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Heiko Seeberger committed Sep 9, 2011
1 parent f8d0f28 commit 58863fa
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Showing 2 changed files with 119 additions and 120 deletions.
235 changes: 116 additions & 119 deletions src/main/scala/com/typesafe/sbteclipse/SbtEclipsePlugin.scala
Expand Up @@ -22,102 +22,46 @@ import{ File, FileWriter }
import sbt.{ Path => _, _ }
import sbt.complete.Parsers._
import scala.xml.{ Elem, NodeSeq, PrettyPrinter }
import scalaz.{ Failure, NonEmptyList, Success, Validation }
import scalaz.{ Failure, NonEmptyList, Success }
import scalaz.Scalaz._

object SbtEclipsePlugin extends Plugin {

override def settings = Seq(Keys.commands += eclipseCommand)
private val CreateSrc = "create-src"

private val (createSrc, sameTargets, skipParents, skipRoot, withSources) =
("create-src", "same-targets", "skip-parents", "skip-root", "with-sources")
private val SameTargets = "same-targets"

private val parsedArgs = (Space ~> createSrc |
Space ~> sameTargets |
Space ~> skipParents |
Space ~> skipRoot |
Space ~> withSources)
private val SkipParents = "skip-parents"

private val eclipseCommand = Command("eclipse")(_ => parsedArgs) { (state, args) =>
implicit val implicitState = state
private val SkipRoot = "skip-root"

logInfo("About to create an Eclipse project for you.")
logInfo("Please hang on, because it might be necessary to perform an update and this might take some time ...")
private val WithSources = "with-sources"

val shouldSkipParents = args contains skipParents
val shouldSkipRoot = args contains skipRoot
private val Parser = (Space ~> CreateSrc |
Space ~> SameTargets |
Space ~> SkipParents |
Space ~> SkipRoot |
Space ~> WithSources)

(for {
override def settings = Seq(Keys.commands += eclipseCommand)

private def eclipseCommand = Command("eclipse")(_ => Parser) { (state, args) =>
implicit val implicitState = state
logInfo("About to create an Eclipse project for you.")
logInfo("Please hang on, because it might be necessary to perform one or more updates and this might take some time ...")
val (skipParents, skipRoot) = (args contains SkipParents, args contains SkipRoot)
val results = for {
ref <- structure.allProjectRefs
project <- Project.getProject(ref, structure) // TODO Is it safe to assume that getProject will always return Some?
if shouldSkipParents && !isParentProject(project) || shouldSkipRoot && !isRootProject(ref) || !(shouldSkipParents || shouldSkipRoot)
if skipParents && !isParentProject(project) || skipRoot && !isRootProject(ref) || !(skipParents || skipRoot)
} yield {

val projectName = setting(, "Missing project name for %s!" format ref.project, ref)
val scalaVersion = setting(Keys.scalaVersion, "Missing Scala version for %s!" format ref.project, ref)
val baseDirectory = setting(Keys.baseDirectory, "Missing base directory for %s!" format ref.project, ref)
val compileDirectories = (setting(Keys.unmanagedSourceDirectories, "Missing unmanaged source directories for %s!" format ref.project, ref) |@|
setting(Keys.unmanagedResourceDirectories, "Missing unmanaged resource directories for %s!" format ref.project, ref) |@|
setting(Keys.classDirectory, "Missing class directory for %s!" format ref.project, ref)) {
val testDirectories = (setting(Keys.unmanagedSourceDirectories, "Missing unmanaged test source directories for %s!" format ref.project, ref, Configurations.Test) |@|
setting(Keys.unmanagedResourceDirectories, "Missing unmanaged test resource directories for %s!" format ref.project, ref, Configurations.Test) |@|
setting(Keys.classDirectory, "Missing test class directory for %s!" format ref.project, ref, Configurations.Test)) {
val libraries = {
val classpathLibraries = evaluateTask(Keys.externalDependencyClasspath in Configurations.Test, ref) match {
case Some(Value(attributedLibs)) =>
(attributedLibs.files collect {
case file @ Path(path) if !(path endsWith "scala-library.jar") => file
case _ => ("Error running externalDependencyClasspath task for %s" format ref.project).failNel
val (binaries, sources) =
if (!(args contains withSources))
Map[ModuleID, File]().success[NonEmptyList[String]] -> Map[ModuleID, File]().success[NonEmptyList[String]]
else {
val binaries = evaluateTask(Keys.update in Configurations.Test, ref) match {
case Some(Value(updateReport)) =>
(for {
configurationReport <- (updateReport configuration "test").toSeq
moduleReport <- configurationReport.modules
(_, file) <- moduleReport.artifacts
} yield moduleReport.module -> file).toMap.success
case _ => ("Error running update task for %s" format ref.project).failNel
val sources = evaluateTask(Keys.updateClassifiers in Configurations.Test, ref) match {
case Some(Value(updateReport)) =>
(for {
configurationReport <- (updateReport configuration "test").toSeq
moduleReport <- configurationReport.modules
(artifact, file) <- moduleReport.artifacts if artifact.classifier == Some("sources")
} yield moduleReport.module -> file).toMap.success
case _ => ("Error running updateClassifiers task for %s" format ref.project).failNel
binaries -> sources
(classpathLibraries |@| binaries |@| sources) { (ls, bs, ss) =>
val bsToSs = bs flatMap { case (moduleId, binaryFile) =>
ss get moduleId map { sourceFile => binaryFile -> sourceFile }
ls map { l => Library(l, bsToSs get l) }
val projectDependencies = (project.dependencies map { dependency =>
setting(, "Missing project name for %s!" format ref.project, dependency.project)
}).sequence[({type A[B]=Validation[NonEmptyList[String], B]})#A, String]
(projectName |@|
scalaVersion |@|
baseDirectory |@|
compileDirectories |@|
testDirectories |@|
libraries |@|
projectDependencies) {
saveEclipseFiles(args contains createSrc, args contains sameTargets)
implicit val implicitRef = ref
(projectName |@| scalaVersion |@| baseDirectory |@| compileDirectories |@| testDirectories |@|
libraries(args contains WithSources) |@| projectDependencies(project)) {
saveEclipseFiles(args contains CreateSrc, args contains SameTargets)
}).sequence[({type A[B]=Validation[NonEmptyList[String], B]})#A, String] match {
results.sequence[ValidationNELString, String] match {
case Success(scalaVersion) =>
if (scalaVersion.isEmpty)
logWarn("Attention: There was no project to create Eclipse project files for! Maybe you used skip-root on a build without sub-projects.")
Expand All @@ -130,8 +74,74 @@ object SbtEclipsePlugin extends Plugin {

