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File metadata and controls

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Applying the HTTP methods to the SDMX REST API for Structural Metadata maintenance

The following sections describe the foreseen HTTP methods for the maintenance of SDMX Structural Metadata via the REST API.


Inserting or creating new SDMX Structural Metadata is detailed in this secion.

Artefact (Structure)

Submitting SDMX Artefacts in bulk, either of the same or of different types, is achieved with an HTTP POST method. Creating new Artefact(s) may be issued by:

  • POST one or more Maintainable Artefacts under the proper resource type, e.g. for Codelists: /structure/codelist/
  • POST one or more Maintainable Artefacts under the abstract structure resource type, e.g. /structure/

In order to create Artefacts, the client:

  • MAY set the Accept header to indicate the preferred response format;
  • MUST set the Content-type header according to the format of the submitted Artefact(s);
  • MUST include in the request body, one or more Maintainable Artefacts in the SDMX format indicated in the Content-type header and of the SDMX type indicated in the resource, i.e.:
    • any set of Maintainable Artefacts under resource /structure/
    • a set of specific type of Maintainable Artefacts under the corresponding resource type, e.g. for Codelists: /structure/codelist/

In response to Artefact(s) creation, the server:

  • MUST return 201 upon successful creation (or 207 for partial success);
  • MUST return a SubmitStructureResponse message with the result of the action(s), according to the Accept header, or the default, if the Accept type is not supported (currently available only in SDMX-ML format);
  • MUST set the Content-type according to the returned format;
  • MAY set the Location header to point to the created/primary resource/Artefact (only one instance is allowed);

The SubmitStructureResponse message must be returned in any case (success, partial success, failure). This is defined as part of the RegistryInterface messages. The details of the message are explained in section Structure response message, below.

Especially when different results occur on the Artefacts (e.g. partial success), the server should act as follows:

  • Return a multi-status return code (like 207);
  • Return a JSON or XML message with the details of the result (currently available only in SDMX-ML);
Method Exists Versioning respected Is Referenced References exist/provided Response Code
POST F T - T 201 (successful) or 207 (partially successful)
POST F T - F 409 missing references
POST F F - I 409 failure to respect the versioning rules

T: True, F: False, I: Irrelevant, -: Not applicable

NOTE: The rules for versioning in SDMX 3.0 are based on Semantic Versioning. In addition, Artefacts with no version are supported. SDMX 3.0 does not specify rules for legacy versioning - i.e. versioning prior to SDMX 3.0. The versioning rules in that case are up to the organisation using them.


Updating existing SDMX Structural Metadata is detailed in this section.

Replace full Artefacts

Following the current SDMX practices, updating (replacing) means providing the new version of any Maintainable Artefact. According to RFC7231, PUT is the proper way to update a resource, as identified by the URL, but POST may also be used in case more than one resources need to be updated.

The POST method may be used like this:

  • under /structure for different types of Maintainable Artefacts, i.e. an SDMX Structure message;
  • under /structure/{maintainable} for Maintainable Artefacts of type {maintainable}, i.e. an SDMX Structure message including only a specific type of Structures; e.g. an SDMX message with one or more Dataflows, under /structure/dataflow;

The PUT method may be used like this:

  • under /structure/{maintainable}/{identifier} for the Maintainable Artefact of type {maintainable}, identified by {identifier}, i.e. an SDMX DSD message with ESTAT:NA_MAIN(1.1) under /structure/datastructure/ESTAT/NA_MAIN/1.1

The result, following the current practices of updates in SDMX, is to completely replace the identified Artefact.


In order to update Artefact(s), the client:

  • MAY set the Accept header to indicate the preferred response format;
  • MUST set the Content-type header according to the format of the submitted Artefact(s);
  • MUST include in the request body, one or more Maintainable Artefacts in the SDMX format indicated in the Content-type header and of the SDMX type indicated in the resource, i.e.:
  • for POST:
    • any set of Maintainable Artefacts under resource /structure/
    • one or more Maintainable Artefacts of the specific type under the corresponding resource type, e.g. Dataflows under /structure/dataflow/
  • for PUT:
    • one Maintainable Artefact, of the specific type under the corresponding resource type and identified according to the resource parameters, e.g., DSD ESTAT:NA_MAIN(1.1) under /structure/datastructure/ESTAT/NA_MAIN/1.1

In response to Artefact(s) update, the server:

  • MUST respond with 200 in case of successful update;
  • MUST return a SubmitStructureResponse message with the result of the action(s), according to the Accept header, or the default, if the Accept type is not supported (currently available only in SDMX-ML);
  • MUST set the Content-type according to the returned format;
  • MUST respond with 422 in case of resource type mismatch, i.e. the resource type identified in the URL does not match the Artefact type(s) of the included SDMX Artefact(s), or the identification of the Artefact (in case of PUT) does not match the resource path parameters.
  • MUST respond with 404 if the resource was not found;

The SubmitStructureResponse message must be returned in any case (success, partial success, failure). This is defined as part of the RegistryInterface messages. The details of the message are explained in section Structure response message, below.

