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1554 lines (1150 loc) · 63.2 KB

Foreword about notation

  • Identifier in single quotes ('LikeThis') means that no class, symbol, field, variable/constant, prototype, nor other solid JS meta-entity correspond to this value, this is an "anonymous" object just given a convenience name for description purposes.
  • Identifier with no quotes (LikeThis) refers to a value, a variable or a property that is stored under a name and can be accessed in some way, or to a JS keyword.

'Awaitable': interface

'Awaitable' interface represents an operation with a deferred result and provides interface for interested consumer(s) to access the result when ready. Conceptual difference from a Promise is that 'Awaitable' represents an already running operation, there can be multiple consumers to its result, and they can be subscribed at any moment - including after the operation has completed.

An object compliant with 'Awaitable' interface must provide the following fields and meet the following requirements:

.await(callback): method

  • callback: function(err, result) - result notification callback

Subscribe a consumer to await the operation result. Result will be delivered by calling the callback. If operation delivers an error, the err parameter will contain a non-false value (an instance of Error for example), otherwise result parameter will contain the operation result value.

There can be multiple subscribers awaiting, and it is legal to call .await at any time. 'Awaitable' compliance requires that invocation of any .await-ing callback is guaranteed (any exactly once) after the result is available, regardless on whether they were subscriber before or after actual completion. In the latter case a callback will be called on next soonest asynchronous occasion.

If there are multiple callbacks, order of callbacks invocation is unspecified and is up to the implementor.

Subscribing same instance of callback to the same 'Awaitable' is not encouraged and should be considered an undefined behaviour.

[optional] .unawait(callback): method

  • callback: function(err, result) - result notification callback

'Awaitable' may, and is highly recommended to, implement .unawait method that removes the given callback from the result notification list. If should prevent the callback from being called if invoked before the 'Awaitable' is done.

If callback is not on the list, the method must do nothing.

All crtk built-in 'Awaitable' implementations implement the .unawait.

.done: Boolean

Read-only property that is false when an operation is still running or true when it has completed and the result available.

Sets to true just before a notification callback is called, therefore is always seen as true from callbacks code.

'Promise-ish': interface (since 1.3)

This interface is compatible with that of ES native Promise to a degree enough that the implementing object can be used with ES2017 await statement.

'Promise-ish' object also works in other basic Promise use cases (Promise.all, Promise.resolve etc.), but its primary purpose in crtk is to bridge the implementing objects to await statement, so other uses are not a goal.

.then(resultCallback, errorCallback): method

  • resultCallback: function(result)
  • errorCallback: function(err)

Implements Promise.then method. Refer to ES Promise spec for more details on the logic behind it.

.catch(errorCallback): method

  • errorCallback: function(err)

Implements Promise.catch method. Refer to ES Promise spec for more details on the logic behind it.

'Cancellable': interface

  • extends: 'Awaitable'

'Cancellable' represents an 'Awaitable' operation that can be canceled. Meaning, agenda and consequences of cancellation are up to particular implementor.

An object compliant with 'Cancellable' interface must provide the following fields and meet the following requirements:

.cancel([cancelMsg]): method

  • cancelMsg: any - optional extra cancellation message

Initiate the cancel. Actual cancellation operations do not need to be performed synchronously, .cancel may only initiate them. However, the following requirements must be met.

First, Cancellable assumes that an operation can only be canceled once, and cancellation is irrevertible, but .cancel must be always safe to call. Therefore, to comply with Cancellable, the implementor must ensure that 2nd and subscequent calls to .cancel are no-ops.

Second, whatever the cancel means, the requirement is to not prevent the 'Awaitable' from normal way of indicating completion (with .done = true and invocation of callbacks). Implementor may deliver cancel case as a special error.

Cancel request may come with an attached cancellation message, specified by the canceler in cancelMsg argument. Use and meaning of this parameter are up to the implementor.

start(mainFunction, ...args): function: 'CoroutineHandle'

NOTE: since 1.4 there exists more convenient form of this function for generator based and async function based coroutines - see start(mainIteratorOrPromise).

  • mainFunction: generator, function or async function - the coroutine main function
  • args: list of any - arguments to pass to the coroutine main function
  • return: handle of the started coroutine

The function starts a coroutine that executes given function.

In most cases you want to pass a generator for mainFunction, as you can use yield operator in meaning of "wait for asynchronous result" (see SYNC/SYNCTL and SYNCW). However, usual function and (in node 7+) async function is allowed too. The logic of coroutine framework will be the same in either case, though using non-generator will have some disatvantages:

  • the code of a plain function will be not able to leverage yielding or any other coroutine features (pseugo-globals, feedback events emission, cancellation - read further for more on all of these),
  • the code of async function will be not able to leverage any coroutine features, and will need NowThen helper to use SYNC+SYNCW pattern with await.

Therefore crtk encourages use of generator-based coroutines, as they have the strongest support.

const { start } = require("crtk");

function *thisIsAGenarator() {
  console.log("Step 1: sleep for 250 seconds...");
  setTimeout(SYNC, 250); yield *SYNCW();
  console.log("Step 2: ok");


function *thisIsAGeneratorWithParameters(x, y) {
  console.log(`x = ${x}`);
  setTimeout(SYNC, 250); yield *SYNCW();
  console.log(`y = ${y}`);

function thisIsAPlainFunction() {
  console.log("Mundane function can not into yield");
  console.log ("It has no option than to finish in one go");


// node 7+ only
const { NowThen } = require("crtk");
async function thisIsAnAsyncFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();
  console.log("Step 1: sleep for 250 seconds...");
  setTimeout(nt.SYNC, 250); await nt.SYNCW;
  // or: await(setTimeout(nt.SYNC, 250), nt.SYNCW);
  console.log("Step 2: ok");


Multiple coroutines can be started and work in parallel (in meaning of single-threaded asynchronous parallelism established in JS).

function *sleep(ms) {
  console.log(`sleep for ${ms} ms...`);
  setTimeout(SYNC, ms); yield *SYNCW();

start(sleep, 100);
start(sleep, 500);
start(sleep, 1000);
// sleep for 100 ms...
// sleep for 500 ms...
// sleep for 1000 ms...
// (1000 ms delay)

this context in which the coroutine function is invoked should be assumed undefined. [Currently it is global object, but this assumption must not be relied on.] If you need to start a coroutine as a method of some object, you use beginMethod helper (see below).

start returns a coroutine handle, object that allows to control and synchronize on the coroutine. See 'CoroutineHandle' for more info. Coroutine code will start actual execution on next soonest asynchronous occasion.

