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File metadata and controls

430 lines (321 loc) · 17.3 KB

Editor Sections

The configuration must be made available via a <script> tag with the id attribute set to "TEIEditorConfig" and the type set to "application/json":

<script id="TEIEditorConfig" type="application/json">
    "sections": ...

The configuration itself is provided as one large JSON object, which is documented here. The documentation uses a semi-formal format, mainly showing the individual JSON objects that make up the configuration, with some additional markers:

  • Optional keys are marked with "?".
  • Keys that can be repeated are marked with "+".
  • Nested JSON objects are indicated with a camel-case value (e.g. "ParserElement"). When creating an actual configuration object, these are replaced with the nested JSON object.
  • Customisable values are indicates by the values "AnyString" (any string content allowed), "AnyHTMLString" (any HTML content is allowed), and "Boolean" (true or false).
  • Choices are marked using the pipe "|" symbol.
  • Fixed values are indicated using values that start with a lower-case letter.
  • Where lists are shown with a single value, this value can be repeated as often as required.

The top-level configuration object is structured as follows:

  "sections": {
    "+SectionIdentifier": "TextEditorSection | MetadataEditorSection"

It consists of one or more section identifier keys, each of which has either a TextEditorSection or a MetadataEditorSection object as its value. The TEI Editor can handle any number of TextEditorSection, however there may be at most one MetadataEditorSection.


The TextEditorSection represents a section in which the user can edit a TEI text block:

  "label": "AnyString",
  "type": "TextEditor",
  "parser": "ParserElement",
  "serialiser": "SerialiserElement",
  "schema": [
  "ui": "TextEditorUIElement"

The label can be any string value and is used in the UI to allow the user to navigate to this section. The type must be "TextEditor". The parser configuration is used to identify the root element in the TEI document that contains the text to be edited in this section. The serialiser configuration is used to identify the root element in the TEI document that the edited text is to be written to. The schema contains a list of TagElement objects that identify the various markup elements that can be used to annotate the text edited in this section. The ui contains a TextEditorUIElement that configures the sidebar that contains the markup user-interface controls.

There is one limitation in the schema and that is that you must specify one TagElement that has the name set to "text". This is the basic text element and is the only required TagElement.


The TagElement represents one markup tag that is used in the TEI text edited in the section it is specified in.

  "name": "AnyString",
  "type": "block | wrapping | nested | inline | mark",
  "attrs": {
    "+AttributeName": "ElementAttribute"
  "?parser": "ParserElement",
  "?parsers": ["ParserElement"],
  "serialiser": "SerialiserElement",
  "?content": "ElementName",
  "?reference": "NestedReferenceElement"

The name can be any value, but each name must be unique within the TextEditorSection and there must be exactly one TagElement with the name set to "text". The type defines the type of markup the TagElement represents:

  • block: A basic block-level element.
  • wrapping: A block-level element that contains another block-level element. The name of the inner block-level element must be specified in the content key.
  • nested: The root element for a nested document. Nested documents must have an "xml:id" attribute that specifies the unique identifier for each nested document. This must be in the format nestedDocumentElementName-UniqueNumber.
  • inline: An inline element.
  • mark: A formatting mark that is attached either to text or to an inline element.

The distinction between inline and mark elements is fluid, but in general you should prefer mark elements for formatting and styling markup and inline elements to mark semantic content.

The attrs object maps attribute names (which can by any string value) to ElementAttribute configurations that specify how the attribute is parsed and serialised.

Each TagElement must specify either a single parser or a list of parsers that specify which TEI tags are mapped to this TagElement. The serialiser entry configures how the TagElement is converted back into a TEI tag.

The content must and may only be specified for a TagElement that has the type "wrapping". In that case it must be set to the name of the TagElement that may be contained by the wrapping TagElement.

The reference is specified for any TagElement that represents the reference to a nested document and specifies how the two are linked together.


The ElementAttribute specifies the default value for the attribute, how it is parsed and serialised:

  "default": "AnyString",
  "?parser": "ParserElement",
  "?parsers": ["ParserElement"],
  "serialiser": "SerialiserElement"

As with the TagElement, either a single parser or multiple parsers must be provided to specify how the attribute is parsed from the TEI document.

Likewise the serialiser specifies how the attribute is serialised.

