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762 lines (526 loc) · 14.6 KB

File metadata and controls

762 lines (526 loc) · 14.6 KB

Fortran Filesystem API

Fortran filesystem modules contains numerous procedures and one (optional, default enabled) Fortran type "path_t" that contains properties and methods.

C++ stdlib <filesystem> is used extensively within Ffilesystem to implement functions in a platform-agnostic and robust way. Fallback to C99 functions is available for compilers that do not support C++ . For the interchange of character strings between Fortran and C++ / C, the buffer length is determined at compile time and is available in fs_get_max_path() (C, C++) or max_path() (Fortran).

integer :: m
m = max_path()


path_t can be manually disabled with CMake by setting cmake -DHAVE_F03TYPE=0.

The "path_t" type uses getter and setter procedure to access the path as a string character(:), allocatable.

use filesystem, only : path_t

type(path_t) :: p

p = path_t("my/path")  !< setter

print *, "path: ", p%path() !< getter

The retrieved path string may be indexed like:

p%path(2,4)  !< character index 2:4

p%path(2) !< character index 2:end

In all the examples, we assume "p" is path_t.

System capabilities

Character, allocatable: the Fortran compiler name and version


Character, allocatable: the C/C++ compiler name and version.

  • C++ backend: output is non-empty if c++20 std::format is available
  • C backend: output is non-empty for known compilers

Character, allocatable: the CPU architecture


Logical: ffilesystem is using C++ backend


Logical: ffilesystem was compiled with optimizations:


integer (long): the C __STDC_VERSION__ or C++ level of macro __cplusplus



These subroutines are available in the "filesystem" module.

call create_symlink("my/path", "my/symlink", ok)

logical, intent(out), optional :: ok !< true if succeeded

Copy source to destination. Optionally, overwrite existing file.

character(*) :: dest = "new/file.ext"

call p%copy_file(dest)
! or
call copy_file("original.txt", "acopy.txt")

! overwrite
call copy_file("original.txt", "acopy.txt", overwrite=.true.)

character(*), intent(in) :: source, dest
logical, intent(in), optional :: overwrite
logical, intent(out), optional :: ok !< true if successful

Make directory with parent directories if specified

p = path_t("my/new/dir")
! suppose only directory "my" exists
call p%mkdir()
! now directory my/new/dir exists
! OR
call mkdir("my/new/dir")

Touch file (create empty file if not a file). The directories containing the file must already exist. Also updates the file access/modification times to current time.

logical, optional :: ok
type(path_t) :: p

call p%touch(ok)

call touch("myfile.ext", ok)

Get last modified time of path.

use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : C_LONG
integer(C_LONG) :: mtime

mtime = get_modtime("my/file.txt")

Set modified time of path to current time.

logical :: ok

ok = set_modtime("my/file.txt")

Delete file, empty directory, or symbolic link (the target of a symbolic link is not deleted).

call p%remove()
! or
call remove("my/file.txt")

create symbolic link to file or directory:

call p%create_symlink(link)
! or
call create_symlink(target, link)


These methods emit a new "path_t" object. It can be a new path_t object, or reassign to the existing path_t object.

On Windows, force file separators (if any) to Posix "/"

p = path_t('my\path')
p = p%as_posix()

! my/path

Expand home directory, swapping file separators "" for "/" and drop redundant file separators "//".

! Fortran does not understand tilde "~"

p = path_t("~/my/path")
p = p%expanduser()

Read symlink target if path is a symbolic link--empty string if not a symlink.

target = p%read_symlink()
! or
target = read_symlink("my/symlink")

Resolve path. This means to canonicalize the path, normalizing, resolving symbolic links, and resolving relative paths when the path exists. This is distinct from canonical, which does not pin relative paths to a specific directory when the path does not exist.

p = path_t("~/../b")
p = p%resolve()

p%path() == "<absolute path of user home directory>/b"

! --- relative path resolved to current working directory
p = path_t("../b")
p = p%resolve()

p%path() == "<absolute path of current working directory>/b"

