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engine Join the chat at

This was an interesting thought experiment based on the idea that I could completely separate data sources, business logic, and data sinks. It introduced two abstractions: Queryable and Committable. A Queryable could be queried in some arbitrary way: it could be a JDBC data source, a hash map, etc. A query function allowed the business logic to run a query against any named input. A Committable could be given a description of an update (an insert or an actual update) that it knew how to execute. An update function allowed the business logic to signal that it needed an update committed after successful execution. When I ran the concept past a few people on Slack, they mostly opined that such abstractions were too abstract and that you couldn't create a realistic, usable abstraction that would work effectively over a wide range of data sinks.

Having used Engine at World Singles for a particular use case (validating and updating various member profile attributes as part of an API), I'm inclined to agree with those people: Engine proved verbose to use and isolating all mutations into things that looked like data sinks was quite painful (including creating one-off URL tokens that were needed by other mutations, such as sending emails). In addition, the core concept of running an "Engine request" through your entire business logic produced monadic code that was very hard to read and non-idiomatic, from a Clojure point of view. We've recently rewritten that code to use "native" Clojure to query data sources and access hash maps etc, and to create a simple pipeline of closures to be executed on success. The result is much simpler, more idiomatic code (which could still stand a bit more simplification but is already an improvement on Engine-based code).

That's why I'm sunsetting Engine before it gets any traction. "So long, and thanks for all the fish!", as they say.

The Original README

A Clojure library designed to help separate business logic from persistence by maintaining a strict query -> logic -> updates workflow across your application.

The basic premise is that for each "request" or "unit of work", you create an engine instance with a set of named data sources/sinks. You think perform all of your pure business logic on/with the engine and you tell it what updates you want made to the data stores as you go along, but those are all queued up and only happen when the engine's work is commit!ed at the end of the process.

Your business logic can run queries against the data sources in the engine and those are assumed to be pure as well since they are intended to be readonly (see caveat below). The engine operates in two modes: normal mode, which is assumed to generate a result and a series of updates to perform, and failure mode, which is assumed to generate an exception and a different series of updates to perform. Failure mode can be recovered in a similar way to how try/catch works with exception.

Caveat about readonly data sources: while updates are deferred by the engine, queries are run as requested and will return whatever the current data store's state reflects. That means that queries are not idempotent: the same query function may return different values on consecutive calls, if something else has modified the state of the data store. For example, a JDBC data store will return the current state of the database which can change over time. A trivial data store that would also exhibit this behavior would be a clock/timer or a random number generator.

Since data stores are given to the engine when it is constructed, for testing you could easily pass in a mocked version for easier testing if you needed to do so.


Engine provides a core workflow (as a protocol and a set of helper functions), and a couple of data sources to get you up and running. The basic usage model is to create all your data sources up front, and then for each "request" or "unit of work" you create an engine that you pass around your application, and finally you run commit! on it to apply any updates and get your result out. Or, if the engine is in failure mode, you'll get an exception (after it has applied any failure-specific updates).

(require '[engine.core :as e])
(require '[ :as j])
(require '[ :as m])
;; create a couple of data sources for the app
(def db (j/jdbc-data-source
  {:dbtype "mysql" :dbname "mydb" :user "me" :password "secret"}))
(def ram (m/in-memory-data-source))

Other data source types will be added in the future but it's fairly easy to create your own, based on the engine.queryable/Queryable and engine.committable/Committable protocols.

;; create workflow from data sources, with default
(def app (e/engine {:db db :ram ram} :db))

This sets up an engine with two named data sources and specifies that :db is the default (so it can be omitted in most engine operations, for convenience). Then you would pass app through all of your code, as if threaded like this:

(-> app
    ;; indicate desired updates
    (e/update :user {:id 9 :username "nine"})
    (e/update :user {:id 10 :username "ten"})
    (e/delete :user 11)
    (e/update :ram :name "Sean Corfield")
    ;; indicate intended result
    (e/return 42)
    ;; commit changes
;; returns the result and applies the updates

In addition, you can ask the engine to run queries against your data stores:

(e/query app ["select id,username from user where id < ?" 12])
;; returns a result set from the db
(e/query app :ram :name)
;; returns the value associated with :name in ram

The syntax for the query is specific to each type of data store. If the first argument (after the engine value) is a keyword and there is more than one argument, it is treated as the name of a data store to use for that query. So (e/qquery app :name) is treated as the query :name on the default data store (which would be an error in our example since that would be a JDBC data store which expects a vector containing SQL and parameters), whereas (e/query app :ram :name) is treated as the query :name on the :ram data store.

Here's an example flow with a conditional failure in the middle:

(-> app
    ;; write a log record if something fails
    (e/update-on-failure :logtable {:message "We failed!"})
    ;; later on we may fail
    (e/ifq #(< (e/query % :value) threshold)
      safe-process ;; called on app
      #(e/fail % (ex-info "Too big!" {:value value})))
    ;; we can continue here because the operations know
    ;; about normal/failure modes
    ;; this update will only happen in normal mode
    (e/update :sale {:name "Product" :amount value})
    ;; either write to logtable and throw the exception
    ;; or write to sale and return the engine's value

ifq applies a query function to the engine and then calls the appropriate function on the engine (for truthy, for falsey, or for failure). ifp applies a predicate to the current state of the engine. There are threaded versions of both to make life easier in pipelines. In addition there are condq-> and condp-> to support natural cascades of ifq and ifp operations (but only with pairs of query/predicate and truthy functions).

If an engine is in failure mode, you can still run queries but you cannot set a return value, nor transform the current value, nor add any updates or deletes -- they are all treated as no-ops. You can add update-on-failures and delete-on-failures at any time -- in either normal mode or failure mode -- but they will only be applied if the engine is still in failure mode when you commit!.

If an engine is in failure mode and you commit! the results, the failure value will be thrown (so it must be an exception, technically a java.lang.Throwable). If you are working with non-exception failure values, you can instead call do-commit! which behaves like commit! in terms of updates and deletes to be applied but will yield nil for success and the failure value itself for a failure. This is useful when you are running the engine for side-effects on success and error codes on failure.

You can choose whether entering failure mode should clear any pending updates. It is expected that the default will be fail, as above, but you can also commit-and-fail which leaves any pending updates in place before entering failure mode. Note that no new updates will be added while in failure mode, and unless the engine is recovered, those earlier pending updates will not be applied on a commit!.

You can recover from failure mode for specific exceptions:

(e/recover app IllegalArgumentException f)

or using a general predicate:

(e/recover app some-predicate f)

This resets the engine to normal mode, removes any pending "on failure" updates and deletes, and then calls f on the engine. f is assumed to be a workflow-aware function that returns an updated engine. It is passed the previous failure value, in addition to the engine.


Copyright © 2015-2016 Sean Corfield

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.