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Trust Root Configuration (TRC) Specification

This document contains the specification for Trust Root Configuration (TRC), Sensitive Voting Certificate and Regular Voting Certificate.

For voting certificates, the SCION Trust Root Configuration Specification builds on top of [RFC5280]_, which in turn builds on top of [X509]_. The SCION specification is a more restrictive set of [RFC5280]_, which means that [RFC5280]_ compliant implementations can be adapted to implement this specification by including the additional checks.

For each SCION voting certificate, this document defines the additional constraints when compared to [RFC5280]_. When something is marked as optional, it also includes how the Anapaya implementation behaves.

Note that this document uses the new X.509-style SCION terminology (as opposed to the previous JSON SCION terminology). The following entities are used in this document:

  • Sensitive Voting Key. This is the previous offline voting key. It is embedded in TRCs (via a sensitive voting certificate) to signal that a party can cast a vote on a sensitive update.
  • Regular Voting Key. This is the previous online voting key. It is embedded in TRCs (via a regular voting certificate) to signal that a party can cast a vote on a regular update.
  • Sensitive Voting Certificate. This is the container for the public key associated with the Sensitive Voting Key.
  • Regular Voting Certificate. This is the container for the public key associated with the Regular Voting Key.

This document uses the Anapaya IANA Private Enterprise Number (55324) as root SCION OIDs:

id-ana  ::=  OBJECT IDENTIFIER {1 3 6 1 4 1 55324}

TRC Format

The SCION TRC is a signed collection of X.509 v3 certificates and some ISD policy information. This collection contains a set of CP Root Certificates that build the roots of the verification path for CP AS Certificates of an ISD. The remaining certificates are solely used, together with the ISD policy information, for voting the next TRC in the TRC Update Process.

This section presents the TRC format definitions and encoding and uses the ITU-T [X680]_ syntax.

TRC Payload Schema

The TRC payload is the container that holds the certificates and the policy information. For signature calculation, the data that is to be signed is encoded using ASN.1 distinguished encoding rules (DER) [X690]_.

TRCPayload  ::=  SEQUENCE {
    version   TRCFormatVersion,
    iD        TRCID,
    validity  Validity,

    gracePeriod   INTEGER,
    votes         SEQUENCE OF INTEGER (SIZE (1..255)),

    votingQuorum  INTEGER (1..255),

    coreASes           SEQUENCE OF ASN,
    authoritativeASes  SEQUENCE OF ASN,
    description        UTF8String (SIZE (0..1024)),

    certificates       SEQUENCE OF Certificate }

TRCFormatVersion  ::=  INTEGER { v1(0) }

    iSD           ISD,
    serialNumber  INTEGER (1..MAX),
    baseNumber    INTEGER (1..MAX) }

ISD  ::=  INTEGER (1..65535)

Validity  ::=  SEQUENCE {
    notBefore  Time,
    notAfter   Time }

ASN  ::=  INTEGER (1..281474976710655)

TRC Payload Fields

The sequence TRCPayload contains the identifying information of a TRC. Furthermore, it contains policy information for TRC updates, and a list of certificates that build the trust anchor for the ISD. The remainder of this section describes the syntax and semantics of these fields.


This field describes the version of the encoded TRC payload. For now, this version is always v1.

Deprecation warning: note that the version field has different semantics compared to the old SCION JSON format for TRCs (where version was an incrementing counter). The JSON style version is moved to the serial number field in the :ref:`trc-id-field` sequence bellow.


This field is a unique identifier of the TRC. It is a sequence of the ISD number, TRC serial number and the base number. The ISD number MUST be in the ISD numbering range and not be the wildcard ISD. I.e., the ISD number is an integer in the inclusive range between 1 and 65535. The serial and base number both MUST be a positive integer.

The base number indicates the starting point of the TRC update chain this TRC is in. A TRC where the serial number is equal to the base number is called a base TRC. Trust for a base TRC cannot be inferred by verifying a TRC update, and has to be bootstrapped through another mechanism.

