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Scaleway: scaleway_container_trigger

Resource: scaleway_container_trigger

Creates and manages Scaleway Container Triggers. For more information see the documentation.

Example Usage


resource scaleway_container_trigger main {
  container_id =
  name = "my-trigger"
  sqs {
    project_id = scaleway_mnq_sqs.main.project_id
    queue = "MyQueue"
    # If region is different
    region = scaleway_mnq_sqs.main.region


resource scaleway_container_trigger main {
  container_id =
  name = "my-trigger"
  nats {
    account_id =
    subject = "MySubject"
    # If region is different
    region = scaleway_mnq_nats_account.main.region

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • container_id (Required) The ID of the container to create a trigger for

  • name - (Optional) The unique name of the trigger. Default to a generated name.

  • description (Optional) The description of the trigger.

  • sqs The configuration of the Scaleway's SQS used by the trigger

    • namespace_id (Deprecated) ID of the mnq namespace. Deprecated.
    • queue (Required) Name of the queue
    • project_id (Optional) ID of the project where sqs is enabled, defaults to provider's project
    • region (Optional) Region where sqs is enabled, defaults to provider's region
  • nats The configuration for the Scaleway's Nats used by the trigger

    • account_id (Required) ID of the mnq nats account.
    • subject (Required) The subject to listen to
    • project_id (Optional) ID of the project that contain the mnq nats account, defaults to provider's project
    • region (Optional) Region where the mnq nats account is, defaults to provider's region
  • region - (Defaults to provider region). The region in which the namespace should be created.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the container trigger

  • ~> Important: Container Triggers' IDs are regional, which means they are of the form {region}/{id}, e.g. fr-par/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111


Container Triggers can be imported using the {region}/{id}, e.g.

$ terraform import scaleway_container_trigger.main fr-par/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111