The following matrix summarises the returned HTTP response codes.

Method Exists Versioning respected Is Referenced References exist/provided Return Code
PUT/POST T T F T 200 (successful) or 207 (partially successful)
PUT/POST T T T T 200 if update is possible - 409 if references would break
PUT/POST T F - - 409 in case of changes that violate the versioning requirements
PUT/POST - - - - 422 see section Server
PUT F - - - 404

T: True, F: False, I: Irrelevant, -: Not applicable

Partially update Item Schemes

In the case of Item Schemes, it is possible to submit a partial Item Scheme, including the Items that must be updated. The usage of POST and PUT is the same as in the case of full replacement. The only difference is that the submitted Items Schemes to be partially updated (i.e. not completely replaced) must include the flag isPartial="true".

In this case, any Item included in the submitted partial Item Scheme:

  • fully replaces the Item, if it existed in the stored Item Scheme; the Item stays in the same position;
  • is added as a new Item, if it did not exist
    • in a selected position, if it is submitted relatively to existing Items;
    • else, at the end of the Item Scheme.

For more details on nested Items (like Categories), please refer to section Nested Items below.

In addition to the Items, the Item Scheme details are also updated accordingly, i.e. the names, description, annotations and any other attributes. Names and Descriptions are replaced if they exist for the submitted language (i.e. the value of their lang attribute), or simply added, if new. Annotations and other Item Scheme attributes are fully replaced.


In order to partially update an Item Scheme, the client:

  • MAY set the Accept header to indicate the preferred response format;
  • MUST set the Content-type header according to the format of the submitted Item Scheme(s);
  • MUST include the flag isPartial="true" in the submitted Item Scheme(s);
  • MUST include in the request body:
    • For PUT, one Item Scheme in the SDMX format indicated in the Content-type header and of the Item Scheme type indicated in the resource, e.g. a Concept Scheme under resource /conceptscheme;
    • For POST, one or more Item Schemes in the SDMX format indicated in the Content-type header and
      • of the Item Scheme type indicated in the resource, in case of a specific Item Scheme resource, e.g. a Codelist under resource /structure/codelist/
      • of any Item Scheme type, in case of the /structure resource.

In response to an Item Scheme partial update, the server:

  • MUST respond with 200 in case of successful update;
  • MUST return a SubmitStructureResponse message with the result of the action, according to the Accept header, or the default, if the Accept type is not supported (currently available only in SDMX-ML);
  • MUST set the Content-type according to the returned format;
  • MUST respond with 422 in case of resource type mismatch, i.e. the artefact identified in the URL does not match either to the resource type or identification of the included SDMX Artefact.
  • MUST respond with 404 if the resource was not found;

The SubmitStructureResponse message must be returned in any case (success, partial success, failure). This is defined as part of the RegistryInterface messages. The details of the message are explained in section Structure response message, below.

The following matrix summarises the returned HTTP response codes.

Method Exists Versioning respected Is Referenced Refs exist/ provided Response Code
PUT/POST T T F T 200 (successful) or 207 (partially successful)
PUT/POST T T T T 200 if update is possible - 409 if references would break
PUT/POST T F - - 409 in case of changes that violate the versioning requirements
PUT/POST - - - - 422 see section Server
PUT F - - - 404

T: True, F: False, I: Irrelevant, -: Not applicable


Always concerns one Maintainable Artefact or one Item. For example:

  • A fully identified Maintainable Artefact, e.g. /structure/codelist/SDMX/CL_FREQ/1.0
  • A fully identified Item, e.g. /structure/codelist/SDMX/CL_FREQ/1.0/M

In case the deleted Item was acting as a parent to other Item(s), then the server should make sure that:

  • in case of flat Item Schemes the children become orphans, i.e. their parent is removed;
  • in case of nested Item Schemes, all children are also deleted.

In order to delete an Artefact, the client:

  • MAY set the Accept header to indicate the preferred response format;
  • MUST fully identify exactly one Maintainable Artefact or one Item, by means of the proper URL;

In response to an Artefact deletion, the server:

  • MUST respond with 200 in case of successful deletion;
  • MUST return a SubmitStructureResponse message with the result of the action, according to the Accept header, or the default, if the Accept type is not supported (currently available only in SDMX-ML);
  • MUST respond with 404 if the resource was not found;

The SubmitStructureResponse message must be returned in any case (success, failure). This is defined as part of the RegistryInterface messages. The details of the message are explained in section Structure response message, below.

