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Cleaned up caching. Added namespace tagging and caching. Added implic…
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…it calling (via onMissingMethod). Added installation to a scope from a configuration. Updated main example to show three usage patterns. Added advanced / automated example using Application.cfc to automatically install Clojure and namespaces based on configuration.
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seancorfield committed Sep 12, 2010
1 parent 2701e7c commit 5603015
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Showing 7 changed files with 248 additions and 48 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Application.cfc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
component { = hash( getBaseTemplatePath() );
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions advanced/Application.cfc
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
component { = hash( getBaseTemplatePath() );
// cfmljure configuration:
config = {
project = 'cfml',
files = 'cfml/examples',
ns = 'cfml.examples, clojure.core'

// magic that auto-installs Clojure stuff into variables scope:
function onRequestStart() {
if ( !structKeyExists( application, 'clj') ||
( structKeyExists( URL, 'reload' ) && isBoolean( URL.reload ) && URL.reload ) ) {
application.clj = new cfmljure();
application.clj.install( config, variables );

function onRequest( string targetPath ) {
include targetPath;
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions advanced/index.cfm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<cfset start = getTickCount() />
writeOutput( '<h1>Calls via implicit method lookup after implicit installation</h1>' );
// call functions:
// simple function call:
writeOutput( '(greet "World") = ' & cfml.examples.greet( 'World' ) & '<br />' );
// pass CFML array to Clojure and loop over Clojure sequence that comes back:
list = cfml.examples.twice( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
writeOutput( '(twice [ 1 2 3 ]) = ' );
for ( n in list ) writeOutput( n & ' ' );
writeOutput( '<br />' );
// simple function call (times2 is def'd to an anonymous function literal:
writeOutput( '(times2 42) = ' & cfml.examples.times2( 42 ) & '<br />' );
// call built-in Clojure function, passing raw definition of times2 function:
list = cfml.examples.get( 'times2' ).defn, [ 4, 5, 6 ] );
writeOutput( '(map times2 [ 4 5 6 ]) = ' );
for ( n in list ) writeOutput( n & ' ' );
writeOutput( '<br />' );
<cfset end = getTickCount() />
Time taken: #end - start#ms.<br />
<a href="?reload=true">Reload the runtime</a>.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions basic/Application.cfc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
component { = hash( getBaseTemplatePath() );
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions basic/index.cfm
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
<cfset start = getTickCount() />
// load Clojure runtime (for cfml project - search path root is clj/cfml/src/):
clj = new cfmljure( 'cfml' );
// load scripts (from project source folder - that's clj/cfml/src/cfml/examples.clj):
clj.load( 'cfml/examples' );
// we can either get handles on specific functions like this:
writeOutput( '<h1>Calls via explicit handles on methods</h1>' );
// get handle on individual functions (from namespace cfml.examples):
greet = clj.get( 'cfml.examples.greet' );
twice = clj.get( 'cfml.examples.twice' );
