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Sceleri edited this page Apr 24, 2021 · 16 revisions

Settings is a Rainmeter skin that generates settings skins for other Rainmeter skins.

Quick-start guide

First, define your about category under [Variables]

;@About | Name Example

This is the minimum you need for an about category.

Then define the first real category and it's variables:

;@Default | Name Font
;?String | Name Font size
;?Color | Name Font color 
;?Toggle | Name Accurate text

Settings will generate a page called Font and put all of the variables in that category on that page. All variables declared after ;@Font belong to that category.

Here's a full example variable file that's also included in Settings. You can copy the declarations from it or read the syntax page for all possible category and variable properties (they're not all used in the example)

;@About | Name About | Description an example settings skin generated from | Icon [\xE897]
;?Info | Name Disclaimer | Link 0
These variables don't actually control anything=
;?Info | Name Generate your own Settings skin: | Link 1
Settings wiki=
;?Info | Name Open the example file

;@Topic | Name Personalization | Icon [\xE771]
;@ | Name Font | Icon [\xE986]
;?String | Name Font face | Description The font used throughout the skin
FontFace=Segoe UI
;?Color | Name Font color | Description Colour of all text elements
;?String | Name Font size | Description The size of all text elements

;@Topic | Name Skin settings
;@ | Name Sizing | Icon [\xE740]
;?Integer | Name Height
;?Integer | Name Width
;@ | Name Miscellanious | Icon [\xE736]
;?Toggle | Name Enable automatic sizing
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