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explicit ellipsoid properties

enable limited fallback for Python 2.7-3.4


py26 ci
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scivision committed May 17, 2019
1 parent 615ca44 commit 6925055
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Showing 18 changed files with 212 additions and 290 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,14 @@ matrix:
python: 3.8-dev
install: pip install -e .[tests]
script: pytest tests/
- os: linux
python: 3.4
install: pip install -e .[tests]
script: pytest tests/
- os: linux
python: 2.6
install: pip install -e .[tests]
script: pytest tests/
- os: linux
python: 3.7
install: pip install -e .[tests,full,cov]
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Expand Up @@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ Includes some relevant

## Prerequisites

Python ≥ 3.4
Python ≥ 2.6 (full features require Python ≥ 3.5)



References to Numpy and AstroPy are *optional*, algorithms from Vallado and Meeus are used if AstroPy is not present.
PyMap3D is regularly tested with Python ≥ 3.5.
Limited Python 3.4 support is available for systems using MicroPython or other cases where a current Python version isn't available.
Limited Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.4 support is available for systems using MicroPython or other cases where a current Python version isn't available.

## Install
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15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions pymap3d/
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* Matlab / GNU Octave: [Matmap3D](
* Fortran: [Maptran3D](
import sys

if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
import numpy
import dateutil # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
numpy = None
numpy = None

if numpy is not None:
from .timeconv import str2dt # noqa: F401
from .azelradec import radec2azel, azel2radec # noqa: F401
from .eci import eci2ecef, ecef2eci # noqa: F401
Expand All @@ -41,5 +52,5 @@
from .aer import ecef2aer, aer2ecef, geodetic2aer, aer2geodetic, eci2aer, aer2eci # noqa: F401
from .los import lookAtSpheroid # noqa: F401
from .lox import isometric, meridian_dist, loxodrome_inverse # noqa: F401
except ImportError: # pure Python only
else: # pure Python only
from .math import * # type: ignore # noqa: F401, F403
100 changes: 10 additions & 90 deletions pymap3d/
Expand Up @@ -9,89 +9,9 @@
tau = 2 * pi

from .eci import eci2ecef
from .ellipsoid import Ellipsoid

__all__ = ['Ellipsoid', 'geodetic2ecef', 'ecef2geodetic', 'ecef2enuv', 'ecef2enu', 'enu2uvw', 'uvw2enu', 'eci2geodetic', 'enu2ecef']

class Ellipsoid:
generate reference ellipsoid parameters

def __init__(self, model: str = 'wgs84'):
feel free to suggest additional ellipsoids
model : str
name of ellipsoid
if model == 'wgs84':
self.a = 6378137. # semi-major axis [m]
self.f = 1 / 298.2572235630 # flattening
self.b = self.a * (1 - self.f) # semi-minor axis
elif model == 'grs80':
self.a = 6378137. # semi-major axis [m]
self.f = 1 / 298.257222100882711243 # flattening
self.b = self.a * (1 - self.f) # semi-minor axis
elif model == 'clrk66': # Clarke 1866
self.a = 6378206.4 # semi-major axis [m]
self.b = 6356583.8 # semi-minor axis
self.f = -(self.b / self.a - 1)
elif model == 'mars': #
self.a = 3396900
self.b = 3376097.80585952
self.f = 1 / 163.295274386012
elif model == 'moon':
self.a = 1738000.
self.b = self.a
self.f = 0.
elif model == 'venus':
self.a = 6051000.
self.b = self.a
self.f = 0.
elif model == 'pluto':
self.a = 1187000.
self.b = self.a
self.f = 0.
raise NotImplementedError('{} model not implemented, let us know and we will add it (or make a pull request)'.format(model))

def get_radius_normal(lat_radians: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None) -> float:
Compute normal radius of planetary body
lat_radians : float
latitude in radians
ell : Ellipsoid, optional
reference ellipsoid
radius : float
normal radius (meters)
if ell is None:
ell = Ellipsoid()

a = ell.a
b = ell.b

return a**2 / sqrt(a**2 * cos(lat_radians)**2 + b**2 * sin(lat_radians)**2)
__all__ = ['geodetic2ecef', 'ecef2geodetic', 'ecef2enuv', 'ecef2enu', 'enu2uvw', 'uvw2enu', 'eci2geodetic', 'enu2ecef']

def geodetic2ecef(lat: float, lon: float, alt: float,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,12 +59,12 @@ def geodetic2ecef(lat: float, lon: float, alt: float,
raise ValueError('-90 <= lat <= 90')