times2 = clj.get( 'cfml.examples.times2' );
// get handle on built-in map function (from namespace clojure.core):
map = clj.get( '' );
// call functions:
// simple function call:
writeOutput( '(greet "World") = ' & 'World' ) & '<br />' );
// pass CFML array to Clojure and loop over Clojure sequence that comes back:
list = [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
writeOutput( '(twice [ 1 2 3 ]) = ' );
for ( n in list ) writeOutput( n & ' ' );
writeOutput( '<br />' );
// simple function call (times2 is def'd to an anonymous function literal:
writeOutput( '(times2 42) = ' & 42 ) & '<br />' );
// call built-in Clojure function, passing raw definition of times2 function:
list = times2.defn, [ 4, 5, 6 ] );
writeOutput( '(map times2 [ 4 5 6 ]) = ' );
for ( n in list ) writeOutput( n & ' ' );
writeOutput( '<br />' );
<cfset end = getTickCount() />
<cfoutput>Time taken: #end - start#ms.<br /></cfoutput>
<cfset start = getTickCount() />
// or we can get the namespaces and then call methods directly:
// setup my namespaces:
cfml.examples = clj.ns( 'cfml.examples' );
clojure.core = clj.ns( 'clojure.core' );
writeOutput( '<h1>Calls via implicit method lookup (lowercase only, no -)</h1>' );
// call functions:
// simple function call:
writeOutput( '(greet "World") = ' & cfml.examples.greet( 'World' ) & '<br />' );
// pass CFML array to Clojure and loop over Clojure sequence that comes back:
list = cfml.examples.twice( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
writeOutput( '(twice [ 1 2 3 ]) = ' );
for ( n in list ) writeOutput( n & ' ' );
writeOutput( '<br />' );
// simple function call (times2 is def'd to an anonymous function literal:
writeOutput( '(times2 42) = ' & cfml.examples.times2( 42 ) & '<br />' );
// call built-in Clojure function, passing raw definition of times2 function:
list = cfml.examples.get( 'times2' ).defn, [ 4, 5, 6 ] );
writeOutput( '(map times2 [ 4 5 6 ]) = ' );
for ( n in list ) writeOutput( n & ' ' );
writeOutput( '<br />' );
<cfset end = getTickCount() />
<cfoutput>Time taken: #end - start#ms.<br /></cfoutput>
<cfset start = getTickCount() />
// by configuration and installation:
config = {
project = 'cfml',
files = 'cfml/examples',
ns = 'cfml.examples, clojure.core'
target = { }; // normally you'd target a scope - this is just an example
// install the configuration to the target 'scope':
new cfmljure().install( config, target );
writeOutput( '<h1>Calls via implicit method lookup after installation to a target scope on every request</h1>' );
// call functions:
// simple function call:
writeOutput( '(greet "World") = ' & target.cfml.examples.greet( 'World' ) & '<br />' );
// pass CFML array to Clojure and loop over Clojure sequence that comes back:
list = target.cfml.examples.twice( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
writeOutput( '(twice [ 1 2 3 ]) = ' );
for ( n in list ) writeOutput( n & ' ' );
writeOutput( '<br />' );
// simple function call (times2 is def'd to an anonymous function literal:
writeOutput( '(times2 42) = ' & target.cfml.examples.times2( 42 ) & '<br />' );
// call built-in Clojure function, passing raw definition of times2 function:
list = target.cfml.examples.get( 'times2' ).defn, [ 4, 5, 6 ] );
writeOutput( '(map times2 [ 4 5 6 ]) = ' );
for ( n in list ) writeOutput( n & ' ' );
writeOutput( '<br />' );
<cfset end = getTickCount() />
<cfoutput>Time taken: #end - start#ms.</cfoutput>
85 changes: 71 additions & 14 deletions cfmljure.cfc
Expand Up @@ -15,38 +15,60 @@
limitations under the License.

