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nalu_preprocess -- Nalu Preprocessing Utilities

This utility loads an input mesh and performs various pre-processing tasks so that the resulting output database can be used in a wind LES simulation. Currently, the following tasks have been implemented within this utility.

Task type Description
init_abl_fields Initialize ABL velocity and temperature fields
generate_planes Generate horizontal sampling planes for dp/dx forcing
create_bdy_io_mesh Create an I/O transfer mesh for sampling inflow planes
rotate_mesh Rotate mesh


Not all tasks are capable of running in parallel. Please consult documentation of individual tasks to determine if it is safe to run it in parallel using MPI. It might be necessary to set :confval:`automatic_decomposition_type` when running in parallel.

The input file (:download:`download <files/nalu_preprocess.yaml>`) must contain a nalu_preprocess section as shown below. Input options for the individual tasks are provided as sub-sections within nalu_preprocess with the corresponding task names provided under tasks. For example, in the sample shown below, the program will expect to see two sub-sections, namely init_abl_fields and generate_planes based on the list of tasks shown in lines 22-23.

.. literalinclude:: files/nalu_preprocess.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :lines: 1-23

Command line invocation

mpiexec -np <N> nalu_preprocess -i [YAML_INPUT_FILE]
.. program:: nalu_preprocess

.. option:: -i, --input-file

   Name of the YAML input file to be used. Default: ``nalu_preprocess.yaml``.

Common input file options

.. confval:: input_db

   Path to an existing Exodus-II mesh database file, e.g.., ``ablNeutralMesh.g``

.. confval:: output_db

   Filename where the pre-processed results database is output, e.g.,

.. confval:: automatic_decomposition_type

   Used only for parallel runs, this indicates how the a single mesh database
   must be decomposed amongst the MPI processes during initialization. This
   option should not be used if the mesh has already been decomposed by an
   external utility. Possible values are:

   ==========  ==========================================================
   Value       Description
   ==========  ==========================================================
   rcb         recursive coordinate bisection
   rib         recursive inertial bisection
   linear      elements in order first n/p to proc 0, next to proc 1.
   cyclic      elements handed out to id % proc_count
   ==========  ==========================================================

.. confval:: tasks

   A list of task names that define the various pre-processing tasks that will
   be performed on the input mesh database by this utility. The program expects
   to find additional sections with headings matching the task names that
   provide additional inputs for individual tasks. By default, the task names
   found within the list should correspond to one of the **task types**
   discussed earlier in this section. If the user desires to use custom names,
   then the exact task type should be provided with a ``type`` within the task
   section. A specific use-case where this is useful is when the user desires to
   rotate the mesh, perform additional operations, and, finally, rotate it back
   to the original orientation.

   .. code-block:: yaml
      :emphasize-lines: 2,4,6,7,15,16

        - rotate_mesh_ccw  # Rotate mesh such that sides align with XYZ axes
        - generate_planes  # Generate sampling planes using bounding box
        - rotate_mesh_cw   # Rotate mesh back to the original orientation

        task_type: rotate_mesh
          - unspecified-2-hex

        angle: 30.0
        origin: [500.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        axis: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

        task_type: rotate_mesh
          - unspecified-2-hex
          - zplane_0080.0         # Rotate auto generated parts also

        angle: -30.0
        origin: [500.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        axis: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

.. confval:: transfer_fields

   A Boolean flag indicating whether the time histories of the fields available
   in the input mesh database must be transferred to the output database.
   Default: ``false``.

.. confval:: ioss_8bit_ints

   A Boolean flag indicating whether the output database must be written out
   with 8-bit integer support. Default: ``false``.


This task initializes the vertical velocity and temperature profiles for use with an ABL precursor simulations based on the parameters provided by the user and writes it out to the :confval:`output_db`. It is safe to run init_abl_fields in parallel. A sample invocation is shown below

.. literalinclude:: files/nalu_preprocess.yaml
   :language: yaml
   :lines: 27-44

.. confval:: fluid_parts

   A list of element block names where the velocity and/or temperature fields
   are to be initialized.

.. confval:: temperature

   A YAML dictionary containing two arrays: ``heights`` and the corresponding
   ``values`` at those heights. The data must be provided in SI units. No
   conversion is performed within the code.

.. confval:: velocity

   A YAML dictionary containing two arrays: ``heights`` and the corresponding
   ``values`` at those heights. The data must be provided in SI units. No
   conversion is performed within the code. The values in this case are two
   dimensional lists of shape ``[nheights, 3]`` where ``nheights`` is the length
   of the `heights` array provided.


