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Fluent mappings including conventional

mladenb edited this page Mar 2, 2018 · 8 revisions

Fluent Mappings

To create a mapping for a class you can inherit from Map<T> where T is the class you are mapping for.

public class UserMapping : Map<User>
    public UserMapping()
        PrimaryKey(x => x.UserId);
        Columns(x =>
            x.Column(y => y.Name).Ignore();
            x.Column(y => y.Age).WithName("a_ge");

Mappings can also inherit from Mappings and specify all mappings in one class using the For<> method.

public class OurMappings : Mappings
    public OurMappings()
        For<User>().Columns( ....

Database Factory Setup

You only want to create the mappings once and we do this using a Database Factory.

public void Application_Start()
public static class MyFactory
    public static DatabaseFactory DbFactory { get; set; }

    public static void Setup()
        var fluentConfig = FluentMappingConfiguration.Configure(new OurMappings());
        //or individual mappings
        //var fluentConfig = FluentMappingConfiguration.Configure(new UserMapping(), ....);

        DbFactory = DatabaseFactory.Config(x =>
            x.UsingDatabase(() => new Database("connString"));
            x.WithMapper(new Mapper());

Then you can use it like so in your code.

var database = MyFactory.DbFactory.GetDatabase();

If you are using a container then you could have something like

For<IDatabase>().Use(() => MyFactory.DbFactory.GetDatabase());