Canoicalize path. This means to normalize, resolve symbolic links, and resolve relative paths when the path exists. If the path doesn't exist and no absolute path is given, the path is resolved as far as possible with existing path components, and then ".", ".." are lexiographically resolved.

p = path_t("~/../b")
p = p%canonical()

p%path() == "<absolute path of user home directory>/b"

! --- relative path resolved to current working directory
p = path_t("../b")
p = p%canonical()

p%path() == "../b"

Swap file suffix

p = path_t("my/file.h5")

p = p%with_suffix(".hdf5")

! p%path() == "my/file.hdf5"

Normalize path, a lexical operation removing ".." and "." and duplicate file separators "//". The path need not exist. Trailing file separators are gobbled.

p = p%normal()
! or
normal("./my//path/../b/")  !< "my/b"

Join path with other path string using posix separators. The paths are treated like strings. No path resolution is used, so non-sensical paths are possible for non-sensical input.

p = path_t("a/b")

p = p%join("c/d")

! p%path == "a/b/c/d"


These procedures emit an 64-bit integer value.

len_trim() of p%path()


File size (bytes):

! or

Space available on drive containing path (bytes):

! or


These methods emit a logical value.

Does directory exist:

! or

Error stop if directory does not exist

call assert_is_dir("my/dir")

Is path a subdirectory under (not just equal to) of "dir". this is a lexical operation.


is_subdir("my/dir", "my")

Is filename "safe" (no path separators, no reserved names, no special characters, no white space):

logical :: is_safe_name()


Is "path" a file or directory (or a symbolic link to existing file or directory). Like Python pathlib.Path.exists(), even if the path does not have read permission, it still may exist.

! or

Does file exist (or a symbolic link to an existing file). Like Python pathlib.Path.is_file(), even if the file does not have read permission, it still may exist.

! or

Is the path a special character device (like a terminal or /dev/null)?

! of

On Windows, is the path a reserved name (like "nul" on Windows)?

! or

Error stop if file does not exist

call assert_is_file("my/dir")

Is path a symbolic link:

! or

Is path absolute:

! or

Does path "p" resolve to the same path as "other". Does not expanduser(). To be true:

  • path must exist
  • path must be traversable E.g. "a/b/../c" resolves to "a/c" iff a/b also exists.
  • symlink resolves to its target
! or
same_file(path1, path2)

file permissions

Is file executable by the user. Even if the file does not have read permission, it still may be executable. False for directories.

!! logical

! or

Make regular file executable (or not) for owner.

Windows: set_permissions(path, executable=) does NOT work (MinGW, oneAPI, MSVC).

!! subroutine

call p%set_permissions(readable, writable, executable=.true., ok)
! or
call set_permissions("my/file.exe", executable=.true.)

logical, intent(in), optional :: readable, writable, executable
logical, intent(out), optional :: ok  !< true if successful

Is path (file or directory) readable by the user.

!! logical

! or

Is path (file or directory) writable by the user.

!! logical

! or

character(:), allocatable

These procedures emit a string.

Force file separators (if any) to Posix "/"

! my/path

Join path_t with other path string using posix separators. The paths are treated like strings. No path resolution is used, so non-sensical paths are possible for non-sensical input.

join("a/b", "c/d") ! "a/b/c/d"


character(:), allocatable :: to_cygpath(winpath)

character(:), allocatable :: to_winpath(cygpath)

transform to/from Windows path to Cygwin POSIX path


Find executable file on environment variable PATH if present.
Windows must include the ".exe" suffix.
Windows prioritizes CWD.
Does not resolve path--if Windows CWD or relative path is in PATH, may output relative path.
Does not expanduser tilde.

On Windows, security / virus scanners may block cmd.exe and similar under `%SYSTEMROOT%` from being found.

character(:), allocatable :: which("myprog")

Get file suffix: extracts path suffix, including the final "." dot

! or
suffix("my/file.txt")  !< ".txt"

Swap file suffix

with_suffix("to/my.h5", ".hdf5")  !< "to/my.hdf5"

Get parent directory of path. The parent of the top-most relative path is ".". We define the parent of a path as the directory above the specified path. Trailing slashes are gobbled. The path is not normalized.