The following matrix summarises the returned HTTP response codes.

Method Exists Versioning respected Is Referenced References exist/ provided Response Code
DELETE F - - - 404
DELETE T T I I 409 when trying to delete a stable artefact, a deprecation strategy may be followed

T: True, F: False, I: Irrelevant, -: Not applicable

ANNEX I - RegistryInterface messages for Subscription and Registration

Support for Subscriptions and Registrations are not yet part of the SDMX RESTful API. Thus, an intermediate solution for supporting them in SDMX 3.0 (after the deprecation of the SOAP API) is needed. This section describes how to use the RegistryInterface messages for submitting and retrieving Subscriptions and Registrations via the RESTful API.


The usage of the RegistryInterface messages is foreseen via the POST verb, under resources:

  • /rest/subscription for Subscriptions
  • /rest/registration for Registrations
  • /rest for any RegistryInterface message

The available RegistryInterface messages are the following:

  • SubmitRegistrationsRequest
  • SubmitRegistrationsResponse
  • SubmitSubscriptionsRequest
  • SubmitRegistrationsResponse
  • QueryRegistrationRequest
  • QueryRegistrationResponse
  • QuerySubscriptionRequest
  • QuerySubscriptionResponse

In addition, the above shall remain as part of the generic RegistryInterface message.

Retrieving Subscriptions and Registrations

For Subscriptions:

  • The client may POST a QuerySubscriptionRequest or a RegistryInterface/QuerySubscriptionRequest message under resource /rest/subscription for retrieving Subscriptions.
  • As a result, a QuerySubscriptionResponse or a RegistryInterface/QuerySubscriptionResponse message will be returned as a response to describe the requested Subscriptions.

Similarly, for Registrations:

  • The client may POST a QueryRegistrationRequest or a RegistryInterface/QueryRegistrationRequest message under resource /rest/registration for retrieving Registrations.
  • As a result, a QueryRegistrationResponse or a RegistryInterface/QueryRegistrationResponse message will be returned as a response to describe the requested Registrations.

Maintaining Subscriptions and Registrations

For Subscriptions:

  • The client may POST a SubmitSubscriptionsRequest or a RegistryInterface/SubmitSubscriptionsRequest message under resource /rest/subscription for inserting/updating/deleting Subscriptions.
  • As a result, a SubmitSubscriptionsResponse or a RegistryInterface/SubmitSubscriptionsResponse message will be returned as a response to describe the outcome of the insertion/update/deletion of Subscriptions.

Similarly, for Registrations:

  • The client may POST a SubmitRegistrationsRequest or a RegistryInterface/SubmitRegistrationsRequest message under resource /rest/registration for inserting/updating/deleting Registrations.
  • As a result, a SubmitRegistrationsResponse or a RegistryInterface/SubmitRegistrationsResponse message will be returned as a response to describe the outcome of the insertion/update/deletion of Registrations.

ANNEX II - Structure response message

The SubmitStructureResponse message must be returned in any case (success, partial success, failure). This is defined as part of the RegistryInterface messages. This message includes the following information per submitted Artefact:

  • The action, e.g. Append, Replace or Delete (Information is also available)
  • A reference to a specific Maintainable Artefact
  • A status message with the result of the action, which contains:
    • The status, e.g. Success, Failure or Warning
    • One or more message texts to explain the result (we need only one per Artefact), which in turn contains:
      • A code (the specific HTTP code, per Artefact)
      • A multilingual text message

An example is shown below:

  <reg:SubmittedStructure action="Append"> <!-- Append|Delete|Replace -->
      <Ref agencyID="SDMX" id="CL_FREQ" version="1.0.0" package="codelist" class="Codelist" />
  <reg:StatusMessage status="Success"> <!-- Success|Failure|Warning -->
    <reg:MessageText code="204"> <!-- Could be the HTTP code 200, 201, 204, ... -->
      <com:Text xml:lang="en">Codelist successfully deleted</com:Text>
      <com:Text xml:lang="fr">Codelist supprimé avec succès</com:Text>

Especially when different results occur on the Artefacts (e.g. partial success), the following should occur:

  • Return a multi-status return code (like 207);
  • Return a JSON/XML message with the results details (currently available only in SDMX-ML);

In the case of a multi-status response, the SubmitStructureResponse message will include the corresponding code per Artefact, e.g.:

  <reg:SubmittedStructure action="Replace"> <!-- Append|Delete|Replace -->
      <Ref agencyID="SDMX" id="CODELIST" version="1.0" package="codelist" class="Codelist"/>
  <reg:StatusMessage status="Success"> <!-- Success|Failure|Warning -->
    <reg:MessageText code="200">  <!-- Could be the HTTP code 200, 204, ... -->
      <com:Text xml:lang="en">Successfully SDMX:CODELIST(1.0) updated Codelist</com:Text>
      <com:Text xml:lang="de">Codelist SDMX:CODELIST(1.0) erfolgreich aktualisiert</com:Text>

  <reg:SubmittedStructure action="Replace">
      <Ref agencyID="SDMX" id="CL_FREQ" version="1.1.1" package="codelist" class="Codelist" />
  <reg:StatusMessage status="Failure">
    <reg:MessageText code="409">
      <com:Text xml:lang="en">Codelist SDMX:CODELIST(1.1.1) failed to update, due to semantic versioning violation</com:Text>

ANNEX III - Nested Items

This section aims at explaining the particularities of nested Items for a subset of the available Item Schemes, namely:

  • CategoryScheme (Category)
  • ReportingTaxonomy (ReportingCategory)

In all the above cases, Items may contain other Items in a tree-like hierarchy. As a result, the resource for an Item within such an hierarchy need to include the full path of that Item in order to exactly identify it. For example, for the following Category Scheme (excerpt of SDMX:STAT_SUBJECT_MATTER(1.0) from the Global SDMX Registry):

<str:CategoryScheme agencyID="SDMX" id="STAT_SUBJECT_MATTER" version="1.0">
  <com:Name xml:lang="en">SDMX Statistical Subject-Matter Domains</com:Name>
  <str:Category id="DEMO_SOCIAL_STAT">
    <com:Name xml:lang="en">Demographic and social statistics</com:Name>
  <str:Category id="ECO_STAT">
    <com:Name xml:lang="en">Economic statistics</com:Name>
    <str:Category id="MACROECO_STAT">
      <com:Name xml:lang="en">Macroeconomic statistics</com:Name>
    <str:Category id="SECTORAL_STAT">
      <com:Name xml:lang="en">Sectoral statistics</com:Name>
      <str:Category id="AGRI_FOREST_FISH">
        <com:Name xml:lang="en">Agriculture, forestry, fisheries</com:Name>
      <str:Category id="ENERGY">
        <com:Name xml:lang="en">Energy</com:Name>
    <str:Category id="GOV_FINANCE_PUBLIC_SECTOR">
      <com:Name xml:lang="en">Government finance, fiscal and public sector statistics</com:Name>
    <com:Name xml:lang="en">Environment and multi-domain statistics</com:Name>

In order to get Item/Category ENERGY we need to request the following resource: categoryscheme/SDMX/CAT/1.0/ECO_STAT.SECTORAL_STAT.ENERGY Instead of the identifier of the Item, the full path of identifiers that lead to that Item are required, i.e.: ECO_STAT -> SECTORAL_STAT -> ENERGY.

Similarly, when trying to delete that Item (Category) the same resource must be used. The behaviour of the server, then, should be that the Category and all its children (if any) are deleted. In the above example, deleting the Category ECO_STAT.SECTORAL_STAT would result into deleting also ECO_STAT.SECTORAL_STAT.ENERGY and ECO_STAT.SECTORAL_STAT.AGRI_FOREST_FISH.

When submitting a nested Item Scheme for partial update (using PUT or POST with isPartial="true") then all root level Categories appearing in the body are going to fully replace existing root level Categories. This means that all Categories comprising any root Category are going to be replaced by the new Categories submitted. Let's assume submitting this partial Category Scheme:

<str:CategoryScheme agencyID="SDMX" id="STAT_SUBJECT_MATTER" version="1.0.0" isPartial="true">
  <com:Name xml:lang="en">SDMX Statistical Subject-Matter Domains</com:Name>
  <str:Category id="ECO_STAT">
    <com:Name xml:lang="en">Economic statistics</com:Name>
    <str:Category id="MACROECO_STAT">
      <com:Name xml:lang="en">Macroeconomic statistics</com:Name>

When applied to the initial Category Scheme, this update would mean that Category ECO_STAT only has one child Category, i.e. the resulting Category Scheme would be:

