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196 lines (140 loc) · 6 KB
date accepted updates status
March 2018
Completed in 2018

SCP-016: Accessible Scala


Bill Venners and Lars Hupel on behalf of the FLOSS community, written by Sam Halliday with input from Jon Pretty and Rui Batista.


Scala is proudly a welcoming environment for all. One way to maintain and demonstrate this would be to provide industry-leading support for blind and partially-sighted developers.


The goal should be to reduce the noise from a literal character-by-character reading of a fragment of code.

For example, the following code

def foo[A: Wibble](s: String, b: Wobble[A]): Int = ...

may be read by a text-to-speech engine, such as espeak, as

def space foo open square bracket capital s colon space
wibble close square bracket open bracket a colon space
string comma space b colon space wobble open square bracket
capital a close square bracket close bracket colon
space Int space equals space ...

Indeed such a description is necessary to enable precision editing.

However, the following would convey the same information more efficiently:

def foo
type A, context Wibble
from s String and b Wobble for A
to Int

and a more terse variant could be useful in a high-level summary report

method foo String Wobble to Int

The Scala AST has many constructs that could be similarly rendered into verbally-meaningful prose. scala.meta allows us to access the AST relatively easily and output textual descriptions in realtime, to be picked up by the text editor.

Nested types pose a problem as it is not clear how to best verbally describe them, for example

Either[Wobble[T], Option[Wobble[S]]]

or its higher-kinded form

_[_[_], _[_[_]]]

or scaladocs and line comments.

Research and experimentation is required to explore the best ways to describe more complex code blocks. For example, it may be that users like to set up aliases for common patterns in their codebases: the above may be easier to grok as wobble t or optwobble s.

In this project, we propose that a proof-of-concept command line tool be written that can generate English verbal descriptions, for source files or snippets of

Scala code. Key features would include

  • description at point
  • summary at point
  • where am I?

Use cases

The user may issue a request to describe the current block of code (or symbol / type), specifying the context: the current symbol, the current block, the current method, etc.

The user may request a verbal "summary at point", obtaining a lossy but higher level rendering of the content than the description.

The user may request "where am I?" and get a breadcrumb style description: "method foo, inside class Foo, inside package com dot acme dot bar"

It may be possible to leverage existing work from the scala.meta AST Explorer. The tool could either generate ASTs on the fly, or read an intermediate file format that is produced prior to compilation by the build tool.

Response time of the tool is paramount, it would make sense to write the tool in scala-native or run with nailgun. The tool should be able to take input such:

  • source scala file location (which may be inside an zip or jar archive)
  • type of description (e.g. breadcrumb location, describe, summarise)
  • cursor location (or region highlighted)
  • how many layers of "expand" to jump

and return text that could be provided to the text editor buffer for conversion to speech or braille.

The returned text should use a hypertext markup (or convention) to include links to referenced content. For example, a summary of the above could be

[method foo signature][6,54] and its [implementation][54,60]

The screen reader will then be able to choose to omit the hyperlink data, instead indicating to the user that a subsequent command could jump to the relevant part of the source.

Future work may include integration with the compiler reporter, REPL and scaladocs, along with further improvements and personalisations / localisations of the verbal descriptions.

Summaries could potentially be used in text editors and IDEs for sighted developers much as "import folding" and "comment folding" features can hide boilerplate. A method definition could be folded under a clickable button with an appropriate description, as produced by this tool.

The tool should be easily integrated in a general purpose editor in such a way that leverages existing accessibility support with minimal or no effort. In Emacs, this could be achieved with a simple function call to the CLI tool, piping the results to a buffer that emacsspeak is aware of.


No external costs.


A single developer could deliver the proof of concept within a month. A binary distribution of the tool is not required, preferring compile from source as users are encouraged to improve and maintain the tool going forward.

Rui Batista has offered to provide code input alongside expected output, along with general accessibility advice.

Sam Halliday has offered to provide a simple emacs function that can call the CLI tool.

Example output

Follows an additional set of inital attemps for speech output of some common scala constructs. We provide both verbose output and high level summary versions for each example.

case class Person(name: String, address: Address, age: Int)
// case class Person containing name String, address Address and age Int
// --summary --prefer=symbols: case class Person with name, address and age
// --summary --prefer=types:   case class Person with String, Address and Int
trait Monad[F[_]] extends Applicative[F] {
    // five methods defined here...
// trait Monad with higher type F extending applicative of F with five declarations
// trait Monad higher F
val a = 5
// val a with value 5 
// val a
type ErrorsOr[A] = ValidatedNel[String, A]
// type alias ErrorsOr type A equal to ValidatedNel of String and type A
// alias ErrorsOr A