private def saveEclipseFiles(
createSrc: Boolean, sameTargets: Boolean)(
private def projectName(implicit ref: ProjectRef, state: State) =
setting(, "Missing project name for %s!" format ref.project, ref)

private def scalaVersion(implicit ref: ProjectRef, state: State) =
setting(Keys.scalaVersion, "Missing Scala version for %s!" format ref.project, ref)

private def baseDirectory(implicit ref: ProjectRef, state: State) =
setting(Keys.baseDirectory, "Missing base directory for %s!" format ref.project, ref)

private def compileDirectories(implicit ref: ProjectRef, state: State) =
(setting(Keys.unmanagedSourceDirectories, "Missing unmanaged source directories for %s!" format ref.project, ref) |@|
setting(Keys.unmanagedResourceDirectories, "Missing unmanaged resource directories for %s!" format ref.project, ref) |@|
setting(Keys.classDirectory, "Missing class directory for %s!" format ref.project, ref)) { Directories }

private def testDirectories(implicit ref: ProjectRef, state: State) =
(setting(Keys.unmanagedSourceDirectories, "Missing unmanaged test source directories for %s!" format ref.project, ref, Configurations.Test) |@|
setting(Keys.unmanagedResourceDirectories, "Missing unmanaged test resource directories for %s!" format ref.project, ref, Configurations.Test) |@|
setting(Keys.classDirectory, "Missing test class directory for %s!" format ref.project, ref, Configurations.Test)) { Directories }

private def libraries(withSources: Boolean)(implicit ref: ProjectRef, state: State) = {
val classpathLibraries = evaluateTask(Keys.externalDependencyClasspath in Configurations.Test, ref) match {
case Some(Value(attributedLibs)) =>
(attributedLibs.files collect {
case file @ Path(path) if !(path endsWith "scala-library.jar") => file
case _ => ("Error running externalDependencyClasspath task for %s" format ref.project).failNel
val (binaries, sources) =
if (!withSources)
Map[ModuleID, File]().success[NonEmptyList[String]] -> Map[ModuleID, File]().success[NonEmptyList[String]]
else {
val binaries = evaluateTask(Keys.update in Configurations.Test, ref) match {
case Some(Value(updateReport)) =>
(for {
configurationReport <- (updateReport configuration "test").toSeq
moduleReport <- configurationReport.modules
(_, file) <- moduleReport.artifacts
} yield moduleReport.module -> file).toMap.success
case _ => ("Error running update task for %s" format ref.project).failNel
val sources = evaluateTask(Keys.updateClassifiers in Configurations.Test, ref) match {
case Some(Value(updateReport)) =>
(for {
configurationReport <- (updateReport configuration "test").toSeq
moduleReport <- configurationReport.modules
(artifact, file) <- moduleReport.artifacts if artifact.classifier == Some("sources")
} yield moduleReport.module -> file).toMap.success
case _ => ("Error running updateClassifiers task for %s" format ref.project).failNel
binaries -> sources
(classpathLibraries |@| binaries |@| sources) { (ls, bs, ss) =>
val bsToSs = bs flatMap { case (moduleId, binaryFile) =>
ss get moduleId map { sourceFile => binaryFile -> sourceFile }
ls map { l => Library(l, bsToSs get l) }