The default specifies the default value that is set for the attribute if no valid value can be parsed from the TEI document.


Editing nested documents consists of two steps. First, the user needs to mark up the text that represents the reference to the nested document. Then they need to edit the nested document. The NestedReferenceElement specifies the link from the reference element to the nested document.

  "type": "ElementName",
  "attr": "AttributeName"

The type specifies the name of the TagElement that represents the nested documents. The attr specifies the attribute on the reference element that contains the nested document's unique identifier.


The ParserElement specifies how a TagElement or ElementAttribute is parsed from the TEI document.

  "selector": "XpathSelector",
  "?type": "static",
  "?value": "AnyString",
  "?text": "xpath-text-selector"

The selector contains an XPath selector. The selector is configured to require the "tei" prefix on all TEI nodes, for example "tei:head[@type="level-1"]".

When used in the TagElement for inline or mark elements, the text may be used and contains a further XPath selector that specfifies how the text content is to be parsed, relative to the TEI element selected via the selector XPath.

When used in the ElementAttribute, the attribute's value by default is set to the result of the selector. However, if the type is specified with the value "static", then if the selector matches, the attribute's value is set to the value specified in value.


The SerialiserElement specifies how the TagElement or ElementAttribute are serialised.

  "?tag": "AnyString",
  "?attrs": {"AttributeName": "AnyString"},
  "?attr": "AnyString",
  "?value": "SubstitutedString"

When used in the TagElement, the tag is used to specify the TEI tag to serialise to. This must be prefixed with "tei". In the use with the TagElement, you can also use the attrs object to specify static attributes that are serialised as specified here.

When used in the ElementAttribute, the attr is used to specify the name of the attribute to serialise to and the value is used to specify the serialised value. The value supports substitution, by including the special value {value}. By setting the value to "{value}", the attribute value specified by the user is serialised as is. However, it is possible to also provide additional text that is serialised as static, for example "#{value}" prefixes the user-provided value with a #.


The TextEditorUIElement is the root element for configuring the sidebar for the main and any nested documents.

  "doc | NestedElementName": ["TextEditorUISection"]

For the main document, the key must be "doc". For nested documents, it must be the name of the nested document TagElement.


The sidebar is configured as a list of TextEditorUISection elements that are then displayed vertically below each other in the editor.

  "label": "AnyString",
  "entities": ["TextEditorUIBlock"],
  "?condition": "TextEditorUICondition"

The label is displayed as the section heading. Each TextEditorUIBlock specified in the entities is then shown in the specified order below the label.

By default a TextEditorSection is always shown to the user. However, if the condition is specified, then this changes and the default is that the TextEditorSection is hidden and only if the TextEditorUICondition holds, is the TextEditorSection shown.


The TextEditorUIBlock configures either a vertical list of input elements or a horizontal menubar.

  "?type": "menubar | list"
  "entities": ["TextEditorUIEntity"]

The type must either be "menubar" or "list". Generally "list" is only used if you need to have a text input element that needs a label.

The individual UI elements are configured via TextEditorUIEntity entries in the entities.


The TextEditorUIEntity configures a single element that modifies the document.

  "type": "setNodeType | toggleMark | selectNodeAttr | setNodeAttrString | setNodeAttrNumber | setNodeAttrValue | toggleNodeAttrValue | selectMarkAttr | editNestedDoc | linkNestedDoc | closeNested"
  "label": "AnyHTMLString",
  "nodeType": "ElementName",
  "?ariaLabel": "AnyString",
  "?attr": "AttributeName",
  "?value": "AnyString",
  "?values": ["ValueLabelPair"],
  "?targetNodeType": "NestedElementName",
  "min?": "AnyNumber";
  "max?": "AnyNumber";
  "step?": "AnyNumber";

The type configures the type of user-interface element to show and must be one of the following:

  • setNodeType: Set the type of the current text block to the given nodeType. If it is a block TagElement then this sets the type for the complete block. If it is an inline TagElement, then it is changed for the selection. In this case if the TagElement is already set, then it is removed. If it is a wrapping TagElement, then the current text block is set to the content TagElement and then wrapped in the wrapping TagElement.
  • toggleMark: Toggles the mark TagElement on or off.
  • selectNodeAttr: Allows the user to select the TagElement attribute from a drop-down list. The attribute is specified via the attr and the potential values to select from via values.
  • setNodeAttrString: Allows the user to enter the TagElement attribute's value into a single-line text input. The attribute is specified via attr.
  • setNodeAttrNumber: Allows the user to enter the TagElement attribute's value into a single-line number input. The attribute is specified via attr.
  • setNodeAttrValue: Allows the user to set a fixed TagElement attribute value by clicking on a button. The attribute is specified via attr and the value to set via value.
  • toggleNodeAttrValue: Toggle the value value on the TagElement attribute. The attribute is specified via attr.
  • selectMarkAttr: Select a mark TagElement attribute value from a drop-down list. The attribute is specified via the attr and the potential values to select from via values.
  • editNestedDoc: Edit the nested document linked to the current inline TagElement. The attribute that contains the unique identifier of the nested document to edit is specified via attr, the type of nested document is specified via the targetNodeType.
  • linkNestedDoc: Select the linked nested document for the current inline TagElement from a drop-down list. The attribute that the unique identifier will be set in is specified via attr. The type of nested document to link is specified via the targetNodeType.
  • closeNested: Closes the nested document editor.

The label is the label shown to the user and can by any HTML content. By providing HTML content, images can be used as the label. If using an image for the label, then you must provide an ariaLabel text for accessibility reasons.


The ValueLabelPair is used to specify an entry for a drop-down list.

  "value": "AnyString",
  "label": "AnyString"

The value is what is stored in the attribute, while the label is shown to the user.


The TextEditorUICondition is used to specify a condition under which a specific TextEditorUISection is displayed.

  "type": "isActive",
  "activeType": "ElementName"

The type attribute specifies the type of condition to check. Currently only a single type of condition is implemented. "isActive" checks whether the TagElement set in the activeType is currently active.


The MetadataEditorSection configures the metadata editor. Unlike the TextEditorSection, of which there can be multiple, there must only be one MetadataEditorSection.

  "label": "AnyString",
  "type": "MetadataEditor",
  "schema": ["MetadataEditorElement"],
  "ui": ["MetadataEditorUISection"]

The label can be any string value and is used in the UI to allow the user to navigate to this section. The type must be "MetadataEditor". The schema specifies how the metadata is parsed from and serialised to the TEI document. The ui specifies how the metadata is displayed to the user.


The MetadataEditorElement is used to convert the TEI header into a tree-structure that is then edited via the UI.

  "tag": "AnyString",
  "?children": ["MetadataEditorElement"],
  "?text": "DottedPath",
  "?multiple": "Boolean",
  "?attrs": {
    "AttributeName": "DottedPath"

The tag specifies the TEI tag that this MetadataEditorElement matches. If it matches, then if any children are specified, the matching is applied recursively.

If a text is specified and if the matched TEI tag has text content, then the text content is placed into the tree structure at the location specified via the dotted path. If any attributes of the matched TEI element are to be set in the tree, then these are specified in the attrs and if the attribute with the given AttributeName is set on the TEI element, then that value is set in the tree at the position specified via the dotted path.


The MetadataEditorUISection is used to visually separate sections of the metadata to edit.

  "label": "AnyString",
  "entries": ["MetadataEditorUIElement"]

The label is used as the heading that is displayed to the user. The entries define the editable UI elements.


The MetadataEditorUIElement is used to create the actual interface for editing the metadata.

  "type": "single-text | multi-field | multi-row",
  "label": "AnyString",
  "path": "DottedPath",
  "?entries": ["MetadataEditorUIElement"]

The type specifies the type of editing interface and must be one of "single-text", "multi-field", or "multi-row". The label is used to label the input element. The path is a dotted path that specifies the location in the tree of the metadata to edit. The optional entries allow nesting MetadataEditorUIElement to enable editing complex metadata structures.

If the type is "single-text", then a simple text-input box is shown to the user. If the type is multi-row, then the entries must be specified and define the MetadataEditorUIElements that make up one row. If the type is multi-field then the entries must be specified and define the MetadataEditorUIElements that conceptually belong together.

In general the multi-field MetadataEditorUIElement are contained within multi-row MetadataEditorUIElements.

The full path for accessing the metadata from the tree structure is calculated by concatenating all the path values for the nested MetadataEditorUIElements.