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File metadata and controls

193 lines (167 loc) · 8.53 KB


This is a Simple and best tool for made Widgets and tools very easy with Web technologies and generate awesome interfaces. Based on eww and using Wry as a main window rendering.

Note: Each widget is configured independently in its corresponding folder




This project is made with Vite and ReactJs


This project is made with ReactJs


This project is made with ReactJs


  • All Web Frameworks supported
  • Transparency
  • Very fast
  • Low cost
  • Very Small
  • Autostart/Installation script support
  • Cross Platform
  • Test your widget using a web tools
  • more...

Sbbw Usage

Sbbw Daemon 0.1.0
Sergio Ribera
This is the launcher and manager for the Sbbw Wigets

    sbbw [OPTIONS]

    -c, --close <close>                        Close the widget [possible values: sidebar, bottom-bar, analog-clock]
        --check-config <check-config>          Check config of the widget [possible values: sidebar, bottom-bar, analog-clock]
    -h, --help                                 Print help information
    -o, --open <open>                          Open the widget [possible values: sidebar, bottom-bar, analog-clock]
    -p, --port <PORT>                          Port to listen on [default: 8111]
        --show-windows                         Show all widgets installeds
    -t, --toggle <toggle>                      Toggle view the widget [possible values: sidebar, bottom-bar, analog-clock]
        --test <widget_name> <local_server>    Test the widget
    -V, --version                              Print version information


Agnostic to platform you need download the zip with binaries on here depends of your Operative System, uncompress file and continue with next steps


Only have to right click on setup.bat and run as Administrator for correct install


Open terminal on folder uncompressed and run:


Widget folder struct

└─ .config
    └─ sbbw
	└─ widgets
	    └─ widget_name
	    ├─ ui
	    │     └─ index.html
	    ├─ autostart
	    │      └─ *
	    ├─ scripts
	    │      └─ *
	    └─ config.toml

The ~ home is variable on each operative system

SO Value Example
Linux $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config /home/sergioribera/.config
Windows {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData} C:\Users\SergioRibera\AppData\Roaming
MacOS $HOME/Library/Application Support /Users/SergioRibera/Library/Application Support

Notes: on here folder you need create a basic folder (or it's created anyways), but here is location where all widgets have stay

Folders Explain

Name Details
widget_name This is a root of all files for your widget and this name is used by sbbw to call this
ui On here is locate all web compiled or raw files for interface, notes are more Down with more details
autostart On this folder is located all files what you need to run autostart commands, example: requirements.txt,, or any you consider needed
scripts Are a files you will need to get and modify system data, like a brightness, battery info, and more
config.toml This file contains all configuration for show your widget

Note: all this folders and file is extricted required for launch sbbw and show this plugin

Other Note very important: When you create a proyect using, vite, react, vue, any framework, you need set the homepage or basepath like widget_name/ui, /ui is very important for work correctly


The struct of the configuration is this

pub struct WidgetConfig {
    pub name: String,
    pub class_name: String,
    pub width: WidgetSize,
    pub height: WidgetSize,
    pub x: f32,
    pub y: f32,
    pub transparent: bool,
    pub blur: bool, // Only works on Windows and Mac. For the linux users can be set with compositor
    pub always_on_top: bool,
    pub stick: bool,
    pub autostart: Vec<AutoStartCommand>


Name Default Type Description
name Internal String This is a name of widget, this showed on name of window
class_name Internal_class String This is only for linux, and this in reallity is a role but plus name, like this {name}_{class_name}
width 200.0 f64, Max This define the width of widget
height Max f64, Max This define the height of widget
x 0.0 f32 This define a position in X of widget
y 0.0 f32 This define a position in Y of widget
transparent true bool This enable a transparency by default on start widget
blur true bool This set a widget window as blurred, This only works on MacOS and Windows
always_on_top true bool This define if always on top of other applications or widgets (in order of spawning)
stick true bool This define widget as a persistent window on all workspaces, For now, only works on Linux and soon on MacOS
autostart &[] Vec This is a list of commands to excecute on launch the first daemon of sbbw, but this only is executed if any file on autostart folder or config.toml are changed, and before execute all list, sbbw create a config.lock file (if you want share your widget you need ignore this config.lock file)


name = "sidebar"
# Snake_case is acepted
class_name = "class_name"
transparent = true
# On all variable names, the case is lowercase but accept snake_case
alwaysontop = true
stick = true
blur = false
width = "400.0"
# on width or height the case of "Max" is ignored
height = "mAx"
x = 0.1
y = -850.0

# This commands upgrade pip and install requirements on ./autostart
# where ./autostart is a root of subprocess command,
# so if you execute a `echo "$PWD"` the result is a {WIDGET_PATH}/autostart
autostart = [
    { cmd = "python", args = [ "-m", "ensurepip", "--upgrade" ] },
    { cmd = "python", args = [ "-m", "pip", "install", "-r", "requirements.txt" ] },
    { cmd = "python", args = [ "" ] },

Details of Autostart parametter This is a list of commands, but this only have two parametters:

Name Description
cmd This is a command for execute, can be are a binary or local file on autostart folder, so is accepted strings like this "python", "echo", "ls", "./", "./", "node"
args This is a list of strings, where each string is a argument for cmd

Note: the autostart folder and script folder have a equals behaviour, but in other moment and context, the autostart is only executed on start (if autostart content files or config.toml have changes) daemon and script executed is determined by ui calls

Developing UI Javascript methods

  • executeCommand(cmd, args)
  • This return a Promise with data as object
  • params: - cmd: Binary or file to execute on scripts folder - args: List of strings, where is specified the arguments for cmd
  • return: Return a promise where if - then: return a raw output of command - catch: return an object with - code: Code based on Http responses (this not related with exit code of command, is a totally refered to sbbw response), where 404 can be are a command not found - data: this is a raw data of the output of command


  • Sbbw daemon detect shortcuts and widgets configurable shortcuts
  • MacOS Stick windows Support
  • Test widget (using web tools)
  • Lua support natively (Rejected)
  • Command to install widget easiest
  • Javascript variables, like as SO, Widget Name, and more
  • More Javascript Methods (On Demmand)
  • Implement common commands natively
  • Refactor Code
  • Your Suggestion :D