The initial TRC is a special case of a base TRC. It MUST hold the serial number value 1 and base number 1. With every TRC update, the serial number MUST be incremented by one. This facilitates uniquely identifying the predecessor and successor TRC in a TRC update chain starting in the same base TRC.

If a trust reset is necessary, a new base TRC is announced to start a new and clean TRC update chain. The base number SHOULD be the subsequent number of the serial number of the latest TRC that was produced by a non-compromised TRC update for this ISD.


The TRC validity period is the interval during which the TRC may be considered in the valid state. This interval sets the lower and upper bound for which a TRC can be active.

The validity is a sequence of two dates, as defined in [X509]_, Section 7.2.

In addition to the definition, the following constraints apply:

  • All TRCs MUST have a well-defined expiration date. TRCS that specify that they do not have a well-defined expiration date (by using the 99991231235959Z Generalized Time value) are not valid. SCION implementations MUST NOT create such TRCs, and verifiers MUST error out when encountering such a TRCs.


The grace period indicates the interval for how long the previous unexpired version of the TRC should be considered active. The field encodes the grace period as an integer of seconds. The start of the grace period is equal to the beginning of the validity period of this TRC.

The predecessor of this TRC, if any, should be considered active until either 1. the grace period has passed, 2. the predecessor's expiration time is reached, or 3. the successor TRC of this TRC has been announced.

The grace period of a base TRC MUST be zero. The grace period of a non-base TRC SHOULD be non-zero and long enough to provide sufficient overlap between the TRCs in order to facilitate interruption free operations in the ISD. E.g., if the grace period is too short, some CP AS certificates might expire, before the subject can fetch an updated version from its CA.


This boolean indicates whether the TRC trust reset mechanism is disallowed by the ISD. Inside a TRC update chain, this value MUST NOT change. Thus, the base TRC decides on the value. This field is optional and defaults to FALSE.

On trust resets, this value MAY be changed. Notice, however, that this implies that once the trust resets are disallowed, there is no way of re-enabling them. ISDs SHOULD always set this value to FALSE, unless they have a very specific use case and have assessed the risks and implications sufficiently.


Votes contains a sequence of indices of the voting certificates in the predecessor TRC. In a base TRC, this sequence is empty. Every entry in this sequence MUST be unique.

If index i is part of votes, then the voting certificate at position i in the certificates sequence of the predecessor TRC casts a vote, for this TRC. Further restrictions on the votes is discussed in :ref:`trc-update`.

This sequence is included to prevent stripping voting signatures from the TRC. If this sequence were not included, a TRC that has more voting signatures than the votingQuorum could be transformed into multiple verifiable TRCs with the same payload, but different voting signature sets. This would violate the uniqueness of a TRC, without the consent from a voting quorum.


The voting quorum indicates the number of necessary votes on a successor TRC, for it to be verifiable.


CoreASes contains a sequence of AS numbers that are the core ASes in this ISD. To revoke or add the core status for a given AS, a TRC update is necessary. The entries in this sequence MUST be unique.


AuthoritativeASes contains a sequence of AS numbers that are authoritative in this ISD. To revoke or add the authoritative status for a given AS, a TRC update is necessary. The entries in this sequence MUST be unique. Every authoritative AS MUST be a core AS and listed there.


The description contains a UTF-8 encoded string that describes the ISD. This value SHOULD NOT be empty, and MAY contain information in multiple languages.


Certificates is a sequence of self-signed X.509 certificates that fall under three categories:

The constraints on these certificates are described in their respective sub-sections.