Note that, from coroutine perspective, any pending asynchronous code (including code from other coroutines) is only "allowed" to run during yield *SYNCW() statements (await nowThen.SYNCW for async function based coroutines).

startMethod: Symbol

In order to allow starting coroutines from objects methods, Object prototype is extended with a special helper method, accessible via Symbol startMethod:

const startMethod = require("crtk").startMethod;

Object[startMethod] (methodId, ...args): method: 'CoroutineHandle'

NOTE: since 1.4 there exists more convenient form of this function for generator-method based and async function-method based coroutines - see start(mainIteratorOrPromise).

  • methodId: string or Symbol - id of the method
  • args: list of any - parameters to pass to the method
  • return: handle of the started coroutine

You use beginMethod on an object to start a method as a coroutine this way:

var anObject = {
  x: 667,
  someMethod: function *someMethod(p1, p2, ...whateverElse) {
    console.log(`This is a method. x = ${this.x}, p1 = ${p1}, etc.`);

anObject[startMethod]("someMethod", p1, p2, ...whateverElse);

The object[startMethod] method works exactly the same as start function, except that the someMethod will be called in context of this == object.

start(mainIteratorOrPromise): function: 'CoroutineHandle' (since 1.4)

  • mainIteratorOrPromise: iterator or Promise - an iterator created by calling a coroutine generator, or a Promise created by calling an async function

This version of start allows to write launch of a coroutine in more natural manner:

function *generatorBasedMain(a, b, c) { ... }
start(generatorBasedMain(1, 2, 3));
// ^same as start(generatorBasedMain, 1, 2, 3)

async function asyncBasedMain(a, b, c) { ... }
start(asyncBasedMain(1, 2, 3));
// ^same as start(asyncBasedMain, 1, 2, 3)

var obj = {
    generatorMethodBasedMain: function *(a, b, c) { ... },
    asyncMethodBasedMain: function *(a, b, c) { ... }

start(obj.generatorMethodBasedMain(1, 2, 3));
// ^same as obj[startMethod]("generatorMethodBasedMain", 1, 2, 3)
start(obj.asyncMethodBasedMain(1, 2, 3));
// ^same as obj[startMethod]("asyncMethodBasedMain", 1, 2, 3)

Alas, no similar convenience is possible for plain function/method based coroutines.

"Magic" pseudo-global variables

In crtk there are several special variables: SYNC, SYNCTL, SYNCW and CRTN. Semantically, they are global, but via some automagic they only are defined while JS is executing code inside a generator or function that was started as coroutine (via start or Object[startMethod]), and they are specific to the current coroutine (so they effectively are "coroutine local variables"). For this period they will also hide real globals with same names (if there happen to be any, which we hope is unlikely).

You don't need to import any symbols to access crtk pseudo-globals, they will just work on demand.

NOTE! Pseudo-globals are only available in generator based coroutines.

// myscript.js
// note that we even don't need require("crtk") here

module.exports = function *myScriptMain() {
  setTimeout(SYNC, 500); yield *SYNCW();

This concept is easy to get used to, as long as you keep some points in mind:

  • The pseudo-globals are accessible in code running as a coroutine ONLY. If you call the same functions from a non-coroutine environment, the variables will be undefined (or refer to real globals with same names).
function *fancyFunction() {
  setTimeout(SYNC, 250); yield *SYNCW();

start(fancyFunction); // ok
fancyFunction().next(); // CRASH BOOM DISASTER
  • They are accessible and refer to the same coroutine not just in the coroutine's main function, but as well in nested calls to functions and yield *-s to nested coroutine generators.
function *base1() {

function base2() {

function *main() {
  CRTN.bases = 0;
  yield *base1();
  console.log(`All ${CTRN.bases} of your base are belong to us`);
  • Though they are "variables", do not change them, do not cache in other variables/object fields (CRTN is a partial exception to this point), and do not pass outside the coroutine, except for in ways they are officially intended to use. They are managed by the framework, and let them be. For the same reason, don't use them inside nested functions if you intend to use these functions as observers or asynchronous callbacks:
function *coroutine() {
  domElement.onclick = function(e) {
    console.log(`SYNC is ${SYNC}`); // DON'T!!!
    // not that it will cause something fatal, it just won't work:
    // since the handler is called outside a coroutine flow,
    // SYNC will be undefined in it

On a good side, programming with crtk allows to deliver you from writing many direct callbacks in your code, so it won't be an issue for the most part.

SYNC: function(err, result)

SYNC resolves to a function that accepts (err, result) parameters. Purpose of this function, referred to as "coroutine continuation", is to resume execution of the current coroutine after it yields with next soonest yield *SYNCW(). err and result parameters passed to the continuation determine the result of yield *SYNCW() expression (in the coroutine/generator code flow). Non-null err means that the expression will throw the value passed in the err. Otherwise, the expression will return the value passed in result.

function calculateMe(x, callback) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    if (x == 0) { callback(new Error()); }
    else { callback(x + 1); }
  }, 100);

function *test() {
  var value = (calculateMe(1, SYNC), yield *SYNCW()); // 2
  try {
    calculateMe(0, SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
  } catch (e) {
    // e instanceof Error

Several advanced points you generally don't need to keep in mind, but knowing them can be useful:

  • Invocation of callback generated by SYNC has no immediate synchronous effect down its caller's stack, resumption of coroutine code will occur asynchronously. Therefore crtk backs you up in cases like this:
var flakyService = {
  inProgress: false,
  begin: function begin(callback) {
    if (this.inProgress) {
      throw Error("Hey, previous op has not yet completed!");
    } else {
      this.inProgress = true;
      setTimeout(function() {
        // guess what is the issue here
        callback(null, "VALUABLE RESULT");
        this.inProgress = false;
      }, 1000);

function *niftyCoroutine() {
  flakyService.begin(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
  flakyService.begin(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
  // ^you would get an error on the 2nd one...
  // luckily, you won't and everything will work as you would expect
  • SYNC is a one-shot callback. The same callback instance only does the intended action once, all subsequent calls to it are no-ops.
  • After yield *SYNCW() is executed the SYNC starts referring to new callback instance. Due to previous point, invocation of old callback will not cause coroutine resumption after the new yield *SYNCW(), so it is safe from this side.
  • SYNC can be invoked without yielding the coroutine. In this case next yield *SYNCW() will deliver the provided error/value immediately:
function *doATrick() {
  SYNC(null, 42);
  console.log(`Value = ${yield *SYNCW()}`);

It backs you up in cases like this:

function beginFlakyLoad(url, callback) {
  var item;
  if ((item = cache.get(url))) {
    callback(null, item);
  } else {
    beginLoad(url, function(err, result) {
      if (err) { callback(err); }
      else {
        cache.put(url, result);
        callback(err, result);

In practice, all these points mean that crtk's SYNC/yield *SYNCW() flow is protected against typical callback usage errors from asynchronous service side: double-trigger, invocation in intermediate service state, and occasional synchronous invocation (i. e. having cases where it is called before the asynchronous starter function returns). So, when using crtk, a bunch of possibilities for control flow bugs due to flaky implementation of 3rd party libraries is eliminated in transparent manner.