# radius of curvature of the prime vertical section
N = get_radius_normal(lat, ell)
N = ell.semimajor_axis**2 / sqrt(ell.semimajor_axis**2 * cos(lat)**2 + ell.semiminor_axis**2 * sin(lat)**2)
# Compute cartesian (geocentric) coordinates given (curvilinear) geodetic
# coordinates.
x = (N + alt) * cos(lat) * cos(lon)
y = (N + alt) * cos(lat) * sin(lon)
z = (N * (ell.b / ell.a)**2 + alt) * sin(lat)
z = (N * (ell.semiminor_axis / ell.semimajor_axis)**2 + alt) * sin(lat)

return x, y, z

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,7 +109,7 @@ def ecef2geodetic(x: float, y: float, z: float,

r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)

E = sqrt(ell.a**2 - ell.b**2)
E = sqrt(ell.semimajor_axis**2 - ell.semiminor_axis**2)

# eqn. 4a
u = sqrt(0.5 * (r**2 - E**2) + 0.5 * sqrt((r**2 - E**2)**2 + 4 * E**2 * z**2))
Expand All @@ -203,21 +123,21 @@ def ecef2geodetic(x: float, y: float, z: float,
Beta = arctan(huE / u * z / hypot(x, y))

# eqn. 13
eps = ((ell.b * u - ell.a * huE + E**2) * sin(Beta)) / (ell.a * huE * 1 / cos(Beta) - E**2 * cos(Beta))
eps = ((ell.semiminor_axis * u - ell.semimajor_axis * huE + E**2) * sin(Beta)) / (ell.semimajor_axis * huE * 1 / cos(Beta) - E**2 * cos(Beta))

Beta += eps
# %% final output
lat = arctan(ell.a / ell.b * tan(Beta))
lat = arctan(ell.semimajor_axis / ell.semiminor_axis * tan(Beta))

lon = arctan2(y, x)

# eqn. 7
alt = hypot(z - ell.b * sin(Beta),
Q - ell.a * cos(Beta))
alt = hypot(z - ell.semiminor_axis * sin(Beta),
Q - ell.semimajor_axis * cos(Beta))

# inside ellipsoid?
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
inside = x**2 / ell.a**2 + y**2 / ell.a**2 + z**2 / ell.b**2 < 1
inside = x**2 / ell.semimajor_axis**2 + y**2 / ell.semimajor_axis**2 + z**2 / ell.semiminor_axis**2 < 1
if isinstance(inside, np.ndarray):
alt[inside] = -alt[inside]
elif inside:
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73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions pymap3d/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@

class Ellipsoid:
generate reference ellipsoid parameters
as everywhere else in this program, distance units are METERS

# def __init__(self, model: str = 'wgs84'):
def __init__(self, model='wgs84'):
feel free to suggest additional ellipsoids
model : str
name of ellipsoid
if model == 'wgs84':
self.semimajor_axis = 6378137.
self.flattening = 1 / 298.2572235630
self.semiminor_axis = self.semimajor_axis * (1 - self.flattening)
elif model == 'wgs72':
self.semimajor_axis = 6378135.
self.flattening = 1 / 298.26
self.semiminor_axis = self.semimajor_axis * (1 - self.flattening)
elif model == 'grs80':
self.semimajor_axis = 6378137.
self.flattening = 1 / 298.257222100882711243
self.semiminor_axis = self.semimajor_axis * (1 - self.flattening)
elif model == 'clarke1866':
self.semimajor_axis = 6378206.4
self.semiminor_axis = 6356583.8
self.flattening = -(self.semiminor_axis / self.semimajor_axis - 1)
elif model == 'mars':
self.semimajor_axis = 3396900.
self.semiminor_axis = 3376097.80585952
self.flattening = 1 / 163.295274386012
elif model == 'moon':
self.semimajor_axis = 1738000.
self.semiminor_axis = self.semimajor_axis
self.flattening = 0.
elif model == 'venus':
self.semimajor_axis = 6051000.
self.semiminor_axis = self.semimajor_axis
self.flattening = 0.
elif model == 'jupiter':
self.semimajor_axis = 71492000.
self.flattening = 1 / 15.415446277169725
self.flattening = -(self.semiminor_axis / self.semimajor_axis - 1)
elif model == 'io':
self.semimajor_axis = 1829.7
self.flattening = 1 / 131.633093525179
self.semiminor_axis = self.semimajor_axis * (1 - self.flattening)
elif model == 'pluto':
self.semimajor_axis = 1187000.
self.semiminor_axis = self.semimajor_axis
self.flattening = 0.
raise NotImplementedError('{} model not implemented, let us know and we will add it (or make a pull request)'.format(model))
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions pymap3d/
Expand Up @@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ def lookAtSpheroid(lat0: float, lon0: float, h0: float, az: float, tilt: float,

