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# PyTorch solution of NER task with Google AI's BERT model
## 0. Introduction
This repository contains solution of NER task based on BERT withot fine-tuning BERT model.

This repository contains solution of NER task based on PyTorch [reimplementation]( of [Google's TensorFlow repository for the BERT model]( that was released together with the paper [BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding]( by Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee and Kristina Toutanova.
### Papers
There are two solutions based on this architecture.
1. [BSNLP 2019 ACL workshop]( [solution]( and [paper]( on multilingual shared task.
2. The second place [solution]( of [Dialogue AGRR-2019]( task.

This implementation can load any pre-trained TensorFlow checkpoint for BERT (in particular [Google's pre-trained models]( and a conversion script is provided (see below).

## 1. Loading a TensorFlow checkpoint (e.g. [Google's pre-trained models](

You can convert any TensorFlow checkpoint for BERT (in particular [the pre-trained models released by Google]( in a PyTorch save file by using the [``]( script.

This script takes as input a TensorFlow checkpoint (three files starting with `bert_model.ckpt`) and the associated configuration file (`bert_config.json`), and creates a PyTorch model for this configuration, loads the weights from the TensorFlow checkpoint in the PyTorch model and saves the resulting model in a standard PyTorch save file that can be imported using `torch.load()`.

You only need to run this conversion script **once** to get a PyTorch model. You can then disregard the TensorFlow checkpoint (the three files starting with `bert_model.ckpt`) but be sure to keep the configuration file (`bert_config.json`) and the vocabulary file (`vocab.txt`) as these are needed for the PyTorch model too.

To run this specific conversion script you will need to have TensorFlow and PyTorch installed (`pip install tensorflow`). The rest of the repository only requires PyTorch.

Here is an example of the conversion process for a pre-trained `BERT-Base Uncased` model:

export BERT_BASE_DIR=/path/to/bert/multilingual_L-12_H-768_A-12

python3 \
--tf_checkpoint_path $BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_model.ckpt \
--bert_config_file $BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_config.json \
--pytorch_dump_path $BERT_BASE_DIR/pytorch_model.bin

You can download Google's pre-trained models for the conversion [here](

There is used the [BERT-Base, Multilingual]( and [BERT-Cased, Multilingual]( (recommended) in this solution.

## 2. Results
We didn't search best parametres and obtained the following results for no more than <b>10 epochs</b>.
We didn't search best parametres and obtained the following results.

### Only NER models
#### Model: `BertBiLSTMAttnCRF`.

| Dataset | Lang | IOB precision | Span precision | Total spans in test set | Notebook
| Model | Data set | Dev F1 tok | Dev F1 span | Test F1 tok | Test F1 span
| [FactRuEval]( | ru | <b>0.937</b> | <b>0.883</b> | 4 | [factrueval.ipynb](examples/factrueval.ipynb)
| [Atis]( | en | 0.852 | 0.787 | 65 | [conll-2003.ipynb](examples/conll-2003.ipynb)
| [Conll-2003]( | en | <b>0.945</b> | 0.858 | 5 | [atis.ipynb](examples/atis.ipynb)

* Factrueval (f1): 0.9163±0.006, best **0.926**.
* Atis (f1): 0.882±0.02, best **0.896**
* Conll-2003 (f1, dev): 0.949±0.002, best **0.951**; 0.892 (f1, test).

#### Model: `BertBiLSTMAttnNMT`.

| Dataset | Lang | IOB precision | Span precision | Total spans in test set | Notebook
| M-BERTCRF-IO | [FactRuEval]( | - | - | 0.8598 | 0.7676
| M-BERTNCRF-IO | [FactRuEval]( | - | - | 0.8603 | 0.7783
| M-BERTBiLSTMCRF-IO | [FactRuEval]( | - | - | 0.8780 | 0.8108
| M-BERTBiLSTMCRF-BIO | [FactRuEval]( | - | - | 0.8263 | 0.8051
| M-BERTBiLSTMNCRF-IO | [FactRuEval]( | - | - | 0.8594 | 0.7842
| M-BERTAttnCRF-IO | [FactRuEval]( | - | - | 0.8630 | 0.7879
| M-BERTBiLSTMAttnCRF-IO | [FactRuEval]( | - | - | 0.8851 | 0.8244
| M-BERTBiLSTMAttnNCRF-IO | [FactRuEval]( | - | - | 0.8609 | 0.7869
| M-BERTBiLSTMAttnNCRF-fit_BERT-IO | [FactRuEval]( | - | - | 0.8739 | 0.8201
| [FactRuEval]( | ru | 0.925 | 0.827 | 4 | [factrueval-nmt.ipynb](examples/factrueval-nmt.ipynb)
| [Atis]( | en | <b>0.919</b> | <b>0.829</b> | 65 | [atis-nmt.ipynb](examples/atis-nmt.ipynb)
| [Conll-2003]( | en | 0.936 | <b>0.900</b> | 5 | [conll-2003-nmt.ipynb](examples/conll-2003-nmt.ipynb)

### Joint Models
#### Model: `BertBiLSTMAttnCRFJoint`

| Dataset | Lang | IOB precision | Span precision | Clf precision | Total spans in test set | Total classes | Notebook
| [Atis]( | en | 0.877 | 0.824 | 0.894 | 65 | 17 | [atis-joint.ipynb](examples/atis-joint.ipynb)