SYNCTL: function(result)

A ThrowLess version of SYNC, resolves to a function of (result) signature. Resumes coroutine after next soonest yield *SYNCW(), by providing result as yield *SYNCW() return value. Throw can not occur in this case (except if coroutine is canceled, see SYNCW and 'CoroutineHandle'.cancel).

function beginThrowlessOperation(callback) {
  setTimeout(function () { return 42; }, 500);

function *throwlessConsumer() {
  var result = (beginThrowlessOperation(SYNCTL), yield *SYNCW());
  if (result != "error") {

Since method of returning async result via single parameter callback is probably even more popular than with error+result callback, SYNCTL is a convenience helper to use with such APIs instead of SYNC.

All points and details described above for SYNC are also applicable to SYNCTL.

SYNCW: generator([cancelCallback(cancelMsg)])

This pseudo-global resolves to a helper generator. As mentioned above, expression yield *SYNCW() yields the coroutine execution and resumes it when callback obtained by preceding SYNC or SYNCTL is called.

This strategy holds in almost all cases, except for one forced exception (fortunately quite an exotic one) that you have to remember: do not use SYNC/SYNCTL under real generators (ones that are used as actual generators).

// NO
function *getNextValue() {
  setTimeout(100, SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
  return Math.random();

// DON'T
function *generator() {
  for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    yield (yield *getNextValue()); // it even looks incorrect!

function *main() {
  for (var x of generator()) {

Because crtk's coroutine framework is implemented on generators, such unnatural restriction unfortunately applies. If you ever need such a strange construct, you'll need to wrap the generator or express the logic without generators.

Another possible outcome for yield *SYNCW() is to throw Cancellation object if the coroutine is canceled (see 'CoroutineHandle'.cancel). For case when asynchronous operation you are waiting on provides some explicit cancel facility, SYNCW accepts an optional cancelCallback parameter. It can be a function of (cancelMsg) signature, and it is invoked before throwing Cancellation, allowing you to perform some custom cancellation code.

function *cancelAware() {
  var abortableRequest = new AbortableRequest(); // provides .abort method
  var result = (abortableRequest.perform(SYNC),
    yield *SYNCW(function(cancelMsg)
      console.log(`cancelAware canceled for reason: ${cancelMsg}`);

The cancelMsg parameter is the cancellation message value provided by caller of 'CoroutineHandle'.cancel.

cancelCallback will only be called if the cancel occurs during this particular yield *SYNCW().

.withCancel(cancelCallback): generator

  • cancelCallback: function(cancelMsg)

SYNCW provides a helper method .withCancel for improving code readability. yield *SYNCW.withCancel(X) is the same as yield *SYNCW(X):

function *cancelAware() {
  var abortableRequest = new AbortableRequest();
  var result = (abortableRequest.perform(SYNC),
    yield *SYNCW.withCancel(function(cancelMsg)
      console.log(`cancelAware canceled for reason: ${cancelMsg}`);

CRTN: 'CoroutineHandle'

This pseudo-global is set to 'CoroutineHandle' (see below) of the current coroutine. As coroutine handle is a legal value to store and pass around, this pseudo-global is ok to copy into other variables and leak from the coroutine flow. Though you don't normally need this, as in out-of-coroutine places where this value is needed it is generally accessible in other ways.

There are following reasons why coroutine's own handle is accessible via CRTN is convenience in following tasks:

  • checking if currently running code belongs to a certain coroutine instance (different instances naturally have different handles),
  • emission of feedback events (see 'CoroutineHandle'.emit),
  • possibility to cancel self (see 'CoroutineHandle'.cancel).

And there is one more important use of easy access to own handle: you can use its custom fields as coroutine local variables visible to all the functions/generators down the stack:

function coroutineTimeElapsed() {
  if (CRTN && CRTN.startedAt) {
    return (new Date()).getTime() - CRTN.startedAt.getTime();
  } else {
    throw new Error("Can only invoke this from a properly started coroutine!");

function *properlyStartedCoroutine() {
  CRTN.startedAt = new Date();
  setTimeout(SYNC, 1000), yield *SYNCW();
  console.log(`Elapsed ms: ${coroutineTimeElapsed()}`);

Note that CRTN won't be defined (or at least won't refer to the coroutine) from nested functions that are called as callbacks by some external stuff. For this case you will need to cache it in closure variables:

function *trackClicksFor1Sec(clickable) {
  CRTN.clicks = 0;
  var myself = CRTN;
  clickable.on("click", function() {
    myself.clicks++; // _not_ CRTN.clicks++

  setTimeout(1000, SYNC), yield *SYNCW();

'CoroutineHandle': class

  • implements: 'Awaitable'
  • implements: 'Cancellable'
  • implements: 'Promise-ish' (since 1.3)

When you start a coroutine via start or startMethod helpers (see below), value returned by them is an instance of CoroutineHandle. This object allows to keep track and sync on coroutine, and to obtain results on its completion. Coroutine (and the 'Awaitable' it implements) is completed when control flow exits its starting function (returned or thrown).

function *test() { ... }

var crtnHandle = start(test);
// ^the coroutine starting function here is test

A coroutine handle can be legally used inside the coroutine itself, where it can be either passed or accessed directly via CRTN pseudo-global variable. Such use however requires some extra caution. For example:

function *deadlock() {
  CRTN.await(SYNC); yield *SYNCW();

is a definitely bad idea.

.error: any or undefined

This field is defined and set to non-false value if coroutine's starting function has ended with leaked throw.

.result: any or undefined

This field is defined if coroutine's starting function has ended with normal return, and is set to its returned value. Only has meaning if .error is non-true.

'CoroutineHandle''s .error and .result are treated as result of the 'Awaitable' implemented by the handle.

function *failousCrtn() {
  if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
  throw Error("This is a test error");
  } else {
    return 42;

var crtnHandle = start(failousCrtn).await(function(err, result) {
  if (crtnHandle.error) {
    console.log(`Coroutine ended in error ${crtnHandle.error}, what a shame`);
  } else {
    console.log(`Coroutine returned ${crtnHandle.result}, what a shame`);

.cancel([cancelMsg]): method (as per 'Cancellable')

  • cancelMsg: any

Requests the coroutine to cancel. The cancel is enforced by making all subsequent yield *SYNCW()-s inside this coroutine (including currently pending one) to end on next soonest asynchronous occasion with throwing Cancellation object (see below). If coroutine's .cancel is invoked from the coroutine itself, it itself ends synchronously by throwing Cancellation.

