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File metadata and controls

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marvin-tools-modelcube is a class to interact with a DAP model datacube for a galaxy.

Initializing a ModelCube

ModelCube behaves in much the same way as a Cube. To initialize a ModelCube, you can specify either a mangaid, plateifu, or filename as input. Marvin will attempt to open the file locally from a file, a database, or remotely over the API.


>>> modelcube = ModelCube(filename='/Users/username/manga/spectro/analysis/v2_4_3/2.2.1/HYB10-GAU-MILESHC/8485/1901/manga-8485-1901-LOGCUBE-HYB10-GAU-MILESHC.fits.gz')
>>> modelcube
<Marvin ModelCube (plateifu='8485-1901', mode='local', data_origin='file', bintype='HYB10', template='GAU-MILESHC')>

Either the full path or the path relative to the current working directory is required. A ModelCube initialized from a file will always be in local mode.

Plateifu or Mangaid:

>>> modelcube = ModelCube(plateifu='8485-1901')
>>> modelcube
<Marvin ModelCube (plateifu='8485-1901', mode='local', data_origin='db', bintype='HYB10', template='GAU-MILESHC')>

>>> modelcube = ModelCube(mangaid='1-209232')
>>> modelcube
<Marvin ModelCube (plateifu='8485-1901', mode='local', data_origin='db', bintype='HYB10', template='GAU-MILESHC')>

Marvin first attempts to find the data in a local database, otherwise will retrieve the data in remote mode.

Smart Galaxy Lookup

You can also initialize a ModelCube without the filename or a galaxy identifier (plateifu/mangaid) keyword argument, and Marvin will attempt to parse the input and find the desired galaxy:

>>> modelcube = ModelCube('8485-1901')
>>> modelcube
<Marvin ModelCube (plateifu='8485-1901', mode='local', data_origin='db', bintype='HYB10', template='GAU-MILESHC')>


The default ModelCube bintype is HYB10, where the stellar continuum analysis of spectra is Voronoi binned to S/N~10 for the stellar kinematics; however, the emission line measurements are performed on the individual spaxels. You can specify a different binning scheme with the bintype keyword (currently, the only other option is VOR10, which does the stellar continuum and emission line analyses on spectra Voronoi binned to S/N~10):

>>> modelcube = ModelCube('8485-1901', bintype='HYB10')
>>> modelcube
<Marvin ModelCube (plateifu='8485-1901', mode='local', data_origin='db', bintype='HYB10', template='GAU-MILESHC')>


Currently, the only template available is GAU-MILESHC, which is selected by default.

Basic Attributes

Like Cube, ModelCube come with some basic attributes attached (e.g., the full header, the WCS info, the bintype and template) plus the NSA and DAPall catalog parameters.

>>> # access the header
>>> modelcube.header

>>> # access the wcs
>>> modelcube.wcs

>>> # the NSA catalog information
>>> modelcube.nsa['z']

>>> # the DAPall catalog info
>>> modelcube.dapall['sfr_tot']

ModelCube also has the DAP data quality, targeting, and pixel masks available as the quality_flag, target_flags, and pixmask attributes, respectively. These are represented as a Maskbit <marvin-utils-maskbit> objects.

The DataModel

The DAP datamodel <marvin-datamodels> is attached to ModelCube as the datamodel attribute. The datamodel describes the contents of the MaNGA DAP ModelCube, for a given release. This is a subset of the full DAP datamodel only pertaining to ModelCubes. :

# display the datamodel for DAP ModelCubes
[<Model 'binned_flux', release='2.1.3', unit=u'1e-17 erg / (cm2 s spaxel)'>,
 <Model 'full_fit', release='2.1.3', unit=u'1e-17 erg / (cm2 s spaxel)'>,
 <Model 'emline_fit', release='2.1.3', unit=u'1e-17 erg / (cm2 s spaxel)'>,
 <Model 'emline_base_fit', release='2.1.3', unit=u'1e-17 erg / (cm2 s spaxel)'>]

Each Model describes its contents, units, and a description of what it is. :

# look at the binned flux
'Flux of the binned spectra'

# or the full_fit
'The best fitting model spectra (sum of the fitted continuum and emission-line models)'

Each Model also contains (and uses) the specific binid channel appropriate for that model. binned_flux and full_fit use the binned_spectra binids, while the emline models use the em_line_models binids. :

<Property 'binid', channel='binned_spectra', release='2.1.3', unit=u''>

<Property 'binid', channel='em_line_models', release='2.1.3', unit=u''>

These are the available models used by DAP. Each Model is 3-d DataCube representation of the data within a DAP Cube. These models are available as attributes on your ModelCube object.

Accessing an Individual Spaxel

You can quickly grab a spaxel/bin by slicing the ModelCube like an array.

>>> # grab the bin of the central spaxel
>>> bin_cen = modelcube[17, 17]
>>> print(bin_cen)
<Marvin Bin (plateifu=8485-1901, x=17, y=17; x_cen=0, y_cen=0, n_spaxels=1)>

n_spaxels tells us there is only one spaxel in this bin. See marvin-bin for more details on the Bin class. The binned`flux` in this bin is available as an attribute. It is represented as a Marvin Spectrum, which is a Quantity. To quickly plot the flux, use the plot method on the flux.

# look at the binned flux
<Spectrum [ 0.54676276, 0.46566465, 0.4622981 ,...,  0.        ,
            0.        , 0.        ] 1e-17 erg / (Angstrom cm2 s spaxel)>

# plot the binned flux


The full model fit is available as the full_fit attribute. :

<Spectrum [ 0., 0., 0.,...,  0., 0., 0.] 1e-17 erg / (cm2 s spaxel)>

# plot the model flux

The ModelCube data quality and targeting flags are available as the quality_flag, target_flags, and pixmask attributes, respectively. These are represented as a Maskbit <marvin-utils-maskbit> objects. A good quality ModelCube has an empty (0) bit list.

# check the quality and bits
<Maskbit 'MANGA_DAPQUAL' []>


# check the targeting flags
[<Maskbit 'MANGA_TARGET1' ['SECONDARY_v1_1_0', 'SECONDARY_COM2', 'SECONDARY_v1_2_0']>,
 <Maskbit 'MANGA_TARGET2' []>,
 <Maskbit 'MANGA_TARGET3' []>]

# retrieve the modelcube pixel mask
<Maskbit 'MANGA_DAPSPECMASK' shape=(4563, 34, 34)>

The DAPall information is accessible via the dapall attribute. It is a dictionary of the all the parameters from the DAPall file available for this target. Use dapall.keys() to see all of the available parameters. :

# grab the star-formation rate within the IFU field-of-view

# and the mean surface brightness within 1 effective radius

The HYB10 bintype