private def projectDependencies(project: ResolvedProject)(implicit ref: ProjectRef, state: State) = {
val projectDependencies = project.dependencies map { dependency =>
setting(, "Missing project name for %s!" format ref.project, dependency.project)
projectDependencies.sequence[ValidationNELString, String]

private def saveEclipseFiles(createSrc: Boolean,
sameTargets: Boolean)(
projectName: String,
scalaVersion: String,
baseDirectory: File,
Expand All @@ -140,13 +150,11 @@ object SbtEclipsePlugin extends Plugin {
libraries: Seq[Library],
projectDependencies: Seq[String])(
implicit state: State): String = {

def savePretty(xml: Elem, file: File): Unit = {
val out = new FileWriter(file)
out.write(new PrettyPrinter(999, 2) format xml)

savePretty(projectXml(projectName), baseDirectory / ".project")
Expand All @@ -156,7 +164,6 @@ object SbtEclipsePlugin extends Plugin {
baseDirectory / ".classpath")


Expand All @@ -174,55 +181,46 @@ object SbtEclipsePlugin extends Plugin {

def classpathXml(
createSrc: Boolean,
def classpathXml(createSrc: Boolean,
sameTargets: Boolean,
baseDirectory: File,
compileDirectories: Directories,
testDirectories: Directories,
libraries: Seq[Library],
projectDependencies: Seq[String])(
implicit state: State) = {

def outputPath(file: File) = {
val relative = IO.relativize(baseDirectory, file).get // TODO Is this safe?
if (sameTargets) relative
else IO.relativize(baseDirectory, new File(baseDirectory, "." + relative)).get // TODO Is this safe?

def srcEntries(directories: Seq[File], output: File) =
directories flatMap { directory =>
if (!directory.exists && createSrc) {
logDebug("""Creating src directory "%s".""" format directory)
if (directory.exists) {
logDebug("""Creating src entry for directory "%s".""" format directory)
val relative = IO.relativize(baseDirectory, directory).get // TODO Is this safe?
val relativeOutput = outputPath(output)
<classpathentry kind="src" path={ relative.toString } output={ relativeOutput.toString }/>
} else {
logDebug("""Skipping src entry for not-existing directory "%s".""" format directory)
def srcEntries(directories: Seq[File], output: File) = directories flatMap { directory =>
if (!directory.exists && createSrc) {
logDebug("""Creating src directory "%s".""" format directory)

def libEntries =
libraries flatMap {
case Library(Path(binary), Some(Path(sources))) =>
logDebug("""Creating lib entry with source attachment for dependency "%s".""" format binary)
<classpathentry kind="lib" path={ binary } sourcepath={ sources }/>
case Library(Path(binary), _) =>
logDebug("""Creating lib entry for dependency "%s".""" format binary)
<classpathentry kind="lib" path={ binary }/>
if (directory.exists) {
logDebug("""Creating src entry for directory "%s".""" format directory)
val relative = IO.relativize(baseDirectory, directory).get // TODO Is this safe?
val relativeOutput = outputPath(output)
<classpathentry kind="src" path={ relative.toString } output={ relativeOutput.toString }/>
} else {
logDebug("""Skipping src entry for not-existing directory "%s".""" format directory)

def libEntries = libraries flatMap {
case Library(Path(binary), Some(Path(sources))) =>
logDebug("""Creating lib entry with source attachment for dependency "%s".""" format binary)
<classpathentry kind="lib" path={ binary } sourcepath={ sources }/>
case Library(Path(binary), _) =>
logDebug("""Creating lib entry for dependency "%s".""" format binary)
<classpathentry kind="lib" path={ binary }/>
def projectDependencyEntries = projectDependencies.distinct flatMap { projectDependency =>
logDebug("""Creating project dependency entry for "%s".""" format projectDependency)
<classpathentry kind="src" path={"/" + projectDependency } exported="true" combineaccessrules="false"/>

srcEntries(compileDirectories.sources, compileDirectories.clazz) ++
srcEntries(compileDirectories.resources, compileDirectories.clazz) ++
Expand All @@ -235,7 +233,6 @@ object SbtEclipsePlugin extends Plugin {
<classpathentry kind="output" path={ outputPath(compileDirectories.clazz) }/>


object Path {
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/main/scala/com/typesafe/sbteclipse/package.scala
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ import scalaz.Scalaz._

package object sbteclipse {

type ValidationNELString[A] = Validation[NonEmptyList[String], A]

def extracted(implicit state: State) = Project extract state

def structure(implicit state: State) = extracted.structure
Expand All @@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ package object sbteclipse {
errorMessage: => String,
projectReference: ProjectReference,
configuration: Configuration = Configurations.Compile)(
implicit state: State): Validation[NonEmptyList[String], A] = {
implicit state: State): ValidationNELString[A] = {
key in (projectReference, configuration) get match {
case Some(a) =>
logDebug("Setting for key %s = %s".format(key.key, a))
Expand Down

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