Throwing semantics allows the coroutine to finalize its cancellation gracefully in natural exception unwinding way.

Remember that no more awaiting for asynchronous operations are allowed in the coroutine after cancellation. If your finalization logic needs ones then you have to start that logic in a new coroutine.

NOTE! .cancel can be applied to any coroutine handle, but works to a limited degree on async function based coroutine: it cancels awaiting of the underlying async function, but does not affect the running function itself. There is no official way to pass cancellation to a running async function, so if you need it you'll have to invent wheels. Blame ES async / await / Promise design.

.emit(channel, ...args): method

  • channel: String - event channel ID,
  • args: list of any - invocation arguments to the listeners

crtk provides another tool for cooperating between coroutine and outside world: feedback events. The coroutine code (or anyone who has access to its handle, but in most cases you want it to be the coroutine) can emit an event for some custom indication of its state:

function *longOperationWithProgressReport() {
  for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    CRTN.emit("progress", i);
    setTimeout(SYNC, 1000), yield *SYNCW();
  CTRN.emit("progress", 100);

To ease differing events from each other, each event is associated with a certain "event channel" identified by some string (the channel ID). There can be listener callbacks subscribed on this channel (see .on and .once), and every time the event is emitted on this channel they are invoked (on next soonest asynchronous occasion). Unlike with 'Awaitable'-s, the events are not persistent: if a listener was not subscribed by time the event is emitted, it won't get it.

No order of calling the listeners is guaranteed, so don't rely on any assumption of their ordering.

Emitting events is not restricted to any coroutine state, it is allowed even when coroutine is cancelled, completed, or its code has not yet been executed (of course in latter two cases the emission is only possible by external helpers from outside the coroutine code). You can actually create a dummy coroutine that does nothing by itself, just to have a free event producer:

function Clickable() {
  var eventProducer = start(function(){}); = function() {
    eventProducer.emit("click", this);

  this.addOnClickListener = function(callback) {
    eventProducer.on("click", callback);

  return eventProducer;

Channel IDs do not need to be specially and separately declared, you just use any string you like. Of course it shouldn't conflict with ones already in use. crtk by itself reserves no channel IDs, so you are free to start from any one.

.on(channel, callback): method

  • channel: String - event channel ID,
  • callback: function - listener callback to be called

Subscribe a listener to the events on channel identified by string channel. Whenever .emit(channel, ...) is called, the listeners are called. Parameters passed to them are the same as args passed by the emitter to .emit.

function *pinger() {
  setTimeout(500, SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
  CRTN.emit("ping", "hello");

start(pinger).on("ping", function (arg) {
  console.log(`Pinger says ${arg}`);

this context of callback should be assumed undefined (in sense that we can't rely on it assigned any particular value). [Currently it is global object, but this assumption must not be relied on.] If you need to call a method, use binding.

Unlike most similar event solutions, crtk framework does not pass any extra parameters to handlers to access some sort of the 'event' object. The list of parameters given by an emitter will be passed as is. Similarly, no event bubbling, suppression etc. - just straightforward call of all the listeners. Because simplicity. If needed, this feature can be used as basis for implementing custom, more sophisticated event handling. But if you need no sophistication, it is good as is.

NOTE: same subscriber instance can not be subscribed twice, on such attempts second subscription is silently ignored. However, as always in similar cases in JS, be careful when using bound, anonymous or local functions: never forget that a .bind(...) or function(){...} delivers new instance every time it is calculated, and local function is different on each new call of enclosing function.

.once(channel, callback): method

  • channel: String - channel ID
  • callback: function - listener callback to be called

Same as .on(channel, callback), but the callback will only be called once, for next soonest event on channel, and then auto-unsubscribed. Handy when you need it to behave exactly like this, and particularly useful with anonymous/local/bound functions as one-shot callbacks.

.removeListener(channel, callback): method

  • channel: String - channel ID
  • callback: function - listener callback (subscribed earlier)

Remove given listener to the channel. Must be the same instance as used in .on/.once. Unsubscribing a non-subscribed callback silently does nothing.

Also, the same instance reminder as for .on. If you need to remove a listener eventually, cache it first and then use the cached value. Only this way you can be sure it is actually the same instance.

var crtnHandle = start(...);
var handler;
crtnHandle.on("something", handler = function() {

.removeAllListeners(channel): method

  • channel: String - channel ID

Remove all currently subscribed listeners to the given channel.

Custom members as coroutine local variables

You can use any other members of the 'CoroutineHandle' as that coroutine's local variables. The coroutine code can access them via CRTN.memberName shortcuts (see description of CRTN for an example). This is yet another method of communication between the coroutine and its environment.

Cancellation: class

An instance of Cancellation is thrown in the coroutine from yield *SYNCW() after cancel request to that coroutine is issued. Structure of this object is similar to an instance of Error (but it itself is not an instance of Error).

Cancellation as a value can be checked against by instanceof expression to check if an object is an instance of Cancellation.

NOTE: prior to crtk 1.4, instanceof Cancellation was only guaranteed to work properly on coroutines started in the same module that does the check.

const Cancellation = require("crtk").Cancellation;

function *test() {
  try {
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof Cancellation) {
      console.log("We were cancelled!");
    } else {
      console.log(`An ordinary error ${e}`);

Manual construction and throwing of Cancellation is intentionally prohibited, in order to ensure consistent 'catching Cancellation means that current coroutine is canceled' convention. For the same reason, if you are .await-ing on a coroutine that ends by throwing Cancellation, a wrapper Error is thrown into the awaiter's flow instead of the original Cancellation: unhandled cancellation of the awaited coroutine is abnormal result, but it isn't cancellation of the awaiter. However, the original Cancellation will still be accessible via 'CoroutineHandle'.error (and this is the only allowed case for its .error to be different from value delivered to .await-ing callbacks).

Note: if your coroutine catches Cancellation, then won't rethrow it and will finish gracefully without attempting any more yield *SYNCW()-s, it will be considered a normal return.

.message: any

Cancellation message. The same value as provided in cancelMsg parameter to 'CoroutineHandle''s .cancel. Possibly a text message (on analogy of Error) - will be converted to string on stringification of the Cancellation object (see .toString). But it actually can be any object or value. Interpretation of the message is up to the coroutine code.

.stack: String

Stack trace of the yield *SYNCW() that issued the Cancellation. Note that any subsequent yield *SYNCW() in the same coroutine throws new Cancellation instance with new stack trace, the old instance is discarded (unless you store it manually somewhere).