Certificates that do not fall under one of these categories MUST NOT be included in the certificates sequence. There are some additional constraints on the set of certificates. For each certificate, the following constraints MUST hold:

  1. Every certificate MUST be unique in the sequence.
  2. The Issuer/SerialNumber-pair for every certificate MUST be unique.
  3. If an ISD-AS number is present in the distinguished name, the ISD field MUST be equal to the ISD number of this TRC defined in :ref:`trc-id-field`.
  4. Every certificate MUST have a validity period that fully contains the validity period of this TRC. I.e., the TRC's not_before MUST be greater or equal to the certificate's not_before, and the TRC's not_after MUST be less or equal to the certificate's not_after.
  5. Per certificate category, every certificate distinguished name MUST be unique.

For the the set of certificates, the following MUST hold:

  1. :ref:`trc-voting-quorum-field` <= count(Sensitive Voting Certificates)
  2. :ref:`trc-voting-quorum-field` <= count(Regular Voting Certificate)

Signed TRC Format

The TRC payload is signed as a CM Signed-data Content defined in [RFC5652]_, Section 5, and encapsulated in a CMS ContentInfo defined in [RFC5652]_, Section 3.

For convenience, the definitions are repeated here:

ContentInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
    contentType ContentType,
    content [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY contentType }


SignedData  ::=  SEQUENCE {
    version               CMSVersion,
    digestAlgorithms      DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers,
    encapContentInfo      EncapsulatedContentInfo,
    certificates      [0] IMPLICIT CertificateSet OPTIONAL,
    crls              [1] IMPLICIT RevocationInfoChoices OPTIONAL,
    signerInfos           SignerInfos }

DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers  ::=  SET OF DigestAlgorithmIdentifier

SignerInfos  ::=  SET OF SignerInfo

EncapsulatedContentInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE {
    eContentType      ContentType,

SignerInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE {
    version                 CMSVersion,
    sid                     SignerIdentifier,
    digestAlgorithm         DigestAlgorithmIdentifier,
    signedAttrs         [0] IMPLICIT SignedAttributes OPTIONAL,
    signatureAlgorithm      SignatureAlgorithmIdentifier,
    signature               SignatureValue,
    unsignedAttrs       [1] IMPLICIT UnsignedAttributes OPTIONAL }

SignerIdentifier  ::=  CHOICE {
    issuerAndSerialNumber      IssuerAndSerialNumber,
    subjectKeyIdentifier   [0] SubjectKeyIdentifier }

SignedAttributes  ::=  SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF Attribute

UnsignedAttributes  ::=  SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF Attribute

Attribute  ::=  SEQUENCE {
    attrType    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
    attrValues  SET OF AttributeValue }

AttributeValue  ::=  ANY

SignatureValue  ::=  OCTET STRING

We build on top of the rules from [RFC5652]_ and add the following restrictions:

  • The certificates field in SignedData is left empty. The certificate pool used to verify the TRC updates is based on the previous TRC.
  • The eContentType is set to id-data. The contents of the eContent is the DER encoded TRCPayload, as specified above. This has the benefit that the format is backwards compatible with PKCS #7, as described in [RFC5652]_, Section 5.2.1.
  • Because we do not include certificates in SignedData and choose id-data as the content type, the version in SignedData MUST be 1, as required by [RFC5652]_, Section 5.1.
  • The SignerIdentifier MUST be the choice IssuerAndSerialNumber, thus, version in SignerInfo MUST be 1, as required by [RFC5652]_, Section 5.3.
  • The digestAlgorithm is implied by the signatureAlgorithm according to the :ref:`supported-algorithms`.
  • The signatureAlgorithm MUST one of the listed :ref:`supported-algorithms`.

Anapaya software does not implement support for adding custom signed or unsigned attributes.

TRC Update

TRC updates are split into two categories: Sensitive and regular updates. The type of update is inferred from the information that is changed by the updated TRC. Based on the category of the update, a different set of voters is necessary to create a verifiable TRC update.

