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Pablo Fernandez edited this page Feb 8, 2020 · 30 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I [post a tweet, get google+ credentials, share LinkedIn network updates, etc] ?

I don’t know. I’m not developer support for any of those companies (or others). I’ve just created a library that signs HTTP requests.

Please don’t ask me how to do X with Api Y, I just don’t know, don’t care and most likely don’t have time to search the Api documentation for you.

Yes this is me being rude, but after 2 years straight of answering these questions over email, I’m done. I won’t even reply to an email saying “do you know how can I get my facebook friends, look, here’s my eclipse project attached” plus a 10mb zip file.

About Issues (This is important)

Features / Fixes

Please file a ticket for every feature/fix you want. The issue page acts as my TODO list, if it’s not there it won’t happen.

If something doesn’t work for you, you must provide a failing executable example (Just saying “it doesn’t work” won’t do).

I won’t debug your whole project so please don’t send me that. Thank you

Can I use ScribeJava behind a proxy?


The most flexible way is to use ProxySelector (available from J2SE 5.0 onwards) in your application. This allows you to define multiple proxies depending on type of protocol, web address, etc.

Other options include using the system defined proxy. To do so all you need to do is this:

System.setProperty("", "true");

if that doesn’t work, this website might provide some insight

or use ServiceBuilder with any external http client. You can tune it as you want.

When will you support “INSERT_API_HERE” ?

It’s impossible and it’s not paid me (except the donations of cause) to make and support myself all APIs you want.
This is how it works:
You can implement your own API by extending Default10Api or Default20Api and defining the endpoints. If it has something weird, file a ticket and I’ll see what I can do.
(You can start with
And create the PullRequest pls. This is how all other APIs became available here, in ScribeJava.
You should provide to test your PullRequest.
Next, you will need to provide me user and test application credentials to run this example.
I do not have any opportunity to register myself in ALL API providers and to register a test application.
(send them to that email

Does ScribeJava support OAuth 2.0 ? And Facebook’s Api ?

Indeed we do! since 1.1.0

Do you support XAuth ? What about OAuth WRAP ?

No. These protocols differ quite a lot from OAuth 1 and 2. Although I’d love to make ScribeJava the de-facto library for all signing protocols, here it’s not practical. You are better off using a dedicate library for those 2 (and other strange variations)

Your work is great! I’d be glad to support your efforts

First of all, Pull Requests are welcome, the second option is to donate.

Is there a mailing list ?

No. Email me directly at

Where can I view javadoc online?

try this link
It shows javadoc for any artifact, any version, hosted on the maven central

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