.toString(): String (as per Object)

Converts the Cancellation to string. Similarly to Error, the string is "Cancellation: " + .message.

Awaiter: class

  • implements: 'Awaitable'
  • implements: 'Promise-ish' (since 1.3)

Awaiter is designed as an adapter from callback-based asynchronous result providers to 'Awaitable'. On one hand, it is a function of (err, result) signature that can be used as a callback to accept some asynchronous result. On another hand, it stores the result and is 'Awaitable' that reflects its obtainment.

const {
} = require("crtk");

// note that construction of an Awaiter is STRICTLY without 'new'
var awaiter = Awaiter();

(err, result): function

Awaiter is a function that can be just called. Its signature is usual (err, result) where non-false err means an error, and result means normal result. This result will be delivered further to .await-ers.

As well as SYNC/SYNCTL, Awaiter is one-shot function (subsequent calls are no-ops) and has no immediate side effects.

Typical use case is like this:

const unirest = require("unirest"); //

function *unirestRequest() {
  var delivered = Awaiter();'')
  .headers({'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
  .send({ "parameter": 23, "foo": "bar" })
  .end(function(response) {
    if(response.statusType != 2) {
        delivered(new Error(`HTTP error: status ${response.status}`));
      } else {
        delivered(null, response.body);

  // that does the trick
  return (delivered.await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW());

.error: any or undefined

After Awaiter is .done == true and the result was error, .error field will be defined and contain the error object (one provided in err parameter when calling Awaiter as function).

.result: any or undefined

After Awaiter is .done == true and the result was a normal result, .result field will be defined and contain the result value (one provided in result parameter when calling Awaiter as function).

Checkpoint: namespace Object

A checkpoint is synchronization tool to address problems like "wait until all of these parallel jobs complete, and then..." It allows to synchronize on group of 'Awaitable'-s, which can be coroutines, Awaiter-s, custom 'Awaitable'-s, or even other checkpoints. Since 1.4, iterators and Promise are allowed too (for purposes of call notation convenience) - they'll be wrapped into 'Awaitable'-s automatically.

.allOf(...awaitables): function: 'CheckpointInstance'

  • awaitables: list of 'Awaitable' (since 1.4 - or Promise, or iterator) or Array
  • return: handle of the created checkpoint instance

"Static" method that creates and returns a 'CheckpointInstance' object (see below) configured to wait until all of the provided awaitables finish. Each element of awaitables must be either an 'Awaitable' or an array, where each element is either an 'Awaitable' or an array, where each element is... etc.

In order for 'CheckpointInstance' to be a consistent 'Awaitable', the set of awaitables the checkpoint waits on is fixed on creation and can't be changed later.

function *test() {
  sub1 = start(function *() {
    setTimeout(250, SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
    return 100;
  sub2 = start(function *() {
    setTimeout(500, SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
    return 200;
  sub3 = start(function *() {
    setTimeout(750, SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
    return 300;

  // wait until sub1, sub2 & sub3 finish
  Checkpoint.allOf(sub1, sub2, sub3).await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
  console.log(`And the grand total is ${sub1.result + sub2.result + sub3.result}`);

Promise-s and iterators are assumed to be ones started from an async functions and coroutine generators, respectively - they are automatically wrapped into the assumed 'Awaitable'-s. It allows a less verbose notation for a parallel call:

function *asyncDownload(url) { ... }
async function asyncCheckEmail(email) { ... }

var results = Checkpoint.allOf(
).await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();

// or, if you are writing an async function, even as short as
// var results = await Checkpoint.allOf(...);

If no awaitables are provided, the checkpoint is considered finished right away.

.allIn(awaitables): function: 'CheckpointInstance' (since 1.4)

  • awaitables: Array or Dictionary (of 'Awaitable', Promise, iterator) or Array - array or associative array of awaitable objects
  • return: handle of the created checkpoint instance

A version of .allOf that arranges results or errors as an ordered array/dictionary. A result or an error of an 'Awaitable' will be put under the same key/index in the .results or .errors (see below) as the 'Awaitable' was in the awaitables array/dictionary.

var resultsAsArray = Checkpoint.allIn([
]).await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
// resultsAsArray.results = [ result_of_ValueA, result_of_ValueB ]

var resultsAsDictionary = Checkpoint.allIn({
  a: asyncGet(ValueA),
  b: asyncGet(ValueB)
}).await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
// resultsAsDictionary.results = { a: result_of_ValueA, b: result_of_ValueB }

.anyOf(...awaitables): function: 'CheckpointInstance'

  • awaitables: list of 'Awaitable' (since 1.4 - or Promise, or iterator) or Array
  • return: handle of the created checkpoint instance

"Static" method that returns a 'CheckpointInstance' object configured to wait until any one of the provided awaitables finish. All the other considerations are the same as for .allOf.

function *doIt() {
  setTimeout(2000, SYNC), yield *SYNCW.withCancel(function() {
    console.log("Crap! We've busted!");

function *doItWithTimeout(x) {
  var task = start(doIt), timeout = Awaiter();
  setTimeout(x, timeout);
  Checkpoint.anyOf(task, timeout).await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
  if (!task.done) {
    task.cancel("Hello, the time is up");

If no awaitables are provided, the checkpoint is considered finished right away.

Note that if checkpoint finishes before all of its 'Awaitable'-s finish, its results are sealed, and activity and outcomes of remaining 'Awaitable'-s can no longer affect it. This strategy holds for all cases of early finish, including "stop on first error" mode (see 'CheckpointInstance'.stopOnFirstError).

.anyOf checkpoint type makes use of 'Awaitable'.unawait methods (where awailable) to clean up its internal callbacks from 'Awaitable'-s that ended up unused.

.anyIn(awaitables): function: 'CheckpointInstance' (since 1.4)

  • awaitables: Array or Dictionary (of 'Awaitable', Promise, iterator) or Array - array or associative array of awaitable objects
  • return: handle of the created checkpoint instance

A version of .anyOf that arranges results or errors as an ordered array/dictionary. A result or an error of an 'Awaitable' will be put under the same key/index in the .results or .errors (see below) as the 'Awaitable' was in the awaitables array/dictionary.

Existing more for symmetry than for actual use (ordering results is a questionable convenience in "any" scenario), .anyIn can still be a utility in some specific cases:

function *getAsyncValueWithTimeout() {
  var data = Checkpoint.anyOf({
    result: getAsyncValue(),
    timeout: start(function *() {
      setTimeout(SYNC, 1000), yield *SYNCW();
      return true;
  }).await (SYNC), yield *SYNCW;

  if (data.results.timeout) {
    console.log("Timeout occurred!");
    return null;

  return result;

'CheckpointInstance': class

  • implements: 'Awaitable'
  • implements: 'Cancellable'
  • implements: 'Promise-ish' (since 1.3)

The "handle" to actual instance of the checkpoint. Exposes waiting operations and access to the total results.

