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Initial work on using JDK's Ant task for generating packages.
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Provides more features and better configurability.

* Fixed scripted property checking messages.
* Reworked settings to use `.value` over `<<=` + `map` (and related constructs).
* Initial attempt at resourcing mappings.
* Updating tests for JDKPackagerPlugin.
* Added call to Ant library to build package.
* Added explicit icon to Ant build.xml.
* Removed command-line mechanism for building package. Now completely Ant based.
* Added ability to specify JVM user args and application args.
* Added specification of runtime properties.
* Added ability to define file associations.
* Updated documentation.
* Fixed expected output type.
* Modularized Ant DOM building to appease static code checker.
* Moved support case classes into autoImport.
* Updated documentation in general, and specifically on specifying location of `ant-javafx.jar`.
* Added debug logging messages during search for `ant-javafx.jar`.
  • Loading branch information
Simeon H.K. Fitch committed May 20, 2015
1 parent 1b3bdec commit 6a40111
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Showing 25 changed files with 796 additions and 280 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/main/scala/com/typesafe/sbt/packager/FileUtil.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
package com.typesafe.sbt
package packager

import scala.util.Try
import{ File, IOException }
import java.nio.file.{ Paths, Files }
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.attribute.{ PosixFilePermission, PosixFilePermissions }

import scala.util.Try

* Setting the file permissions
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
package com.typesafe.sbt.packager.jdkpackager

import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.jdkpackager.JDKPackagerPlugin.autoImport._
import{ BuildEvent, BuildListener, ProjectHelper }
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._

import scala.util.Try
import scala.xml.Elem
* Helpers for working with Ant build definitions
* @author <a href="">Simeon H.K. Fitch</a>
* @since 5/7/15
object JDKPackagerAntHelper {

/** Attempts to compute the path to the `javapackager` tool. */
private[jdkpackager] def locateAntTasks(javaHome: Option[File], logger: Logger): Option[File] = {
val jarname = "ant-javafx.jar"

// This approach to getting JDK bits is borrowed from:
// Starting with an ordered list of possible java directory sources, create derivative and
// then test for the tool. It's nasty looking because there's no canonical way of finding the
// JDK from the JRE, and JDK_HOME isn't always defined.
val searchPoints = Seq(
// Build-defined
// Environment override
// MacOS X
// From system properties

// Unlift searchPoint `Option`-s, and for each base directory, add the parent variant to cover nested JREs on Unix.
val entryPoints = searchPoints.flatten.flatMap(f Seq(f, f.getAbsoluteFile))

// On Windows we're often running in the JRE and not the JDK. If JDK is installed,
// it's likely to be in a parallel directory, with the "jre" prefix changed to "jdk"
val entryPointsSpecialCaseWindows = entryPoints.flatMap { f
if (f.getName.startsWith("jre")) Seq(f, f.getParentFile / ("jdk" + f.getName.drop(3)))
else Seq(f)

// Now search for the tool
.map(_ / "lib" / jarname)
.find { f logger.debug(s"Looking for '$jarname' in '${f.getParent}'"); f.exists() }
.map { f logger.debug(s"Found '$f'!"); f }

type PlatformDOM = Elem
/** Creates the `<fx:platform>` definition. */
private[jdkpackager] def platformDOM(jvmArgs: Seq[String], properties: Map[String, String]): PlatformDOM =
// format: OFF
<fx:platform id="platform" javafx="8+" j2se="8+">
for {
arg <- jvmArgs
} yield <fx:jvmarg value={arg}/>
for {
(key, value) <- properties
} yield <fx:property name={key} value={value}/>
// format: ON

type ApplicationDOM = Elem
/** Create the `<fx:application>` definition. */
private[jdkpackager] def applicationDOM(
name: String,
version: String,
mainClass: Option[String],
toolkit: JDKPackagerToolkit,
appArgs: Seq[String]): ApplicationDOM =
// format: OFF
<fx:application id="app"
for {
arg <- appArgs
} yield <fx:argument>{arg}</fx:argument>
// format: ON

type InfoDOM = Elem
/** Create the `<fx:info>` definition. */
private[jdkpackager] def infoDOM(
name: String,
description: String,
maintainer: String,
iconPath: Option[File],
associations: Seq[FileAssociation]): InfoDOM =
// format: OFF
<fx:info id="info" title={name} description={description} vendor={maintainer}>
if (iconPath.nonEmpty) <fx:icon href={iconPath.get.getAbsolutePath} kind="default"/>
for {
fa <- associations
} yield <fx:association extension={fa.extension} mimetype={fa.mimetype}
// format: ON

type DeployDOM = Elem
/** Create the `<fx:deploy>` definition. */
private[jdkpackager] def deployDOM(
basename: String,
packageType: String,
mainJar: File,
outputDir: File,
infoDOM: InfoDOM): DeployDOM =
// format: OFF
<fx:deploy outdir={outputDir.getAbsolutePath}

