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Current Version: 2.0


  1. Implemented FaceThumbnailCropper and UIImageRotationFixer that serve as helper classes for ReKognitionSDK.

    FaceThumbnailCropper crops face thumbnails out of the raw image, merges thumbnails into a single compressed image, and serves that image as the source for ReKognition API.

    UIImageRotationFixer rotates the underlining CGImageRef of an UIImage to its up un-mirrored position. It is used to correct the source images whose orientation is other than upwards, like images taken from camera roll.

  2. ReKognitionResults provides data classes and parsing methods for ReKognition API response.

This ReKognition iOS SDK is intent for developers who want to integrate ReKognition API into their iOS applications. The folder contains our ReKognition iOS SDKs (ReKognitionSDK.h and ReKognitionSDK.m under folder named SDK) and a simple example to demo the SDK. For more information about our ReKognition API, please read our documentation.

ReKognitionSDK class contain the following functions:

To customize your own recognition functions:

+ (NSData *)postReKognitionJobs:(NSDictionary *)jobsDictionary;

ReKognition Face Detect Function (if not set, jobs is face_aggressive by default)

- (RKFaceDetectResults *)RKFaceDetect:(UIImage*)image
- (RKFaceDetectResults *)RKFaceDetectWithUrl:(NSURL *)imageUrl

ReKognition Face Add Function

- (RKFaceDetectResults *)RKFaceAdd:(UIImage*)image
                       assignedTag:(NSString *)tag;             // If nil, assigned to untagged group

- (RKFaceDetectResults *)RKFaceAddWithUrl:(NSURL *)imageUrl
                              assignedTag:(NSString *)tag;      // If nil, assigned to untagged group

ReKognition Face Train Function

- (RKBaseResults *)RKFaceTrain:(NSArray *)selectedTags;         // If nil, train all tags

ReKognition Face Cluster Function

- (RKFaceClusterResults *)RKFaceCluster:(NSNumber *)aggressiveness;     // If nil, use 40

ReKognition Face Crawl Function

- (RKFaceCrawlResults *)RKFaceCrawl:(NSString *)fb_id
                        accessToken:(NSString *)access_token
                          friendIds:(NSArray *)friends_ids;

ReKognition Face Recognize Function

- (RKFaceDetectResults *)RKFaceRecognize:(UIImage *)image
                              resultsNum:(NSNumber *)num_return         // If nil, return 3 results
                               amongTags:(NSArray *)tags;               // If nil, recognize among all tags

- (RKFaceDetectResults *)RKFaceRecognizeWithUrl:(NSURL *)imageUrl
                                     resultsNum:(NSNumber *)num_return  // If nil, returns 3 retuls
                                      amongTags:(NSArray *)tags;        // If nil, recognize among all tags

ReKognition Face Visualize Function

- (RKFaceVisualizeResults *)RKFaceVisualize:(NSArray *)selectedTags             // If nil, return all tags
                               imagesPerTag:(NSNumber *)num_img_return_pertag;  // If nil, return all images

ReKognition Face Search Function

- (RKFaceDetectResults *)RKFaceSearch:(UIImage *)image
                           resultsNum:(NSNumber *)num_return        // If nil, return all results
                            amongTags:(NSArray *)tags;              // If nil, search among all tags

- (RKFaceDetectResults *)RKFaceSearchWithUrl:(NSURL *)imageUrl
                                  resultsNum:(NSNumber *)num_return // If nil, return all results
                                   amongTags:(NSArray *)tags;       // If nil, search among all tags

ReKognition Face Delete Function

- (RKBaseResults *)RKFaceDelete:(NSString *)tag                     // If nil, entire user_id is removed
                     imageIndex:(NSArray *)img_index_array;         // If nil, entire tag is removed

ReKognition Face Rename Function

- (RKBaseResults *)RKFaceRenameOrMergeTag:(NSString *)oldTag
                                  withTag:(NSString *)newTag
                        onlySelectedFaces:(NSArray *)img_index_array;    // If nil, rename all images under the tag

ReKognition Face Stats Function

- (RKNameSpaceStatsResults *)RKNameSpaceStats;

- (RKUserIdStatsResults *)RKUserIdStats;

ReKognition Scene Understadning Function

+ (RKSceneUnderstandingResults *)RKSceneUnderstanding:(UIImage *)image;

+ (RKSceneUnderstandingResults *)RKSceneUnderstandingWithUrl:(NSURL *)imageUrl;


  1. Click here to register a ReKognition account, and you will receive the API key and secret by email.

  2. Use your own API Key and Secret when initializing RekognitionSDK.

- (id)initWithAPIKey:(NSString *)key APISecret:(NSString *)secret namespace:(NSString *)nameSpace userid:(NSString *)userid;
- (id)initWithAPIKey:(NSString *)key APISecret:(NSString *)secret; // "default" will be used for namespace and userid.


This demo app allows you to perform the following tasks:

  • Select a photo from the album or take a picture using the camera;

  • Recognize the image using the our face detection and scene understanding functions;

Notes: the demo app shows the proper usage of FaceThumbnailCropper and UIImageRotationFixer helper classes.

For any questions, please contact


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