tilt = np.asarray(tilt)

a = ell.a
b = ell.a
c = ell.b
a = ell.semimajor_axis
b = ell.semimajor_axis
c = ell.semiminor_axis

el = tilt - 90. if deg else tilt - pi / 2

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions pymap3d/
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def isometric(lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True):
if ell is None:
ell = Ellipsoid()

f = ell.f # flattening of ellipsoid
f = ell.flattening # flattening of ellipsoid

if deg is True:
lat = np.deg2rad(lat)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ def meridian_dist(lat: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True):
if ell is None:
ell = Ellipsoid()

a = ell.a
f = ell.f # flattening of ellipsoid
a = ell.semimajor_axis
f = ell.flattening # flattening of ellipsoid

e2 = f * (2 - f) # eccentricity-squared

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23 changes: 9 additions & 14 deletions pymap3d/math/
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
""" transforms involving AER: azimuth, elevation, slant range"""

from .ecef import ecef2enu, geodetic2ecef, ecef2geodetic, enu2uvw, Ellipsoid
from .ecef import ecef2enu, geodetic2ecef, ecef2geodetic, enu2uvw
from .enu import geodetic2enu, aer2enu, enu2aer

__all__ = ['aer2ecef', 'ecef2aer', 'geodetic2aer', 'aer2geodetic']

def ecef2aer(x: float, y: float, z: float,
lat0: float, lon0: float, h0: float,
ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True):
# def ecef2aer(x: float, y: float, z: float, lat0: float, lon0: float, h0: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True):
def ecef2aer(x, y, z, lat0, lon0, h0, ell=None, deg=True):
gives azimuth, elevation and slant range from an Observer to a Point with ECEF coordinates.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,9 +47,8 @@ def ecef2aer(x: float, y: float, z: float,
return enu2aer(xEast, yNorth, zUp, deg=deg)

def geodetic2aer(lat: float, lon: float, h: float,
lat0: float, lon0: float, h0: float,
ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True):
# def geodetic2aer(lat: float, lon: float, h: float, lat0: float, lon0: float, h0: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True):
def geodetic2aer(lat, lon, h, lat0, lon0, h0, ell=None, deg=True):
gives azimuth, elevation and slant range from an Observer to a Point with geodetic coordinates.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,10 +87,8 @@ def geodetic2aer(lat: float, lon: float, h: float,
return enu2aer(e, n, u, deg=deg)

def aer2geodetic(az: float, el: float, srange: float,
lat0: float, lon0: float, h0: float,
ell: Ellipsoid = None,
deg: bool = True):
# def aer2geodetic(az: float, el: float, srange: float, lat0: float, lon0: float, h0: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True):
def aer2geodetic(az, el, srange, lat0, lon0, h0, ell=None, deg=True):
gives geodetic coordinates of a point with az, el, range
from an observer at lat0, lon0, h0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,9 +129,8 @@ def aer2geodetic(az: float, el: float, srange: float,
return ecef2geodetic(x, y, z, ell=ell, deg=deg)

def aer2ecef(az: float, el: float, srange: float,
lat0: float, lon0: float, alt0: float,
ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True):
# def aer2ecef(az: float, el: float, srange: float, lat0: float, lon0: float, alt0: float, ell: Ellipsoid = None, deg: bool = True):
def aer2ecef(az, el, srange, lat0, lon0, alt0, ell=None, deg=True):
converts target azimuth, elevation, range from observer at lat0,lon0,alt0 to ECEF coordinates.
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