.await(callback): method

  • callback: function(err, result) - result notification callback

Await for the configured condition (allOf or anyOf). Result of the checkpoint is an instance of CheckpointResult (see below). If an error occurs, CheckpointResult is delivered as an error, otherwise as a normal result.

function *test() {
  var result;
  try {
    result = (Checkpoint.allOf(...).await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW());
  } catch(e) {
    console.log("Note there was an error!");
    result = e;

In any outcome, CheckpointResult collects errors and results of the involved awaitables. An error of awaiting on the checkpoint itself is scored when at least one of the awaitables ends with an error. Note that some behaviour of the checkpoint in this case is configurable (see .stopOnFirstError).

.cancel([cancelMsg]): method

  • cancelMsg: any - optional cancel message

Cancels the checkpoint. All pending 'Awaitable'-s which are Cancellable-s are canceled as well, with the given cancel message.

Note that calling .cancel even after checkpoint has finished is meaningful in .stopOnFirstError mode or for .anyOf checkpoint type.

.stopOnFirstError(yes): method: 'CheckpointInstance'

  • yes: Boolean - true if checkpoint must stop on first error, default is false
  • return: the subject 'CheckpointInstance', use for chaining calls

By default, the checkpoint awaits until the whole given set of 'Awaitable'-s finishes, regardless on which of them ended in error. But this may be not always practical. By setting "stop on first error" mode, you tell the checkpoint to finish after first error occurs.

function *failingOneMakesWaitingForOthersMeaningless() {
  Checkpoint.allOf(start(fastOne), start(slowOne))
  .await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();

.cancelAbandoned(yes): method: 'CheckpointInstance'

  • yes: Boolean - true if checkpoint must cancel abandoned awaitables on early finish, default is false
  • return: the subject 'CheckpointInstance', use for chaining calls

On early finish (in .anyOf mode or to error of an 'Awaitable' in .stopOnFirstError mode), the remaining unfinished 'Awaitable'-s are abandoned and normally are left to proceed, though with no effect on the checkpoint. But just leaving them running may not be always desirable. You can enable "cancel abandoned" mode to force automatic cancel if early finish is encountered.

Equivalent to using .cancelAbandoned is to use manual .cancel on a finished checkpoint.

function *digOrDie() {
  // wait for both, but cancel if any fails
  Checkpoint.allOf(start(diggerOne), start(diggerTwo))
  .await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();

  // wait for a success or a failure of any,
  // cancel the other ones as soon as we have an outcome
  Checkpoint.anyOf(start(diggerThree), start(diggerFour))
  .await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();

  // the same as above, but cancel manually
  var checkpoint = Checkpoint.anyOf(start(diggerThree), start(diggerFour))
  .await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
  checkpoint.cancel(); // but here we needed a var to store the instance

.errors: Array/Object or undefined

Read-only. Is undefined until the checkpoint is .done, then is set to array that contains error values delivered by the 'Awaitable'-s that have finished with errors. No guarantee on order of the errors is given, nor on the 'Awaitable'-s they origin from. Use this property if order and origin of errors is not important, or if you are sure the error values contain custom tag information you need.

Since 1.4, if the checkpoint was allIn / anyIn, the .errors will be an array or an object where an error delivered by an 'Awaitable' will be put under the same key as the 'Awaitable' was in source array/object. For 'Awaitable' that completed with no error, the entry under the corresponding key in .errors will be set to undefined (but the key itself will still be present).

.results: Array/Object or undefined

Read-only. Is undefined until the checkpoint is .done, then is set to array that contains result values delivered by the 'Awaitable'-s that have finished normally. No guarantee on order of the results is given, nor on the 'Awaitable'-s they origin from, so considerations similar to .errors apply.

function *doStuff() {
  var theCheckpoint = Checkpoint.allOf(start(diggerOne), start(diggerTwo));
  try {
    theCheckpoint.await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
  } catch(e) {
    if (theCheckpoint.errors.length > 1) {
      // ^normally a redundant check, since if checkpoint failed it means
      // there is at least one error. But remember it can also fail due to
      // coroutine canceled!
      console.log(`There were errors: ${theCheckpoint.errors}`);

  console.log(`Results: ${theCheckpoint.results}`);

Since 1.4, if the checkpoint was allIn / anyIn, the .results will be an array or an object where a result delivered by an 'Awaitable' will be put under the same key as the 'Awaitable' was in source array/object. For 'Awaitable' that completed with an error, the entry under the corresponding key in .results will be set to undefined (but the key itself will still be present).

function *doAnotherStuff() {
    var theCheckpoint = Checkpoint.allIn({
      a: start(getAsyncA),
      b: start(getAsyncB),
      c: start(getAsyncC)
    try {
      theCheckpoint.await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();
      console.log(`Got a = ${theChecpoint.results.a}`);
      console.log(`Got b = ${theChecpoint.results.b}`);
      console.log(`Got c = ${theChecpoint.results.c}`);
    } catch(e) {
      console.log("There were one or more errors:", theCheckpoint.errors);

CheckpointResult: class

Instance of this class represents a checkpoint results. Basically it duplicates 'CheckpointInstance''s .errors and .results, but they are delivered in different way which may be more handy. CheckpointResult can be delivered:

  • as normal asynchronous result of 'CheckpointInstance'.await, if the checkpoint finishes successfully,
  • thrown as error if checkpoint finishes in error.

CheckpointResult as a value can be checked against by instanceof expression to check if an object is an instance of CheckpointResult.

NOTE: prior to crtk 1.4, instanceof CheckpointResult was only guaranteed to work properly if the source 'CheckpointInstance' was created in the same module that does the check.

const {
} = require("crtk");

function *makeUseOfCheckpointResult() {
  var result;
  try {
    result = (Checkpoint.allOf(start(diggerOne), start(diggerTwo))
      .await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW());
  } catch(e) {
    if (e instanceof CheckpointResult) {
      result = e;
      console.log(`There were errors: ${result.errors}`);
    } else {
      throw e; // not a checkpoint result, throw further

  console.log(`Results: ${result.results}`);

Manual construction of CheckpointResult is intentionally prohibited, and its passing/throwing around is not recommended, in order to ensure logical consistency of checks for it inside catch handlers.

.errors: Array

Array of errors. The same as .errors of the subject 'CheckpointInstance' would return.

.results: Array

Array of results. The same as .results of the subject 'CheckpointInstance' would return.

.stack: String or undefined

Stack trace of throwing the CheckpointResult. Is only defined if CheckpointResult was thrown.