! or
parent("my/file.txt")  !< "my"

parent("a") !< "."

Get file name without path:

! or
file_name("my/file.txt")  ! "file.txt"

Get file name without path and suffix:

! or
stem("my/file.txt")  !< "file"

Get path separator: ":" for Unix, ";" for Windows

character :: s = pathsep()

Get null path: "/dev/null" on Unix, "nul" on Windows

character(:), allocatable :: n = devnull()

Get filesystem type of path. E.g. "NTFS" or "ext4". WSL shows "v9fs" for Windows paths.

character(:), allocatable :: p%filesystem_type()

! or

filesystem_type("my/file.txt")  !< "NTFS" or "ext4" or ...

Get drive root. E.g. Unix "/" Windows "c:" Requires absolute path or will return empty string.

! or
root("/a/b/c") !< "/" on Unix, "" on Windows

root ("c:/a/b/c") !< "c:" on Windows, "" on Unix

Expand user home directory. With C++ backend, the path is not normalized. With C backend, the path is normalized, to drastically simplify the code.

expanduser("~/my/path")   !< "/home/user/my/path" on Unix, "<root>/Users/user/my/path" on Windows

Resolve (canonicalize) path. First attempts to resolve an existing path. If that fails, the path is resolved as far as possible with existing path components, and then ".", ".." are lexiographically resolved.


! --- relative path resolved to current working directory

Windows: long to short path

shortname("C:/Program Files")  !< "C:/PROGRA~1"

Windows: short to long path

longname("C:/PROGRA~1")  !< "C:/Program Files"

Get path relative to other path. This is a purely lexical operation.

relative_to(base, other)
character(*), intent(in) :: base, other

relative_to("/a/b/c", "/a/b")  !< "c"

p = path_t("/a/b/c")
p%relative_to("/a")  !< "b/c"

p%relative_to("d")  !< ""

Get path proximate to other path. This is a purely lexical operation.

proximate_to(base, other)
character(*), intent(in) :: base, other

proximate_to("/a/b/c", "/a/b")  !< "c"

p = path_t("/a/b/c")
p%proximate_to("d")  !< "d"


Is Ffilesystem using C or C++ filesystem backend:

logical :: as_cpp()

Get home directory, or empty string if not found.

character(:), allocatable :: get_homedir()

Get profile/pw directory. get_homedir() is normally preferred.

character(:), allocatable :: get_profile_dir()

Get user configuration directory. On Linux systems, this looks to XDG Base Directory Specification. On Windows, this is the user's AppData directory. On MacOS, this is the user's home directory.

character(:), allocatable :: user_config_dir()

Get username of the current user.

character(:), allocatable :: get_username()

Get full path of main executable, regardless of current working directory

character(:), allocatable :: exe_path()

Get full path of SHARED LIBRARY, regardless of current working directory. If static library, returns empty string. To use lib_path(), build Ffilesystem with cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=on

character(:), allocatable :: lib_path()

Get current working directory

character(:), allocatable :: get_cwd()

Change current working directory (chdir):

logical :: ok
ok = set_cwd("my/path")

Get environment variable (allocatable character function vs. Fortran 2003 subroutine get_environment variable()):

character(:), allocatable :: getenv(name)

Set environment variable:

logical, optional :: ok

call setenv(name, value, ok=ok)

Get system or user temporary directory:

character(:), allocatable :: get_tempdir()

Create a (probably) unique temporary directory. This directory is not deleted automatically, or secure.

character(:), allocatable :: make_tempdir()

Make a path absolute if relative:

function make_absolute(path, top_path)
!! if path is absolute, return expanded path
!! if path is relative, top_path / path
!! idempotent iff top_path is absolute

character(:), allocatable :: make_absolute
character(*), intent(in) :: path, top_path

Tell characteristics of the computing platform such as operating system:

! logical based on C preprocessor


logical: is the user running as admin / root / superuser:

C_INT  is_wsl()  !< Windows Subsystem for Linux > 0 if true