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Releases: sblauth/cashocs

cashocs v1.1.0

13 Nov 10:24
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cashocs can now be used as a solver only: It allows users to specify their own forms for the adjoint system(s) and (shape) derivatives, so that its solver library is accessible also for these situations.

cashocs v1.0.4

09 Nov 11:41
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Minor bug fixes for shape optimization

cashocs v1.0.3

25 Sep 05:56
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Configuration files are now not strictly necessary anymore, but still highly recommended.

cashocs v1.0.2

23 Sep 06:27
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Corrected the treatment of control constraints to also include DG0 and R elements, also allowed support for arbitrary controls based on Mixed Elements.

cashocs v1.0.1

18 Sep 09:53
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Added correct installation instructions for use with conda.

Also changed order of "default" installation, and added python -m for pytest

Public CASHOCS release

18 Sep 08:20
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This is the initial public release of CASHOCS.