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GSoC 2014 Draft Ideas

Pablo Hoffman edited this page Feb 14, 2014 · 10 revisions

Google Summer of Code - Draft Ideas

These ideas need to be polished and better specified before moving them to the final ideas page.

Better generator support

This one should be better specified.
Brief explanation Improve Scrapy API using generators
Expected results Scrapy should provide an easy way to build a single item from several pages, ...
Required skills Python, general understanding of async code, API design
Mentor(s) Mikhail Korobov, Rolando Espinoza

There are areas where Scrapy usability and efficiency can be improved by using generators, for example:

Reading list:

Improve javascript integration

Brief explanation Improve Javascript integration by using Splash to render and execute Javascript.
Expected results A Scrapy middleware to integrate with Splash
Required skills Scrapy
Mentor(s) Mikhail Korobov, Daniel Graña