_8epochs_seed_19 \
  --model_dir ./fine_tune_wikiwars/bert_crf_tagging_no_pretrain_8epochs/bert_crf_tagging_seed_19 \
  --model_type crf 

The script runs the token classifier on the files given in input_dir and looks for any tags starting with B or I, indicating a presence of temporal information. It will perform majority voting on the tags of the wordpieces and decides on the final label of a word. The word is then identified in the original text and the Timex tag is created with the respective type. The new texts are placed in output_dir.

model_dir must contain the path to the pre-trained model and model_type defines the pre-trained model type from normal, date and crf.

Transforming seq2seq output to tags

Use, an example of the usage:

python3 --input_dir ./data/temporal/tempeval/tempeval_test  \
  --output_dir ./results/seq2seq/tempeval/fine_tune_mixed/tempeval_test_seq2seq_roberta_67 \
  --model_path ./fine_tune/roberta2roberta_fine_tuned_no_prefix/roberta2roberta_fine_tune_no_prefixed_seed_67 \
  --dataset_type tempeval \
  --model_type roberta  

The script loads the model from model_path and uses the tokenizer from the model_type to tokenize and prepare the documents in input_dir. Each document is divided into paragraphs and all the paragraphs are made into a batch that is fed into the model for prediction. The generated paragraphs are then cleaned using extensive rules and regex and read as an XML file. The text of the tags is matched against the original input and the tags that are found are replaced in the text. If the full text does not match, the script tries to split the multi-words to perform partial matching. If the unmatched word is a single word, we look at prefix matching. If nothing is matched, the tag is ignored. The final output is stored in output_dir. You should set the dataset_type for the specific format of each dataset to be considered.