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Deals Api

Please read General API Information first

User deals (Permission: BOTS_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /ver1/deals

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
limit integer NO (50) Limit records. Max: 1_000
offset integer NO Offset records
account_id integer NO Account to show bots on. Return all if not specified. Gather this from GET /ver1/accounts
bot_id integer NO Bot show deals on. Return all if not specified
scope string NO active - active deals, finished - finished deals, completed - successfully completed, cancelled - cancelled deals, failed - failed deals, any other value or null (default) - all deals
order string NO created_at, closed_at (created_at)

DEPRECATED, Update max safety orders (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /ver1/deals/{deal_id}/update_max_safety_orders

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
max_safety_orders integer YES New maximum safety orders value
deal_id integer YES

Panic sell deal (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /ver1/deals/{deal_id}/panic_sell

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
deal_id integer YES

Cancel deal (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /ver1/deals/{deal_id}/cancel

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
deal_id integer YES

Update deal (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

PATCH /ver1/deals/{deal_id}/update_deal

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
take_profit number NO New take profit value
profit_currency string NO quote_currency, base_currency
take_profit_type string NO base – from base order, total – from total volume
trailing_enabled boolean NO
trailing_deviation number NO New trailing deviation value
stop_loss_percentage number NO New stop loss percentage value
max_safety_orders integer NO New max safety orders value
active_safety_orders_count integer NO New active safety orders count value
stop_loss_timeout_enabled boolean NO
stop_loss_timeout_in_seconds integer NO StopLoss timeout in seconds if StopLoss timeout enabled
tsl_enabled boolean NO Trailing stop loss enabled
stop_loss_type string NO stop_loss, stop_loss_and_disable_bot
deal_id integer YES

DEPRECATED, Update take profit condition. Deal status should be bought (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /ver1/deals/{deal_id}/update_tp

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
new_take_profit_percentage number YES New take profit value
deal_id integer YES

Info about specific deal (Permission: BOTS_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /ver1/deals/{deal_id}/show

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
deal_id integer YES

cancel manual safety orders (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /ver1/deals/{deal_id}/cancel_order

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
order_id string YES manual safety order id
deal_id integer YES

deal safety orders (Permission: BOTS_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /ver1/deals/{deal_id}/market_orders

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
deal_id integer YES

adding manual safety order (Permission: BOTS_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /ver1/deals/{deal_id}/add_funds

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
quantity number YES safety order quantity
is_market boolean YES true - use MARKET order, false - use LIMIT order
response_type string NO empty, deal, market_order (empty)
rate number YES safety order rate. Required if LIMIT order used
deal_id integer YES

Info required to add funds correctly: available amounts, exchange limitations etc (Permission: BOTS_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /ver1/deals/{deal_id}/data_for_adding_funds

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
deal_id integer YES

Response Entities


id: 1                                     
type: Deal::ShortDeal                     
bot_id: 111                               
max_safety_orders: 2                      
deal_has_error: true                      
from_currency_id: 5                      DEPRECATED 
to_currency_id: 10                       DEPRECATED 
account_id: 121                           
active_safety_orders_count: 1             
created_at: 2018-08-08 08:08:08           
updated_at: 2018-09-09 09:09:09           
closed_at: 2018-10-10 10:10:10            
current_active_safety_orders_count: 1     
current_active_safety_orders: 1          DEPRECATED 
completed_safety_orders_count: 2         completed safeties (not including manual) 
completed_manual_safety_orders_count: 2  completed manual safeties 
trailing_enabled: true                    
tsl_enabled: true                         
stop_loss_timeout_enabled: true           
stop_loss_timeout_in_seconds: 2           
active_manual_safety_orders: 2            
pair: 'BTC_ADA'                          Format: QUOTE_BASE 
status: 'failed'                         Values: created, base_order_placed, bought, cancelled, completed, failed, panic_sell_pending, panic_sell_order_placed, panic_sold, cancel_pending, stop_loss_pending, stop_loss_finished, stop_loss_order_placed, switched, switched_take_profit, ttp_activated, ttp_order_placed, liquidated, bought_safety_pending, bought_take_profit_pending, settled 
take_profit: '1.23'                      Percentage 
base_order_volume: '0.001'                
safety_order_volume: '0.0015'             
safety_order_step_percentage: '1.11'      
bought_amount: '1.5'                      
bought_volume: '150'                      
bought_average_price: '100'               
sold_amount: '1.5'                        
sold_volume: '150'                        
sold_average_price: '100'                 
take_profit_type: 'base'                 Values: base, total 
final_profit: '-0.00051'                  
martingale_coefficient: '1.2'            Percentage 
martingale_volume_coefficient: '1.0'     Percentage 
martingale_step_coefficient: '1.0'       Percentage 
stop_loss_percentage: '3.6'               
error_message: 'Error placing base order' 
profit_currency: 'quote_currency'        Values: quote_currency, base_currency 
stop_loss_type: 'stop_loss'              Values: stop_loss, stop_loss_and_disable_bot 
safety_order_volume_type: 'quote_currency'Values: quote_currency, base_currency, percent, xbt 
base_order_volume_type: 'base_currency,' Values: quote_currency, base_currency, percent, xbt 
from_currency: 'BTC'                      
to_currency: 'ADA'                        
current_price: '102'                      
take_profit_price: '105'                  
final_profit_percentage: '4.2'            
actual_profit_percentage: '3.4'           
bot_name: My bot                          
account_name: My Account                  
usd_final_profit: '3.3523452'             
actual_profit: '0.0023'                   
actual_usd_profit: '0.0023'               
failed_message: Failed                    
reserved_base_coin: 1.3423523             
reserved_second_coin: 0.1412454           
trailing_deviation: 0.14                  
trailing_max_price: 0.1412454            Highest price met in case of long deal, lowest price otherwise 
tsl_max_price: 0.1412454                 Highest price met in TSL in case of long deal, lowest price otherwise 
strategy: 'short'                        short or long 