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File metadata and controls

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Writter user guide

  • Case 1

Easily use it by mixing SlickResultIO trait.

case class Friend(id: Long, name: String, nick: String, age: Int)
case class FriendSetter(name: String, nick: String)

class FriendTable(tag: slick.lifted.Tag) extends Table[Friend](tag, "firend") with SlickResultIO {
  def id   = column[Long]("id", O.AutoInc)
  def name = column[String]("name")
  def nick = column[String]("nick")
  def age  = column[Int]("age")

  override def * = shino.effect(shino.singleModel[Friend](this).compile).shape

  def setter = shino.effect(shino.singleModel[FriendSetter](this).compile).shape

val friendTq = TableQuery[FriendTable]

friendTq.filter(s => ( % 2L) === 1L).map(_.setter).update(FriendSetter(name = "namenamename", nick = "miaomiaomiao")) // Update action

Shino will automatically correspond to the properties of FriendTable and FriendSetter. Then generate a Then generate a write only MappedProjection[FriendSetter, Any].

Test case  

  • Case 2

You can use to decide if the column needs to be updated at runtime.

case class Friend(id: Long, name: String, nick: String, age: Int)
case class FriendSetter(name: String, nick: String)

class FriendTable(tag: slick.lifted.Tag) extends Table[Friend](tag, "firend") with SlickResultIO {
  def id   = column[Long]("id", O.AutoInc)
  def name = column[String]("name")
  def nick = column[String]("nick")
  def age  = column[Int]("age")

  override def * = shino.effect(shino.singleModel[Friend](this).compile).shape

class FriendTableToInsert(ft: FriendTable) extends SlickResultIO {
  def id =
  def set(name: String, age: Int) = {
    val setter1 = shinoInput.set(
    val s = if (age > 300) {
      val setter2 = shinoInput.set(ft.age).to(age)
      shinoInput.effect(shinoInput.sequenceShapeValue(setter1, setter2))
    } else
        shinoInput.effect(setter1) // not to update age column

val friendTq = TableQuery[FriendTable]

val nameWithAge = List(NameWithAge("a1", 234), NameWithAge("a2", 322), NameWithAge("a3", 477))

friendTq.filter( === yourFriendId).map(s => new FriendTableToInsert(s).set(, na.age)).update(())

Test case  

  • Case 3

You can use shinoInput.shaped to lift your column. Then you can use method emap and ezip to manipulate the columns.

case class Friend(id: Long, name: String, nick: String, age: Int)

class FriendTable(tag: slick.lifted.Tag) extends Table[Friend](tag, "firend") with SlickResultIO {
  def id   = column[Long]("id", O.AutoInc)
  def name = column[String]("name")
  def nick = column[String]("nick")
  def age  = column[Int]("age")

  override def * = shino.effect(shino.singleModel[Friend](this).compile).shape

class FriendTableToInsert(tag: slick.lifted.Tag) extends FriendTable(tag) with SlickResultIO {
  @OverrideProperty(name = "age")
  def ageExt = shinoInput.shaped(column[Int]("age")).emap[Int](s => s + 1234)
  def setter = shinoInput.effect(shinoInput.singleModel[Friend](this).compile).shape

val friendTq         = TableQuery[FriendTable]
val friendTqToInsert = TableQuery[FriendTableToInsert]

val insert =

val friend1DBIO = insert += friend1 // change age to age + 1234 and then insert.

Shino can map column many times. No need to worry about this issue.

Test case  

  • Case 4

If the value of columnA depends on columnB, but columnB also needs to be evaluated separately. You can use RootModel to avoid selecting columnB twice. But you need to define a case class with the same fields as the original case class first.

case class Friend(id: Long, name: String, nick: String, age: Int)
case class NameAndAge(name: String, age: Int)

class FriendTable(tag: slick.lifted.Tag) extends Table[Friend](tag, "firend") with SlickResultIO {
  def id   = column[Long]("id", O.AutoInc)
  def name = column[String]("name")
  def nick = column[String]("nick")
  def age  = column[Int]("age")

  override def * = shino.effect(shino.singleModel[Friend](this).compile).shape

trait FriendTableToInsert extends SlickResultIO {
  @(RootTable @getter)
  val ft: FriendTable
  def nameAndAge = shinoInput.shaped([NameAndAge](s => (s"${}(law age: ${s.age})", s.age + 1))
  def setter     = shinoInput.effect(shinoInput.singleModel[Friend](this).compile).shape

val friendTq = TableQuery[FriendTable]

val insert = => new FriendTableToInsert { override val ft = s }.setter).returning(

val friend1DBIO = insert += friend1 // change name and age field and then insert.

Note that the annotation has expected you to get the val of type NameAndAge. It can be either Rep[NameAndAge] or a value that is manipulated by shinoInput.shaped.

Test case  

  • Case 5

If column name, nick, age does not require filters, sortby and so on. They only need to be select, insert and update. You can mixin ColumnHelper and override columnGenerator. Then you no need to define methods such as name, nick, age.

case class Friend(id: Long, name: String, nick: String, age: Int)

class FriendTable(tag: slick.lifted.Tag) extends Table[Friend](tag, "firend") with SlickResultIO with ColumnHelper {

  def id   = column[Long]("id", O.AutoInc)
  def name = Placeholder.value[String]

  override def * = shino.effect(shino.singleModel[Friend](this).compile).shape

  val setter = shinoInput.effect(shinoInput.singleModel[Friend](this).compile).shape

  override def columnGenerator[D](name: String, typedType: TypedType[D]): Rep[D] = {
    val newName = name match {
      case "age" => "age_ext"
      case r     => r


val friendTq = TableQuery[FriendTable]

friendTq.sortBy([List].result // DBIO[List[Friend]]


  • If you must override existing property(like name here). You can use Placeholder.value[String] to get the same behavior explicitly.
  • Column id still use def id. So if you want to map a specific column, just defining a same name property.

Test case