The following rules MUST hold for both update categories:

  • The isd and baseNumber in the :ref:`trc-id-field` field MUST NOT change. - The serialNumber in the iD field MUST be incremented by one.
  • The noTrustReset field MUST NOT change.
  • There MUST only be votes cast that are authenticated by Sensitive Voting Certificates or Regular Voting Certificates present in the predecessor TRC. This means, the votes sequence MUST only contain indices of the Sensitive Voting Certificates or Regular Voting Certificates.
  • The number of votes MUST be greater than or equal to the votingQuorum of the predecessor TRC.
  • Every Sensitive Voting Certificate and Regular Voting Certificate that is new in the TRC attaches a signature to the TRC. This is done to ensure the freshly included voting entity agrees with the contents of the TRC and being part of it.

In the context of a TRC update, we identify a certificate as changing, if the certificate is part of the certificates sequence in the predecessor TRC, but no longer part of the certificates sequence in the successor TRC, and instead, there is a certificate of the same category and distinguished name in the certificates of the successor TRC.

We identify a certificate as new, if there is no certificate of the same category and distinguished name in the certificates of the predecessor TRC.

Regular TRC Update

A TRC update qualifies as a regular update, if all of the following restrictions apply:

  • The votingQuorum does not change.
  • The coreASes section does not change.
  • The authoritativeASes section does not change.
  • The number of Sensitive Voting Certificates, Regular Voting Certificates, and CP Root certificates and their distinguished names does not change.
  • The set of Sensitive Voting Certificates does not change.
  • For every Regular Voting Certificate that changes, the Regular Voting Certificate in the predecessor TRC is part of the voters on the successor TRC.
  • For every CP Root Certificate that changes, the CP Root Certificate in the predecessor TRC attaches a signature to the signed successor TRC.

In order for a regular TRC update to be verifiable, all votes MUST be cast by a Regular Voting Certificate.

Sensitive TRC Update

If a TRC update does not qualify as a regular update, it is considered a sensitive update. In order for sensitive updates to be verifiable, all votes MUST be cast by a Sensitive Voting Certificate.

TRC Update Verification

To verify a TRC update, the relying party first checks that the specified :ref:`trc-update` are respected. Then, the relying party checks whether the update is regular or sensitive. In case of a regular update, the relying party checks that signatures for the changing certificates are present and verifiable. Further, the relying party checks that all votes are cast by a Regular Voting Certificate. In case of a sensitive update, the relying party checks that all votes are cast by a Sensitive Voting Certificate. In both cases, the relying party checks that all signatures are verifiable, and no superfluous signatures are attached.

TRC Equality

For certain operations, we require an equality definition for TRCs. The signer infos in the signed TRC are part of an unordered set, per [RFC5652]_. This implies, that the signer infos can be reordered without affecting verification.

Two TRCs are equal, if and only if their payloads are byte equal.

This definition of equality is sufficient, because the payload defines exactly which signatures need to be attached in the signed TRC. The required signature for voting certificates are explicitly mentioned in the votes field of the payload. The required signatures for new certificates is implied by the TRC payload, and, in case of a TRC update, the predecessor payload.

CP Certification Path

The certification path of a CP AS Certificate starts in a CP Root Certificate. The CP Root Certificates for a given ISD are distributed via the TRC. When validating the certification path, the relying party must build the correct set of CP Root Certificates as a trust anchor pool from the available TRCs. Based on this pool, the relying party can select candidate certification paths and verify them.

TRC Selection

To build the trust anchor pool, the right set of TRCs must be selected. This depends on the time of verification. In the usual case, we want to verify a control plane message, and thus, the time will be the current time. In some special cases, i.e., for auditing, we might want to know if a signature was verifiable at a given point in time.

The selection algorithm is described in pseudo-python code below:

def select_trust_anchors(trcs: Dict[(int,int), TRC], verification_time: int) -> Set[RootCert]:
        trcs: The dictionary mapping (serial number, base number) to the TRC for a given ISD.
        verification_time: The time of verification.