.toString(): method: String

  • return: stringified value of the object

Returns stringification of CheckpointResult (message of form "CheckpointResult: errors = [...], successes = [...]").

Promise.prototype: patched ES class (since 1.3)

  • implements: 'Awaitable'

crtk exends the native ES Promise class with some capabilities. The most important one is that a promise instance is now 'Awaitable', and as such it can be used in all use cases involving an 'Awaitable' object.

// node 7+ only
function *doStuff() {
  async function doAsync() {
    return 100500;

  // since we are not in async function we can't use "await doAsync()", but...
  var asyncResult = (doAsync().await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW());
  console.log(asyncResult); // naturally 100500

NOTE!!! The extensions only apply to native ES Promise (specifically targeting async functions). They do not affect foreign promises from bluebird, q and other written-of-despair promise libraries.

.error: any or undefined

After Promise instance is .done == true and the result was rejection, .error field will be defined and contain the error object (one provided in the promise rejection).

.result: any or undefined

After Promise instance is .done == true and the result was a success, .result field will be defined and contain the result value (one provided in the promise fulfillment).

NowThen: class (since 1.3)

When writing a coroutine based on an async function, the crtk pseudo-globals including SYNC, SYNCTL and SYNCW are not available. In order to deal with callback driven functions under this condition, NowThen helper is provided. Besides, since 1.4 NowThen also provides a number of convenience utilities for control flow.

const {
} = require("crtk");

async function waitFor250Ms() {
  // note that construction of an NowThen is STRICTLY without 'new'
  // it is recommended to create it as a local variable, one per function
  // is enough
  var nt = NowThen();

  await (setTimeout(nt.SYNC, 250), nt.SYNCW);

// note it is just an async function with no extra contracts,
// you don't have to call it in a crtk coroutine
// and can just call it "standalone"
var waitingPromise = waitFor250Ms();

The pattern works exactly like crtk's standard SYNC[TL] / SYNCW, just inside an async function.

Besides that, since 1.4 NowThen also provides a tool to insert a voluntary control yield (allowing some asynchronous code to run) into a long-running synchronous code after a given time slice. This feature can be used in both generator based and async function based coroutines.

It is highly recommended to use a single instance of NowThen as a local variable only accessible inside the continious call stack of a coroutine function, and mark try / catch / finally clauses using TRY / CATCH / FINALLY helpers (see examples below in the respective section). While this pattern is not a strict "must", it will enable you to make correct use of NowThen's control flow helpers, such as timeslice* and aft.

.SYNC: function(err, result)

Returns a callback that will resolve or reject promise delivered by next .SYNCW of this NowThen instance. The callback signature is (err, result) where non-false err means an error, and result means normal result.

.SYNCTL: function(err, result)

'Throwless' version of .SYNC, returns a callback that will resolve promise delivered by next .SYNCW of this NowThen instance. The callback signature is (result) where result is the returned result.

.SYNCW: Promise

Returns an instance of Promise that will be resolved by calling a callback provided by previous .SYNC or .SYNC[TL] of this NowThen instance.

The common use pattern is as described above:

async function userFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();
  // function callbackDrivenFunction(..., callback)
  var result = await(callbackDrivenFunction(..., nt.SYNC), nt.SYNCW);

The pattern above essentially works as .SYNC[TL] / SYNCW stack: reading these from the same instance can be 'nested', so that .SYNCW delivers promises corresponding to correct .SYNC[TL]-s even in complex expressions (provided you use the same instance of NowThen):

async function userFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();
  // function calcSomething(callback, x)
  var result = await(calcSomething(nt.SYNC,
    await (calcSomething(nt.SYNC,
      1), nt.SYNCW)
    + await (calcSomething(nt.SYNC,
      1), nt.SYNCW)), nt.SYNCW);
  // ^async sort of "calcSomething(calcSomething(1) + calcSomething(2))"

Be sure to always have a .SYNCW matching .SYNC[TL] as immediately as possible, so that this 'stack' didn't start to grow. There is a subtle issue possible here:

function trickyFunc(callback, i) {
  if (Math.random() % 1) throw Error("hehe");
  setTimeout(function() { callback(null, i + 1); }, 1000);

async function userFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();
  for (var i = 0; i < 100500; i++) {
    try {
          1 + await(trickyFunc(nt.SYNC, 2), nt.SYNCW)
        ), nt.SYNCW);
    } catch (e) {
      console.log("Error encountered: " + e);

The trickyFunc(calback, 2) can throw before the control gets to outer nt.SYNCW, and the outer nt.SYNC-s will accumulate in the loop. To avoid this problem, use the TRY / CATCH / FINALLY helper (see below for details):

async function userFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();
  for (var i = 0; i < 100500; i++) {
    try {
          1 + await(trickyFunc(nt.SYNC, 2), nt.SYNCW)
        ), nt.SYNCW);
    } catch (e) {
      console.log("Error encountered: " + e);

.timesliceUsedUp(span): method: Boolean (since 1.4)

  • span: Number - amount of milliseconds advised for the current synchronous code time slice

This function measures time elapsed since resumption of the current synchronous piece code, and returns true if control yield is advised. The yield can be achieved via .timesliceYield method (see below, and also the example):

async function asyncFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();

  for (var i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) {
    // this synchronous code will attempt to yield every 100 milliseconds
    // of continuous running
    if (nt.timesliceUsedUp(100)) {
      await(nt.timesliceYield); // note timesliceYield is not called as method

Timeslice counter is reset on every yield *SYNCW() (or await(nt.SYNCW) in async function based coroutine).

// qsort example adapted from
function *quickSortAsync(items) {
  var nt = NowThen();

  // direct use of timesliceUsedUp/timesliceYield every time is a bit verbose,
  // so wrap it into a helper
  function *possiblyYield() {
    if (nt.timesliceUsedUp(100)) {
      nt.timesliceYield.await(SYNC), yield *SYNCW();

  function *partition(left, right) {
      var pivot = items[Math.floor((right + left) / 2)],
          i = left, j = right;
      while (i <= j) {
          while (items[i] < pivot) {
              yield *possiblyYield();
          while (items[j] > pivot) {
              yield *possiblyYield();
          if (i <= j) {
              swap(items, i, j);
              i++; j--;
              yield *possiblyYield();
      return i;

  function *qsortInner(left, right) {
    var index;
    if (items.length > 1) {
        left = typeof left != "number" ? 0 : left;
        right = typeof right != "number" ? items.length - 1 : right;
        index = yield *partition(left, right);
        if (left < index - 1) {
            yield *quickSortInner(left, index - 1);
        if (index < right) {
            yield *quickSortInner(index, right);
        yield *possiblyYield();

    return items;

  return (yield *qsortInner());


When using .timesliceUsedUp and .timesliceYield it is essential that the NowThen object was a local variable to the block that constitutes the continuous workflow, otherwise timing calculations will not be correct.

