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File metadata and controls

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Modifying Settings of scqubits

User Accessible Parameters

scqubits has a few internal parameters that can be changed by the user:

.. tabularcolumns:: | p{3cm} | p{3cm} | p{3cm} |

.. cssclass:: table-striped

Setting Options Description
FILE_FORMAT FileType.h5, FileType.csv Switches between supported file formats for writing data to disk.
PROGRESSBAR_DISABLED True / False Switches display of progressbar on/off.
AUTORUN_SWEEP True / False (default: True) Whether to generate ParameterSweep immediately upon initialization
DISPATCH_ENABLED True / False (default: True) Whether to use central dispatch system
MULTIPROC str 'pathos' (default) or 'multiprocessing'
NUM_CPUS int Number of cores to be used in parallelization (default: 1)
FUZZY_SLICING True / False (default: False) Whether to enable approximate value-based slicing
FUZZY_WARNING True / False (default: True) Whether to warn user about use of approximate values in slicing

Users can also set up units of the energy scales. This is discussed in the :ref:`guide_units` section of the user guide.


The DEFAULT_ENERGY_UNIT setting is no longer used - see :ref:`guide_units` for information on how to set energy units.

Example: Changing Settings

Modifying the settings is simple, for example:

scqubits.settings.PROGRESSBAR_DISABLED = True