        The set of CP Root certificates that act as trust anchors.
    # Find highest base number that has a TRC with a validity period
    # starting before verification time.
    base_nr = 1
    for trc in trcs.values():
        if > base_nr and trc.validity.not_before <= verification_time:
            base_nr =

    # Find TRC with highest serial number with the given base number and a
    # validity period starting before verification time.
    serial_nr = 1
    for trc in trcs[isd].values():
        if != base_nr:
        if > serial_nr and trc.validity.not_before <= verification_time:
            serial_nr =

    candidate = trcs[(serial_nr, base_nr)]

    # If the verification time is not inside the validity period,
    # there is no valid set of trust anchors.
    if not candidate.validity.contains(verification_time):
        return set()

    # If the grace period has passed, only the certificates in that TRCs
    # may be used as trust anchors.
    if candidate.validity.not_before + candidate.grace_period < verification_time:
        return collect_trust_anchors(candidate)

    predecessor = trcs.get((serial_nr-1, base_nr))
    if not predecessor or predecessor.validity.not_after < verification_time:
        return collect_trust_anchors(candidate)

    return collect_trust_anchors(candidate) | collect_trust_anchors(predecessor)

def collect_trust_anchors(trc: TRC) -> Set[RootCert]:
        trc: A TRC from which the CP Root Certificates shall be extracted.

        The set of CP Root certificates that act as trust anchors.
    roots = set()
    for cert in trc.certificates:
        if not
    return roots

Voting Certificate

There are two types of voting certificates; The Sensitive Voting Certificate and the Regular Voting Certificates. They authenticate public keys for private keys that are allowed to cast votes in the TRC update process.

Both certificates are x.509 style certificates, in general follow the CP Certificates format, with the exception that they are not required to include the ISD-AS number in their distinguished name.

Sensitive Voting Certificate

Sensitive Voting Certificates state which keys are allowed to cast votes in a sensitive update.

In X.509 terms, Sensitive Voting Certificates are self-signed end-entity certificates (issuer and subject are the same entity, and the key within the certificate was used to sign it).

All constraints in :ref:`general-certificate-requirements` apply to Sensitive Voting Certificates.

The recommended maximum validity period of a Sensitive Voting Certificate is 5 year.

Extension constraints

Key usage. If this extension is present, the digitalSignature and keyCertSign attribute MUST NOT be set.

Extended key usage. This extension MUST be present. The id-kp-serverAuth and id-kp-clientAuth purposes MUST NOT be set. The id-kp-sensitive and id-kp-timeStamping purpose MUST be set.

id-kp-sensitive AttributeType ::= {id-ana id-cppki(1) id-kp(3) 1}

Basic constraints. The extension SHOULD NOT be included. If it is included, the cA component MUST be set to FALSE.

Regular Voting Certificate

Regular Voting Certificates state which keys are allowed to cast votes in a regular update.

In X.509 terms, Regular Voting Certificates are self-signed end-entity certificates (issuer and subject are the same entity, and the key within the certificate was used to sign it).

All constraints in :ref:`general-certificate-requirements` apply to Regular Voting Certificates.

The recommended maximum validity period of a Regular Voting Certificate is 1 year.

Extension constraints

Key usage. If this extension is present, the digitalSignature and keyCertSign attribute MUST NOT be set.

Extended key usage. This extension MUST be present. The id-kp-serverAuth and id-kp-clientAuth purposes MUST NOT be set. The id-kp-regulars and id-kp-timeStamping purpose MUST be set.

id-kp-regular AttributeType ::= {id-ana id-cppki(1) id-kp(3) 2}

Basic constraints. The extension SHOULD NOT be included. If it is included, the cA component MUST be set to FALSE.

Supported Algorithms

See :ref:`certificate-signature` for information about supported algorithms. In this section we only list the TRC-specific aspects.

The Signed-data of the signed TRC format follows [RFC8419]_, Section 3.1.