.timesliceUsedUp: 'Awaitable' (since 1.4)

Returns an 'Awaitable' that can be awaited on to yield the current coroutine and resume it on next asynchronous occasion. Can be used on its own to add a yield point to an otherwise synchronous piece of code, but it can be more productive to combine it with .timesliceUsedUp so that you only yield when it gets reasonable.

When using .timesliceYield in conjunction with .timesliceUsedUp, you must use the same NowThen instance, and it is essential that it was a local variable to the block that constitutes the continuous workflow, otherwise timing calculations will not be correct.

TRY / CATCH / FINALLY: void (since 1.4)

The TRY / CATCH / FINALLY is a helper to make up for absence of "try-with-resources" or desctructor concepts in JavaScript. It is supposed to work like this:

const {
} = require('crtk');

async function someFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();

  try {
    nt.TRY; // first statement in try block - creates a clenaup frame

    var smth = openSomething();
    // adds cleanup code to the clenaup frame
    nt.aft(() => closeSomething(smth));

  } catch (e) {
    nt.CATCH; // first statement in catch block - unwind cleanup frame
  } finally {
    nt.FINALLY; // first statement in finally block - unwind cleanup frame
    // and close it

TRY statement marks beginning of a cleanup frame. FINALLY executes the cleanup code pushed in the current cleanup frame (via aft method, see below) and closes it. CATCH executes the cleanup code, but doesn't close the frame, so more cleanup can be pushed in it between CATCH and FINALLY to be executed at FINALLY.

Cleanup frames can be nested - the cleanup code is pushed into the innermost (current) one:

async function someFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();

  try {
    var smthOuter = openSomething();
    nt.aft(() => closeSomething(smthOuter));

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      try {
        var smthInner = openSomething();
        nt.aft(() => closeSomething(smthInner));
      } catch (e) {
        // this CATCH or FINALLY will execute closeSomething(smthInner),
        // but not the closeSomething(smthOuter) which is pushed to the
        // outer frame
      } finally {
  } catch (e) {
    // only this CATCH or FINALLY will execute closeSomething(smthOuter)
  } finally {

If there is no catch clause, CATCH can be omitted. If there is only catch and no finally however, you should use FINALLY in place of CATCH:

async function someFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();

  try {
    var smth = openSomething();
    nt.aft(() => closeSomething(smth));
  } finally {

  try {
    var smth = openSomething();
    nt.aft(() => closeSomething(smth));
  } catch(e) {
    // there is only catch here, so use nt.FINALLY

Creation of NowThen instance implicitly creates one cleanup frame for convenience, so even if you have no try / catch / finally you can still make use of the cleanup, just don't forget to finalize the scope with FINALLY:

async function someFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();

  var smth = openSomething();
  nt.aft(() => closeSomething(smth));


  nt.FINALLY; // note however, this way the statement and hence the cleanup code
  // won't execute if an exception is thrown in between; if your code is not
  // exception safe you should wrap it into try/finally as in examples above

There are some points to keep in mind when using TRY / aft / CATCH / FINALLY feature:

  1. You must (naturally) call them all on the same NowThen instance.
async function someFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen(),
    nt2 = NowThen();
    // note that having 2nd NowThen instance in the scope is actually bad idea

  try {
    var smth = openSomething();
    nt.aft(() => closeSomething(smth));

    try {
      nt.TRY; // correct, provided that you mean a nested scope
      // nt2.TRY; - NOT correct
    } finally {

  } catch (e) {
    nt.CATCH; // correct
    //nt2.CATCH; - NOT correct
  } finally {
    nt.FINALLY; // correct
    //nt2.CATCH; - NOT correct
  1. The NowThen instance must only be used by the code that is linked with its declaration scope in a continuous call stack. I. e.:
async function someFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();

  // this function...
  async function f1() {
    try {
      nt.aft(() => close());
    } finally {
  // called in pseudo-synchronous way and is therefore executed
  // within the current call stack - it is ok for it to use the outer nt

  // this function...
  async function f2() {
    var nt = NowThen(); // (note this!)
    try {
      nt.aft(() => close());
    } finally {
  // executed asynchronously, and therefore outside the current call
  // stack - it MUST NOT use the outer nt and must declare its own

  // it never hurts though to create an inner instance of nt, even if one
  // is not necessarily needed - and it is possibly better to adhere to that way
  // to keep uniform
  // the more so different NowThen instances have no effect on each other
  async function f1_1() {
    var nt = NowThen();
    try {
      nt.aft(() => close());
    } finally {


If you get a grasp on how all this works altogether, you can combine the statements in less verbose and orthodox way, provided you understand the caveats:

async function someFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();
  for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    var smthI = openSomething(i);
    nt.aft(() => closeSomething(smthI));

    for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
      var smthJ = openSomething(i);
      nt.aft(() => closeSomething(smthJ));


  //...but if an exception flies through, it will be sad

Note that, although the examples above are for async functions, the TRY / CATCH / FINALLY feature can be used in generator based coroutines as well, and actually even in normal functions without any asynchronous code.

.aft(dtor): method (since 1.4)

  • dtor: Function - a cleanup code to push

Pushes a cleanup code (a function, most typically a lambda expression) into the current cleanup frame that will be called on this frame's CATCH or FINALLY.

Things to keep in mind:

  • the cleanup code must be a plain, non-async, non-generator function. The cleanup is always executed synchronously. If you have to do await for something asynchronous as part of cleanup agenda, start a coroutine from the cleanup code and (if needed) leverage Awaiter or Checkpoint in the main flow to sync with cleanup coroutine(s).
  • the cleanup functions will be executed in the reverse order (to which they were pushed in).
async function someFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();
  nt.aft(() => console.log("1"));
  nt.aft(() => console.log("2"));
  nt.aft(() => console.log("3"));

  nt.FINALLY; // 3 2 1
  • all of the functions pushed to the frame will be attempted to run exactly once, even if some of them throws an uncaught exception; that exception however will be noted and re-thrown after CATCH or FINALLY statement completes. If multiple exceptions are accumulated at that point, only one of them will be re-thrown and others will be lost.
  • a function pushed to the frame by a single .aft is one-shot - once called in CATCH, it won't re-execute at FINALLY.
async function someFunction() {
  var nt = NowThen();
  try {
    nt.aft(() => console.log("1"));
  } catch (e) {
    nt.CATCH; // 1
  } finally {
    nt.FINALLY; // 1 here only if there has been no exception