variables.clj = { };

public any function init( string project = '' ) {
variables.project = project;
variables.rt = createObject( 'java', 'clojure.lang.RT' );
// constructor
public any function init( string project = '', any rt = 0, string ns = '' ) {
variables._project = project;
variables._ns = ns;
variables._files = '';
variables._refCache = { };
variables._nsCache = { };
if ( isObject( rt ) ) {
variables._rt = rt;
} else {
variables._rt = createObject( 'java', 'clojure.lang.RT' );
return this;

// load a list of files
public void function load( string fileList ) {
var prefix = variables.project == '' ? '' : variables.project & '/src/';
// clear the reference cache if we load any files
variables._refCache = { };
var prefix = variables._project == '' ? '' : variables._project & '/src/';
var files = listToArray( fileList );
var file = 0; // CFBuilder barfs on for ( var file in files ) so declare it separately!
for ( file in files ) {
variables.rt.loadResourceScript( 'clj/' & prefix & file & '.clj' );
variables._rt.loadResourceScript( 'clj/' & prefix & trim( file ) & '.clj' );

// get a specific Clojure function
public any function get( string ref ) {
if ( !structKeyExists( variables.clj, ref ) ) {
var fn = listLast( ref , '.' );
var ns = left( ref, len( ref ) - len( fn ) - 1 );
var r = variables.rt.var( ns, fn );
variables.clj[ref] = createObject( 'component', 'cfmljure' ).def( r );
var fqRef = listAppend( variables._ns, ref, '.' );
if ( !structKeyExists( variables._refCache, fqRef ) ) {
var fn = listLast( fqRef , '.' );
var ns = left( fqRef, len( fqRef ) - len( fn ) - 1 );
var r = variables._rt.var( ns, fn );
variables._refCache[ref] = new cfmljure( variables._project, variables._rt, variables._ns ).def( r );
return variables.clj[ref];
return variables._refCache[ref];

// set up a context for a Clojure namespace
public any function ns( string ref ) {
if ( !structKeyExists( variables._nsCache, ref ) ) {
variables._nsCache[ref] = new cfmljure( variables._project, variables._rt, ref );
return variables._nsCache[ref];

// tag this instance with a specific Clojure function definition so it can be called
public any function def( any defn ) {
this.defn = defn;
return this;

// explicit call method with up to five positional arguments
public any function call() {
switch ( arrayLen( arguments ) ) {
case 0:
Expand All @@ -66,4 +88,39 @@

// support dynamic calling of any method in the current namespace
public any function onMissingMethod( string missingMethodName, any missingMethodArguments ) {
var ref = get( lCase( missingMethodName ) );
return argumentCollection = missingMethodArguments );

// install from a configuration into a target
public void function install( struct config, struct target ) {
var project = structKeyExists( config, 'project' ) ? config.project : '';
var fileList = structKeyExists( config, 'files' ) ? config.files : '';
var namespaceList = structKeyExists( config, 'ns' ) ? config.ns : '';
var clj = this;
if ( project != variables._project ) clj = new cfmljure( project, variables._rt, variables._ns );
clj.load( fileList );
target.clj = clj;
var namespaces = listToArray( namespaceList );
var ns = 0; // CFBuilder barfs on for ( var ns in namespaces ) so declare it separately!
for ( ns in namespaces ) {
var _ns = trim( ns );
var pair = _makePath( _ns, target );
pair.s[pair.key] = clj.ns( _ns );

// helper for installing namespace paths
private struct function _makePath( string path, struct target ) {
var head = listFirst( path, '.' );
if ( listLen( path, '.' ) == 1 ) {
return { s = target, key = head };
} else {
if ( !structKeyExists( target, head ) ) target[head] = { };
return _makePath( listRest( path, '.' ), target[head] );

39 changes: 5 additions & 34 deletions index.cfm
@@ -1,34 +1,5 @@
// load Clojure runtime (for cfml project - search path root is clj/cfml/src/):
clj = new cfmljure( 'cfml' );
// load scripts (from project source folder - that's clj/cfml/src/cfml/examples.clj):
clj.load( 'cfml/examples' );
// get handle on individual functions (from namespace cfml.examples):
greet = clj.get( 'cfml.examples.greet' );
twice = clj.get( 'cfml.examples.twice' );
times2 = clj.get( 'cfml.examples.times2' );
// get handle on built-in map function (from namespace clojure.core):
map = clj.get( '' );
// call functions:
// simple function call:
writeOutput( '(greet "World") = ' & 'World' ) & '<br />' );
// pass CFML array to Clojure and loop over Clojure sequence that comes back:
list = [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
writeOutput( '(twice [ 1 2 3 ]) = ' );
for ( n in list ) writeOutput( n & ' ' );
writeOutput( '<br />' );
// simple function call (times2 is def'd to an anonymous function literal:
writeOutput( '(times2 42) = ' & 42 ) & '<br />' );
// call built-in Clojure function, passing raw definition of times2 function:
list = times2.defn, [ 4, 5, 6 ] );
writeOutput( '(map times2 [ 4 5 6 ]) = ' );
for ( n in list ) writeOutput( n & ' ' );
writeOutput( '<br />' );
<h1>cfmljure examples</h1>
<h2>Basic example</h2>
<p><a href="basic/index.cfm" target="_blank">Three low-level examples of using cfmljure</a></p>
<h2>Advanced example</h2>
<p><a href="advanced/index.cfm" target="_blank">Integrated / automated cfmljure example</a></p>

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