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A MERN Full Stack To Do List Application

A MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React and Node.js) Stack Application was developed for creating and maintaing a To Do list. This is a demo project that builds out a frontend React app that connects to an Express.js RESTful backend and provides full CRUD (Create, Read, Updated and Delete) functionality.

The main motivation behind this project was to explore a realistic Redux usage scenario as well as the testing invloved with such an implementation.

The styles are 100% custom CSS, but draw some inspiration from Google's Material Design. The views are all fully responsive and change based on the screen attribute and min-width: 768px.

Some screenshots of the app:

The main view:

main view

The main view loading (spinner):

loading spinner

The mobile view of the main page:

The Register form:

register form

Editing an item:

edit view


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.

Getting Started with the client (Front End)

This project was bootstrapped with create-react-app and should retain the default script parameters in package.json.


A Node.js installation with npm capable of running React 16.


Install locally with npm:

npm install

For development the usual create-react-app defaults apply.

npm run start


Test are performed with jest.

npm test

Please note that using the CLI command jest (instead of npm test) may lead to some errors due to the use of @testing-library/react which is handled by the react-scripts module.

Testing details

The primary objective of testing this application focuses on verifying the logic behind the Redux implemention (action, reducers and store). A secondary objective is to ensure that the essential components render without crashing (ItemList, NavBar, etc.) however no implement details are tested as those may change over time.

Another point to note is that since Redux logic is tested seperately and the connect function from react-redux wrap a component with this logic, it was deemed redundant to test a Component and Redux together. The redux testing style was adopted from the Redux documentation which can be found here.

All tests are in the folder tests under src.


If a production build is required, use:

npm build


The app is a stand-alone frontend application which is capable of interacting with a RESTful API backend. As such, it can function independently of a backend and will show a "No Data to Display" message if it cannot resolve data from a backend.

When connected to a backend, the table of item data will show a spinner as the data loads in the background.

In the navigation bar, some links are displayed based on the authentication state. There exist two possibilites: authenticated (auth) links or guest links.

Guest links consist of Register and Login.

  • To register, one must click on the "Register" link.
  • To login, one must click on the "Login" link.

Authenticated or auth links only consits of the Logout feature, which simply clears the authentication token from storage.

When accessing the main view or "Home", the items will be visible in a paginated table format and will have certain views hidden or show based on the global authentication (auth) state.

For items specifically, the authentication enabled views are:

  • Add Item (button)
  • Under the actions column:
    • Edit (button)
    • Delete (button)

If a user is not logged in, these buttons will not be visible.

For pagination, the user can navigate using Prev or Next buttons under the table. A user may also select the items per page from a drop-down menu above the table. The default limit is 5 and the programmed limits are 5 and 10, respectively. The idea was to be as mobile-friendly as possible and higher limits simply add more scolling on mobile screens.

Built With

  • React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Redux - A Predictable State Container for JS Apps
  • Axios - A promise based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js

Getting Started with the server (Back End)

A MERN Stack REST API Server. This is a demo project that builds an Express.js server which connects to a MongoDB instance and provides CRUD functionality at various endpoints.


A Node.js installation with npm.


Install locally with npm:

npm install

For development, run with nodemon:

npm run dev

To add inital Item model data to a database via script for development:

  • Ensure a vaild JSON formatted file is required in populateDB.js. In this case the file used is MOCK_DATA.json.

  • Ensure the process.env.DEV_DB or process.env.PROD_DB is set in the environment or a local .env file.

  • Then run the popdb script:

    npm run popdb


Test are performed with jest.

npm test



Testing details

The tests verify the API endpoint functionality and Model signatures via the Mongoose ODM driver.

Note that app.js was seperated out from server.js. This is due to the nature of testing with jest and how it is internally configured. In essence, jest can run multiple parallel instances of the same test file. If server.js was used, a "port" is defined in it and will cause an error to be thrown in another parallel instance that uses the same port resulting in a failed test, thus the application logic was seperated out into app.js.


Depending on the particular deployment environment, process environment variables may need to be set.

Verify the following for deployment:


A typical local connection string in an .env file may look like this:

DEV_DB = "mongodb://localhost:27017/mern-item-list"

Depending on the MongoDB service and Mongoose driver support, the mongoose.connect(db, { params }) function parameters may need to be tweaked in server.js.


The primary endpoints are defined in app.js. Implementation details are located in the folder routes with the associated filenames.

  • Auth: /api/auth

    • This endpoint handles login and verification of existing users.
  • Users: /api/users

    • This endpoint handles the creating a new user. It uses the data model of User.js.
  • Items: /api/items

    • This endpoint handles creating, reading, updating and deleting Items in a collection. It uses the data model of Item.js.

    • Pagination (custom middleware function):

      • Pagination is used to limit a potential response delay and very large data set by serving only small chunks of Item data at a time.

      • The optional URL parameters are page and limit, where page is the current page to be views and limit is the maximum number of items shown on a page.

      • Example:

      • Default values are:

        page = 1;
        limit = 5;
      • Returns pagination navigation information:

        • next for next page
        • previous for previous page
        • total an object containing the total items and total pages for the data set
      • Implementation details in utilities folder as paginationMiddleware.js

    • A typical JSON formatted GET response for items:

        "next": 2,
        "limit": 5,
        "total": {
          "items": 13,
          "pages": 3
        "data": [
            "completed": true,
            "_id": "5e544bb295cb945af25a35ee",
            "description": "Assimilated content-based capacity",
            "responsible": "Orran Ryam",
            "priority": "high",
            "__v": 0
            "completed": false,
            "_id": "5e544bb295cb945af25a35f1",
            "description": "Innovative fresh-thinking strategy",
            "responsible": "Antonius Canter",
            "priority": "high",
            "__v": 0

Built With

  • Express.js - A Node.js web application framework
  • Express-Validator - A set of validation middlewares for Express.js applications.
  • Mongoose - MongoDB Object Document Mapper
  • JWT - JSON web token authentication.
  • Node Bcrypt - A bcrypt implemention for Node.js


A full stack MERN To Do List Application.







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