Only one of the entries velocity or temperature needs to be present. The program will skip initialization of a particular field if it cannot find an entry in the input file. This can be used to speed up the execution process if the user intends to initialize uniform velocity throughout the domain within Nalu.


Generates horizontal planes of nodesets at given heights that are used for sampling velocity and temperature fields during an ABL simulation. The resulting spatial average at given heights is used within Nalu to determine the driving pressure gradient necessary to achieve the desired ABL profile during the simulation. This task is capable of running in parallel.

The horizontal extent of the sampling plane can be either prescribed manually, or the program will use the bounding box of the input mesh. Note that the latter approach only works if the mesh boundaries are oriented along the major axes. The extent and orientation of the sampling plane is controlled using the boundary_type option in the input file.

.. confval:: boundary_type

   Flag indicating how the program should estimate the horizontal extents of the
   sampling plane when generating nodesets. Currently, two options are supported:

   ==============  ===========================================================
   Type            Description
   ==============  ===========================================================
   bounding_box    Automatically estimate based on bounding box of the mesh
   quad_vertices   Use user-provided ``vertices``
   ==============  ===========================================================

   This flag is optional, and if it is not provided the program defaults to
   using the ``bounding_box`` approach to estimate horizontal extents.

.. confval:: fluid_part

   A list of element block names used to compute the extent using bounding box approach.

.. confval:: heights

   A list of vertical heights where the nodesets are generated.

.. confval:: part_name_format

   A ``printf`` style string that takes one floating point argument ``%f``
   representing the height of the plane. For example, if the user desires to
   generate nodesets at 70m and 90m respectively and desires to name the plane
   ``zh_070`` and ``zh_090`` respectively, this can be achieved by setting
   ``part_name_format: zh_%03.0f``.

.. confval:: dx, dy

   Uniform resolutions in the x- and y-directions when generating nodesets. Used
   only when :confval:`boundary_type` is set to ``bounding_box``.

.. confval:: nx, ny

   Number of subdivisions of along the two axes of the quadrilateral provided.
   Given 4 points, ``nx`` will divide segments ``1-2`` and ``3-4``, and ``ny``
   will divide segments ``2-3`` and ``4-1``. Used only when
   :confval:`boundary_type` is set to ``quad_vertices``.

.. confval:: vertices

   Used to provide the horizontal extents of the sampling plane to the utility. For example

   .. code-block:: yaml

        - [250.0, 0.0]      # Vertex 1 (S-W corner)
        - [500.0, -250.0]   # Vertex 2 (S-E corner)
        - [750.0, 0.0]      # Vertex 3 (N-E corner)
        - [500.0, 250.0]    # Vertex 4 (N-W corner)

Example using custom vertices

  boundary_type: quad_vertices       # Override default behavior
  fluid_part: Unspecified-2-hex      # Fluid part

  heights: [ 70.0 ]                  # Heights were sampling planes are generated
  part_name_format: "zplane_%06.1f"  # Name format for new nodesets
  nx: 25                             # X resolution
  ny: 25                             # Y resolution
  vertices:                          # Vertices of the quadrilateral
    - [250.0, 0.0]
    - [500.0, -250.0]
    - [750.0, 0.0]
    - [500.0, 250.0]


Create an I/O transfer mesh containing the boundaries of a given ABL precursor mesh. The I/O transfer mesh can be used with Nalu during the precursor runs to dump inflow planes for use with a later wind farm LES simulation with inflow/outflow boundaries. Unlike other utilities described in this section, this utility creates a new mesh instead of adding to the database written out by the :program:`nalu_preprocess` executable. It is safe to invoke this task in a parallel MPI run.

.. confval:: output_db

   Name of the I/O transfer mesh where the boundary planes are written out. This
   argument is mandatory.

.. confval:: boundary_parts

   A list of boundary parts that are saved in the I/O mesh. The names in the
   list must correspond to the names of the sidesets in the given ABL mesh.


Rotates the mesh given angle, origin, and axis using quaternion rotations.

.. confval:: mesh_parts

   A list of element block names that must be rotated.

.. confval:: angle

   The rotation angle in degrees.

.. confval:: origin

   An (x, y, z) coordinate for mesh rotation.

.. confval:: axis

   A unit vector about which the mesh is rotated.

    - unspecified-2-hex

  angle: 30.0
  origin: [500.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  axis: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]


.. deprecated:: 0.1.0

   The implementation uses a brute-force method to compute the nearest wall
   distance and as such is unsitable for production use. Use only on small
   two-dimensional meshes.

Calculate the nearest distance to wall (NDTW) for 2-D airfoil meshes.

    - Unspecified-2-QUAD
    - Unspecified-3-QUAD

    - airfoil