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SceytChat Android SDK

The SceytChat Android SDK provides developers with a powerful and flexible chat interface that can be easily integrated into Android apps. With SceytChat, you can easily add one-to-one and group chat functionality to your app. It comes packed with a wide range of features, including message threading, media and file sharing, reactions, user mentions, message search, user and channel blocking, message forwarding and replies, and many more.

Table of contents


Before using the SceytChat Android SDK, you will need the following:

  • Android SDK 21 or later
  • Java version 8 or later
  • Android Studio 4.1 or later


  1. Add the following line to the build.gradle file for your project:
allprojects {
    repositories {

This will enable your project to use libraries from Maven Central.

  1. Add the following dependency to your app's build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.sceyt:sceyt-chat-android-sdk:1.5.0'
  1. Sync your project.

  2. Add the following permissions to your app's AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>


  1. To use the SceytChat Android SDK, you will need to initialize it with your Sceyt application credentials. The initialization requires the following parameters:

    apiUrl: The base URL of the Sceyt chat API.

    appId: The ID of your Sceyt chat application.

    context: The Android context of your application.

    class MyApplication : Application() {
        override fun onCreate() {
            // Initialize the SceytChat SDK with your credentials
            val apiUrl = "" // replace with your Sceyt application API URL
            val appId = "8lwox2ge93" // replace with your Sceyt application ID
            var chatClient = ChatClient.initialize(apiUrl, appId, applicationContext)
  1. After initializing the ChatClient, you can register a ClientListener to be notified when certain events occur, such as when the connection to Sceyt is successful, where "listenerName" is used to identify the listener.
    chatClient.addClientListener("listenerName", object : ClientListener {

        override fun onConnectionStateChanged(state: ConnectionState, exception: SceytException?) {
            // Called when the connection state changes.
        override fun onTokenWillExpire(expireTime: Long) {
            // Called when the token is about to expire.
        override fun onTokenExpired() {
            // Called when the token has expired.
  1. You can then use the connect method of the ChatClient instance to connect to the Sceyt, where the token is a JWT token signed with your application's private key. Sceyt verifies the token by the public key of the application.
    class MyApplication : Application() {

      override fun onCreate() {
  1. After connecting to Sceyt, you can create, for example, a private group channel with members "bob" and "alice" using the CreatePrivateChannelRequest builder. Specify a ChannelCallback to handle the results.
     val roleName = "participant"

     val memberAlice = Member.Builder("alice").roleName(roleName).build()
     val memberBob = Member.Builder("bob").roleName(roleName).build()

     CreatePrivateChannelRequest().withSubject("Daily Meeting")
         .withMembers(mutableListOf(memberAlice, memberBob))
         .execute(object : ChannelCallback {
             override fun onResult(channel: Channel) {
                 // The channel has been created successfully.

             override fun onError(exception: SceytException) {
                 // An error occurred while creating the channel.
  1. Now you can send a message to the Created channel using its ID, like this:, object : MessageCallback {
        override fun onResult(message: Message) {
            // The message has been sent successfully.
        override fun onError(e: SceytException?) {
            // An error occurred while sending the message.


If you are using Proguard in your application, make sure to add the following rules to your proguard-rules file:

# Keep all necessary classes in '' package and its subpackages

-keep class** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }

These rules will ensure that all classes in the specified packages and their sub-packages are not obfuscated by Proguard.


See the LICENSE file for details.