<str:CategoryScheme agencyID="SDMX" id="STAT_SUBJECT_MATTER" version="1.0.0">
  <com:Name xml:lang="en">SDMX Statistical Subject-Matter Domains</com:Name>
  <str:Category id="DEMO_SOCIAL_STAT">
    <com:Name xml:lang="en">Demographic and social statistics</com:Name>
  <str:Category id="ECO_STAT">
    <com:Name xml:lang="en">Economic statistics</com:Name>
    <str:Category id="MACROECO_STAT">
      <com:Name xml:lang="en">Macroeconomic statistics</com:Name>
    <com:Name xml:lang="en">Environment and multi-domain statistics</com:Name>

Moreover, in order to add a new Category under SECTORAL_STAT in the initial Category Scheme, then the whole new tree of ECO_STAT would need to be submitted, i.e.:

<str:CategoryScheme agencyID="SDMX" id="STAT_SUBJECT_MATTER" version="1.0.0">
  <com:Name xml:lang="en">SDMX Statistical Subject-Matter Domains</com:Name>
  <str:Category id="ECO_STAT">
    <com:Name xml:lang="en">Economic statistics</com:Name>
    <str:Category id="MACROECO_STAT">
      <com:Name xml:lang="en">Macroeconomic statistics</com:Name>
    <str:Category id="SECTORAL_STAT">
      <com:Name xml:lang="en">Sectoral statistics</com:Name>
      <str:Category id="AGRI_FOREST_FISH">
        <com:Name xml:lang="en">Agriculture, forestry, fisheries</com:Name>
      <str:Category id="NEW_SECTORAL_CATEGORY">
        <com:Name xml:lang="en">New</com:Name>
      <str:Category id="ENERGY">
        <com:Name xml:lang="en">Energy</com:Name>
    <str:Category id="GOV_FINANCE_PUBLIC_SECTOR">
      <com:Name xml:lang="en">Government finance, fiscal and public sector statistics</com:Name>

ANNEX IV - Summary of HTTP response codes

Method Exists Versioning respected Is Referenced References exist/provided Response Code
POST F T - T 201 (successful) or 207 (partially successful)
POST F T - F 409 missing references
POST F F - I 409 failure to respect the versioning rules
PUT/POST T T F T 200 (successful) or 207 (partially successful)
PUT/POST T T T T 200 if update is possible - 409 if references would break
PUT/POST T F - - 409 in case of changes that violate the versioning requirements
PUT/POST - - - - 422 see section Server
PUT F - - - 404
DELETE F - - - 404
DELETE T T I I 409 when trying to delete a stable artefact, a deprecation strategy may be followed

T: True, F: False, I: Irrelevant, -: Not applicable

ANNEX V - Examples

Difference between replace and partially update

To explain the updating semantics, the difference between replacing and partially updating the same SDMX Artefact shall be illustrated in the following example. For the sake of simplicity, a Codelist will be utilised, i.e. let's assume:

<str:Codelist agencyID="SDMX" id="CL_DECIMALS" version="1.0">
   <com:Name>Code list for Decimals (DECIMALS)</com:Name>
   <com:Description xml:lang="en">It provides a list of values showing the 
     number of decimal digits used in the data.</com:Description>
   <str:Code id="0">
   <str:Code id="1">
   <str:Code id="2">

Let's assume that we PUT the following Codelist, under /codelist/SDMX/CL_DECIMALS/1.0, or POST it under /codelist/:

<str:Codelist agencyID="SDMX" id="CL_DECIMALS" version="1.0">
   <com:Name>Code list for Decimals (DECIMALS)</com:Name>
   <com:Description xml:lang="en">It provides a list of values showing the 
     number of decimal digits used in the data.</com:Description>
   <str:Code id="0">
      <com:Name>No decimal</com:Name>
   <str:Code id="1">

This will result into replacing the original Codelist with the one submitted. Hence, in the new Codelist only two Codes will exist; the first one (Code 0) with an updated name.

If, instead, we added the flag isPartial="true" in the above Codelist, i.e.:

<str:Codelist agencyID="SDMX" id="CL_DECIMALS" version="1.0" isPartial="true">
   <com:Name>Code list for Decimals (DECIMALS)</com:Name>
   <com:Description xml:lang="en">It provides a list of values showing the 
     number of decimal digits used in the data.</com:Description>
   <str:Code id="0">
      <com:Name>No decimal</com:Name>
   <str:Code id="1">

Then the result would be a bit different. The new Codelist will still have three Codes, but the first one (Code 0) would have an updated name, i.e.:

<str:Codelist agencyID="SDMX" id="CL_DECIMALS" version="1.0">
   <com:Name>Code list for Decimals (DECIMALS)</com:Name>
   <com:Description xml:lang="en">It provides a list of values showing the 
     number of decimal digits used in the data.</com:Description>
   <str:Code id="0">
      <com:Name>No decimal</com:Name>
   <str:Code id="1">
   <str:Code id="2">