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FS-Online odoo code base

This repository is used as a codebase for FS-Online instances and the related setup tools. The o[0-9]+ branches of this repo are always deploy-able production ready branches.



The default latest stable branch is called o[0-9]+ e.g.: o8 or o9. where the number after o stands for the odoo version. The other branches in the github repository are development branches in the form of o8_[ISSUENUMBER][OPTIONALDESCRIPTION] e.g.: o8_123 or o8_123_shoptemplates or without an Github Issue o8[DESCRIPTION]


  • o8 = Master Branch for FS-Online for odoo Version 8
  • o9 = Master Branch for FS-Online for odoo Version 9
  • o8_256 = Development or Bugfix Branch related to github issue 256 to be merged into o8 Master Branch
  • o8_fixsendmail = Development or Bugfix Branch without an issue to be merged into o8 Master Branch
  • o9_123_addfreetoshop = Development or Bugfix Branch related to github issue 123 to be merged into o9 Master Branch with optional description

Release Tags

Release tags must have the form [BRANCH]r[COUNTER] e.g.: o8r1 or o9r23

Odoo Tools

Simple setup and maintenance through is a simple setup script that is able to:

  • prepare (DEPRICATED by Saltstack) an ubuntu 14.04 LTS server to run odoo v8 (libs, tools, settings)
  • setup/download (DEPRICATED by Saltstack) the odoo code base for odoo v8 from github
  • newdb (DEPRICATED by Saltstack) create a new odoo instance:
    • linux user
    • database creation
    • postgres user
    • server.conf und server.init
    • etherpad
    • owncloud
    • nginx setup (match urls to instance via vhosts) and setup default URLs e.g.:,,,
    • backup and logrotate cron jobs
    • create and link custom-addons githup repository into the instance addons folder
    • Install push-to-deploy workflow for updating the custom addons folder
  • maintenancemode (DEPRICATED by Saltstack) set one or all instances into maintenance mode (not reachable from the outside)
  • backup one or all instances
  • restore one or all instances

HINT: is used by to backup and restore the database and data-dir of an instance.


Development is all done locally on mac or linux machines with pycharm.

Development workflow:

# 1.) Clone the branch o8 locally:
git clone -b o8
git submodule update --init --recursive
git branch -avv

# 2.) Create and checkout a new branch:
#     Optional Create a new Issue in Github First for the issue number
git branch o8_ckeditor_advanced
git checkout o8_ckeditor_advanced

# 3.) Push your Branch to Github (so everybody knows what you are working on)
git commit
git push origin o8_ckeditor_advanced

# 4.) Do stuff and commit and push changes until ready:
git add [file or folders]    # This tells git what to include in next commit
git commit -m "[ADD] Added"
git push origin o8_ckeditor_advanced

# 5.) Merging the Branch
# 5.1) Update master branch first
git fetch
git checkout o8
git pull
# 5.2) Rebase development branch on master branch (o8) to add possible changes, avoiding merge confilcts later on!
git checkout o8_ckeditor_advanced
git rebase o8
git submodule update
# 5.3) Locally merge the Development Branch (o8_ckeditor_advanced) into the master branch (o8)
#      !!! OR Create a Pull request in Github which is the prefered method !!!
git checkout o8
git merge o8_ckeditor_advanced
git push origin master

Adding new Submodules to the repo:

# This is an example how to add a submodule with the submodule branch master:
git submodule add -b master etherpad-lite

# Update all submodules
git submodule update --rebase --remote --recursive

Update of all existing Submodules

git checkout o8
git pull
git submodule update --remote --rebase --recursive
git commit -am "[UPDATE] all submodules updated"
git push origin o8


odoo v8

Configuration (res.config) related

Other odoo Tools and Docs

XMLRPC, ErpPeek, Connector ...

git, git workflow and github

Odoo Setup in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Python, PIP, VirtualEnv

BASH Scripting

Java Script