#### Model: `BertBiLSTMAttnNMTJoint`

| Dataset | Lang | IOB precision | Span precision | Clf precision | Total spans in test set | Total classes | Notebook
| [Atis]( | en | 0.913 | 0.820 | 0.888 | 65 | 17 | [atis-joint-nmt.ipynb](examples/atis-joint-nmt.ipynb)

### Comprasion with ELMo model
We tested `BertBiLSTMCRF`, `BertBiLSTMAttnCRF` and `BertBiLSTMAttnNMT` on russian dataset [FactRuEval]( with freezed `ElmoEmbedder`:

#### Model `BertBiLSTMCRF`:

| Dataset | Lang | IOB precision | Span precision | Total spans in test set | Notebook
| [FactRuEval]( | ru | 0.903 | 0.851 | 4 | [samples.ipynb](examples_elmo/samples.ipynb)

#### Model `BertBiLSTMAttnCRF`:

| Dataset | Lang | IOB precision | Span precision | Total spans in test set | Notebook
| [FactRuEval]( | ru | 0.899 | 0.819 | 4 | [factrueval.ipynb](examples_elmo/factrueval.ipynb)

#### Model `BertBiLSTMAttnNMT`:

| Dataset | Lang | IOB precision | Span precision | Total spans in test set | Notebook
| [FactRuEval]( | ru | 0.902 | 0.752 | 4 | [factrueval-nmt.ipynb](examples_elmo/factrueval.ipynb)

## 3. Installation, requirements, test

This code was tested on Python 3.5+. The requirements are:

- PyTorch (>= 0.4.1)
- tqdm
- tensorflow (for convertion)

To install the dependencies:

pip install -r ./requirements.txt

## PyTorch neural network models

All models are organized as `Encoder`-`Decoder`. `Encoder` is a freezed and <i>weighted</i> (as proposed in [elmo]( bert output from 12 layers. There are three models that is obtained by using different `Decoder`.

`Encoder`: BertBiLSTM

1. `BertBiLSTMCRF`: `Encoder` + `Decoder` (BiLSTM + CRF)
2. `BertBiLSTMAttnCRF`: `Encoder` + `Decoder` (BiLSTM + MultiHead Attention + CRF)
3. `BertBiLSTMAttnNMT`: `Encoder` + `Decoder` (LSTM + Bahdanau Attention - NMT Decode)
4. `BertBiLSTMAttnCRFJoint`: `Encoder` + `Decoder` (BiLSTM + MultiHead Attention + CRF) + (PoolingLinearClassifier - for classification) - joint model with classification.
5. `BertBiLSTMAttnNMTJoint`: `Encoder` + `Decoder` (LSTM + Bahdanau Attention - NMT Decode) + (LinearClassifier - for classification) - joint model with classification.

## Usage

### 1. Loading data:

```from modules.bert_data import BertNerData as NerData```

```data = NerData.create(train_path, valid_path, vocab_file)```

### 2. Create model:

```from modules.bert_models import BertBiLSTMCRF```

```model = BertBiLSTMCRF.create(len(data.label2idx), bert_config_file, init_checkpoint_pt, enc_hidden_dim=256)```

### 3. Create learner:

```from modules.train import NerLearner```

```learner = NerLearner(model, data, best_model_path="/datadrive/models/factrueval/exp_final.cpt", lr=0.01, clip=1.0, sup_labels=data.id2label[5:], t_total=num_epochs * len(data.train_dl))```

### 4. Learn your NER model:

```, target_metric='prec')```

### 5. Predict on new data:

```from import get_bert_data_loader_for_predict```

```dl = get_bert_data_loader_for_predict(data_path + "valid.csv", learner)```


```preds = learner.predict(dl)```

* For more detailed instructions of using BERT model see [samples.ipynb](examples/samples.ipynb).
* For more detailed instructions of using ELMo model see [samples.ipynb](examples_elmo/samples.ipynb).
| BERTBiLSTMCRF-IO | [CoNLL-2003]( | 0.9624 | 0.9273 | - | -
| BERTBiLSTMCRF-BIO | [CoNLL-2003]( | 0.9530 | 0.9236 | - | -
| B-BERTBiLSTMCRF-IO | [CoNLL-2003]( | 0.9635 | 0.9277 | - | -
| B-BERTBiLSTMCRF-BIO | [CoNLL-2003]( | 0.9536 | 0.9156 | - | -
| B-BERTBiLSTMAttnCRF-IO | [CoNLL-2003]( | 0.9571 | 0.9114 | - | -
| B-BERTBiLSTMAttnNCRF-IO | [CoNLL-2003]( | 0.9631 | 0.9197 | - | -
|**Current SOTA**||||||
| DeepPavlov-RuBERT-NER | [FactRuEval]( | - | - | - | **0.8266**
| CSE | [CoNLL-2003]( | - | - | **0.931** | -
| BERT-LARGE | [CoNLL-2003]( | 0.966 | - | 0.928 | -
| BERT-BASE | [CoNLL-2003]( | 0.964 | - | 0.924 | -

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