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File metadata and controls

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How to - Various tweaks

This document will contain some tasks and show their solutions. They can be sometimes a bit tricky. It will be extended on demand.

Using multiple lexers

Lexers/Tokenizers can be mixed.

Soft keywords

I have only recently learned that kotlin and scala allow keywords like public as variable names while other "hard keywords" like if are not. Such cases should be handled by the lexer. For this purpose, there is a 'minus' operation in regular expressions.

Source Formatting

Creating an AST and printing it just for the sake of source code formatting is some overkill. Yet, ConcreteSyntaxTree (Cst) provides a convenient method to format source code via parser annotations.

Using TokStream.Listener and ParserStream.Listener, callbacks can be used to construct such a Concrete Syntax Tree just using the recognize-method in Parser, thus avoiding the need to waste resources for constructing an Ast. An additional benefit is that TokStream.Listener also captures "hidden tokens" in case of LexerWithHidden. This way, comments can also be formatted that would otherwise be ultimately lost. Also redundant brackets are preserved. Futhermore, using FrameStream.Frame the original position in the Cst can be obtained.

Some unit tests in PrinterTest use this method. The actFormat-method shows a possible implementation:

val stack: Stack<ArrayList<ConcreteSyntaxTree>> = Stack()

stack.push(ArrayList()) ParserStream.Listener {
    override fun <C : Any?> annotationBegin(label: String) {
        // each annotation will create a new branch

    override fun <C : Any?> annotationEnd(label: String, success: Boolean) {
        if(!success) {
            // we created the list for nothing. Remove it.

        // otherwise, add it.
        val list = stack.pop()
        val cstNode = ListConcreteSyntaxTree(list)
        stack.peek().add(AnnotatedConcreteSyntaxTree(annotation, cstNode))
}) TokStream.Listener {
    override fun tokenConsumed(tokId: Int, frame: FrameStream.Frame) {
        // skip all white spaces
        if(tokId == whiteSpaceTokId) {

        // add all other tokens to current top in stack.

// call recognize. There will be one single item
// left on the stack.
if(!parser.recognize(stream)) {
    output = null

val cst = ListConcreteSyntaxTree(stack.pop())

Syntax highlighting

Syntax highlighting happens usually on a per-token-base. Yet, here tokens are detected in combination with the parser since multiple lexers can be used or a substring can match multiple token patterns (eg the string "if" could be an identifier AND a keyword).

Thus, for syntax highlighting, it is recommended to use the recognize-method of the parser in combination with a TokStream.Listener. Using the frame-parameter and the tokId, it can be checked which token pattern is matched (including hidden tokens if LexerWithHidden is used).

How to detect EOF

In the underlying CharStream, EOF is represented by -1. The (integer-based) lexer interprets -1 like any other integer, hence we can add -1 as a token and detect it. This is already done in Recognizer.eof(tokenizer: Tokenizer). Thus, in order to check whether all characters of the parser stream have been consumed, simply check whether the eof-recognizer succeeds.

    val stream: ParserStream = /* ... */
    val eof = Recognizer.eof(lexer)
    // ... do parse
    if(eof.recognize(stream)) {
        // End of file

For a concrete implementation, consult the eof unit test

Using Lists

The Utils-class provides some methods to create lists:

  • Utils.empty() creates an empty list
  • Utils.singleton(parser) creates a parser that adds the return value of the argument parser to a new list.
  • Utils.append(parser, minLeftElements) creates a reducer that appends the return value of parser to the list that is passed on by the left hand side parser. minLeftElements states, how many elements the lhs parser will pass at least which is needed for inversion.
  • Utils.binary(parser) creates a reducer that adds the return value of the left parser and of parser to a new list.
  • Utils.list(parser[, separator]) creates a Parser that repeatedly applies parser and adds all return values to a list. The return value is possibly empty, a Recognizer as a separator (eg for comma separated values) is optional.
  • Utils.list1(parser[, separator]) like list but with at least one value.

Add items to list if sequence contains more than one element

Consider a a* where a: Parser<Tree> is some parser returning an instance of some class Tree. If there is only one a, its return value should be passed through. If there are two or more as, then they should be collected in a list and a new node should be returned.

So the scenario is something like this.

a     -> a
a a   -> Tree(List(a,a))
a a a -> Tree(List(a,a,a))

If the tree would allow just binary nodes, it would be easy:

// createBinaryNode is a Fold<Tree, Tree, Tree>


But in this case, we want to collect all child nodes in a list, provided there are at least two such nodes.


If there is more than one element, we can add the second element to a new list using Utils.binary and add further elements using Utils.append. The grammar rule in pseudo code then looks as follows:

a (`binary(a)` (`append(a, 2)`)* createNode)?

In code it becomes the following

                Utils.append(a, 2)

Add items to list if sequence contains more than one element in comma separated list

This task resembles the previous one but now all values are separated by a comma: a (',' a)*. We can use the same approach as before, but alternatively, we can create a singleton list after the first comma and add the remaining items using Utils.append and joinPlus. Singleton is a mapping in at.searles.utils.list.

In pseudo code:

a (',' `Singleton()` joinPlus[',', append(a, 1)])?

And in kotlin (comma is a Recognizer for ','):

                    Utils.append(a, 1)

Using Maps


Generic Data Objects

Assume you have a class class Person(val name: String, age: Int, profession: String) {} and you want to create instances of Item using a parser. In the following, num: Parser<Int> is a parser that parses a number and id: Parser<String> is a parser that parses an identifier.

person: name ',' age ',' profession ;
name: id ;
age: num ;
profession: id ;

Creating a person can be done using the methods Utils.put and Utils.create.


Experimental: Collect all possible parses

This is about ParserAndParser.