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Installing Nuke Machine Learning Plug-in

The Nuke Machine Learning (ML) installation can be divided into compiling the MLClient Nuke node and installing the MLServer using Docker.


  • Linux with Nuke installed
  • NVIDIA GPU (Important: GPU memory must be at least 6GB)
  • CMake (minimum 3.10)
  • Protobuf (tested with 2.5.0 and 3.5.1)
  • Docker

Installing the Client

Install Protobuf

Protocol Buffers (aka Protobuf) are an efficient way of serializing structured data - similar to XML, but faster and simpler. We use it to define, write, and read the data for our client<->server communication.

Following the installation instructions from the Protobuf GitHub repository, we recommend compiling Protobuf from source:

First get Protobuf source file for C++, for instance version 3.5.1:

# Extract file in current directory
tar -xzf protobuf-cpp-3.5.1.tar.gz

Then build and install the C++ Protocol Buffer runtime and the Protocol Buffer compiler (protoc):

cd protobuf-3.5.1
make check
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig # refresh shared library cache.

Note: Instead of compiling it from source, Protobuf may alternatively be installed with a package manager, for example:

sudo yum install protobuf-devel

Compile MLClient Nuke Node

If not already cloned, fetch the nuke-ML-server repository:

git clone

Execute the commands below to compile the client plug-in, setting the NUKE_INSTALL_PATH to point to the folder of the desired Nuke version:

cd nuke-ML-server/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DNUKE_INSTALL_PATH=/path/to/Nuke11.3v1/ ..

The plug-in will now be in the 'build/Plugins/Client' folder. Before it can be used, Nuke needs to know where it lives. One way to do this is to update the NUKE_PATH environment variable to point to the plug-in (This can be skipped if it was moved to the root of your ~/.nuke folder, or the path was added in Nuke through Python):

export NUKE_PATH=/path/to/lib/:$NUKE_PATH

At that point, after opening Nuke and updating all plugins, the MLClient node should be available. To update all the plugins in Nuke, you can either use the Other > All Plugins > Update option (see documentation), or simply press tab in the Node Graph then write Update [All plugins]. If the MLClient node is still missing, verify that the current NUKE_PATH is correctly pointing to the folder containing

Installing the Server

Install Docker

Docker provides a way to package and run an application in a securely isolated environment called a container. This container includes all the application dependencies and libraries. It ensures that the application works seamlessly inside the container in any system environment. We use docker to create a container that easily runs the MLServer.

Install Docker:

# Install the official docker-ce package
sudo curl -sSL | sh
# Start Docker
sudo systemctl start docker

Nvidia Docker is a necessary plugin that enables Nvidia GPU-accelerated applications to run in Docker.

Install nvidia-container-toolkit for your Linux platform by following the installation instructions of the nvidia-docker repository. On CentOS/RHEL, you should follow section "CentOS 7 (docker-ce), RHEL 7.4/7.5 (docker-ce), Amazon Linux 1/2" of the repository.

Build the docker image from the Dockerfile:

# Start by loading Ubuntu16.04 with cuda 9.0 and cudnn7 as the base image
sudo docker pull nvidia/cuda:9.0-cudnn7-devel-ubuntu16.04
# Build the docker image on top of the base image
cd Plugins/Server/
# Choose your own label for <docker_image_name>, it must be lowercase. e.g. mlserver.
sudo docker build -t <docker_image_name> -f Dockerfile .

Run Docker Container

Create and run a docker container on top of the created docker image, referencing the <docker_image_name> from the previous step:

sudo docker run --gpus all -v /absolute/path/to/nuke-ML-server/Models/:/workspace/ml-server/models -it <docker_image_name>

Note: the -v (volume) option links your host machine Models/ folder with the models/ folder inside your container. You only need to modify /absolute/path/to/nuke-ML-server/Models/, leave the /workspace/ml-server/models unchanged as it already corresponds to the folder structure inside your Docker image. This option allows you to add models in Models/ that will be directly available and updated inside your container.

Getting Started

Download Configuration and Weights Files

To be able to run inference on the Mask-RCNN model, you need to download its configuration and weight files.

Depending on your GPU memory, you can use either a ResNet101 (GPU memory > 8GB) or a ResNet50 (GPU memory > 6GB) backbone. The results with ResNet101 are slightly better.

  • Mask-RCNN requires ~7GB GPU RAM with ResNet101 and ~4.6GB with ResNet50.

Download your selected configuration and weight files:

And move them to Models/mrcnn/ folder.

ResNet50 is the default backbone. If you use ResNet101, you need to modify the config and weight file names in Models/mrcnn/

Connect Client and Server

Finally to connect the Python server with the Nuke client:

  1. (If you have stopped your container, follow the Run Docker Container section again)
  2. In the running docker container, query the ip address:
hostname -I
  1. In Nuke, set the MLClient node host to the container ip address,
  2. In the container, launch the server and start listening on port 55555:
python 55555
  1. In Nuke, click on the MLClient connect button, you should have the three models available.

Add your own Model

To implement your own model, you can create a new folder in the /Models directory with your model name. At the minimum, this folder needs to include an empty file and a file that contains a Model class inheriting from BaseModel.

You can copy the simple Models/blur/ model as a starting point, and implement your own model looking at the examples of blur and mrcnn.