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This tutorial is aimed to help people to use kamailio in front of wazo (version min. 17.02). You can read the getting started for more help to install wazo.

This tutorial is inspired by

I'm using docker to install kamailio because it's simple to use and funny to work with it :-)

Kamailio installation

The kamailio version is : 4.4.5

docker pull quintana/kamailio

Clone the repository to get the configuration for the kamailio.

git clone

Connect to your postgres with xivo database.

su - postgres
postgres> ALTER USER postgres WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<postgres_password>';
postgres> exit;

Add your subnet or ip to the file /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf.

Edit the pgpass file add the following line. In most cases, the IP address will be the same as your wazo. The default port for postgres is 5432.


Launch kamailio

cd <kamailio_xivo_repo>/kamailio/
docker run --rm --name kamailio -v $(pwd):/etc/kamailio -p 5060:5060/udp -it quintana/kamailio bash

Before running kamailio for the first time you need to initialize the database. Edit the script and put in the right IP address. You can get your ip inside a docker container by running:

ip a s

Or, if you are outside of the container:

docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' kamailio

Then launch the inside of the container

cd /etc/kamailio/

Then further launches can be run with:

kamailio -ddDDe

Wazo configuration

We need to removed the SIP challenge, so to do this asterisk check if you have a secret to your user. On Wazo the daemon xivo-confgend is in charge to generate the asterisk configuration.

You need to use my specific driver who removed the secret generation from xivo-confgend.

Copy xivo/confgend directory to your wazo and type:

python install
cp conf/kamailio.yml /etc/xivo-confgend/conf.d

Then restart the daemon and reload the SIP config in asterisk

systemctl restart xivo-confgend
asterisk -rx "sip reload"

After that go to the web interface and secure your access. Go to general settings/sip protocol in the network tab. Fill in the denied address with and the allowed address with <docker_ip>/ or your docker subnet ( if you do a lot of tests. Do not forget to enable NAT in the default tab.

Provisioning your phone

If you want to use Wazo provd, don't forget to add a new template line in the Configuration/Provisioning/Template Line with the IP of your kamailio installation.


To uninstall the driver

apt-get install python-pip
pip uninstall wazo_confgend_driver_kamailio
rm /etc/xivo-confgend/conf.d/kamailio.yml
systemctl restart xivo-confgend


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