<fx:preferences install="true" menu="true" shortcut="true"/>

<fx:application refid="app"/>

<fx:platform refid="platform"/>


<fx:fileset refid="jar.files"/>
<fx:fileset refid="data.files"/>

<fx:bundleArgument arg="mainJar" value={"lib/" + mainJar.getName} />

// format: ON

type BuildDOM = xml.Elem
* Create Ant project DOM for building packages, using ant-javafx.jar tasks.
* see:
private[jdkpackager] def makeAntBuild(
antTaskLib: Option[File],
name: String,
sourceDir: File,
mappings: Seq[(File, String)],
platformDOM: PlatformDOM,
applicationDOM: ApplicationDOM,
deployDOM: DeployDOM): BuildDOM = {

if (antTaskLib.isEmpty) {
"Please set key `antPackagerTasks in JDKPackager` to `ant-javafx.jar` path, " +
"which should be find in the `lib` directory of the Oracle JDK 8 installation. For example (Windows):\n" +
"""(antPackagerTasks in JDKPackager) := Some("C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_45\\lib\\ant-javafx.jar")""")

val taskClassPath = Seq(sourceDir.getAbsolutePath, antTaskLib.get, ".")

val (jarFiles, supportFiles) = mappings.partition(_._2.endsWith(".jar"))

// format: OFF
<project name={name} default="default" basedir="." xmlns:fx="">
<target name="default">

<property name="plugin.classpath" value={taskClassPath.mkString(":")}/>

<taskdef resource="com/sun/javafx/tools/ant/antlib.xml"
uri="" classpath="${plugin.classpath}"/>


<fx:fileset id="jar.files" dir={sourceDir.getAbsolutePath} type="jar">
{ => <include name={f}/> )}

<fx:fileset id="data.files" dir={sourceDir.getAbsolutePath} type="data">
{ => <include name={f}/> )}


// format: ON

* Locate the generated packge.
* TODO: replace with something significantly more intelligent.
* @param output output directory
* @return generated file location
private[jdkpackager] def findResult(output: File, s: TaskStreams): Option[File] = {
// Oooof. Need to do better than this to determine what was generated.
val globs = Seq("*.dmg", "*.pkg", "*.app", "*.msi", "*.exe", "*.deb", "*.rpm")
val finder = globs.foldLeft(PathFinder.empty)(_ +++ output ** _)
val result = finder.getPaths.headOption
result.foreach(f"Wrote " + f))

/** Serialize the Ant DOM to `build.xml`. */
private[jdkpackager] def writeAntFile(outdir: File, dom: xml.Node, s: TaskStreams) = {
if (!outdir.exists()) IO.createDirectory(outdir)
val out = outdir / "build.xml", dom, "UTF-8", xmlDecl = true)"Wrote " + out)

/** Build package via Ant build.xml definition. */
private[jdkpackager] def buildPackageWithAnt(
buildXML: File, target: File, s: TaskStreams): File = {
import{ Project AntProject }

val ap = new AntProject
ap.setUserProperty("ant.file", buildXML.getAbsolutePath)
val adapter = new AntLogAdapter(s)

val antHelper = ProjectHelper.getProjectHelper
antHelper.parse(ap, buildXML)


// Not sure what to do when we can't find the result
findResult(target, s).getOrElse(target)

/** For piping Ant messages to sbt logger. */
private class AntLogAdapter(s: TaskStreams) extends BuildListener {
import{ Project AntProject }
def buildFinished(event: BuildEvent): Unit = ()
def buildStarted(event: BuildEvent): Unit = ()
def targetStarted(event: BuildEvent): Unit = ()
def taskFinished(event: BuildEvent): Unit = ()
def targetFinished(event: BuildEvent): Unit = ()
def taskStarted(event: BuildEvent): Unit = ()
def messageLogged(event: BuildEvent): Unit = event.getPriority match {
case AntProject.MSG_ERR s.log.error(event.getMessage)
case AntProject.MSG_WARN s.log.warn(event.getMessage)
case AntProject.MSG_INFO
case AntProject.MSG_VERBOSE s.log.verbose(event.getMessage)
case _ s.log.debug(event.getMessage)

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