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202 lines (170 loc) · 7.79 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (170 loc) · 7.79 KB




字段count的取值范围为[0, buf.length],意义为[0, count)范围内的字节都是可读的,字段pos的取值范围为[0, count),即读指针的位置。


public synchronized int read() throws IOException {
    if (pos >= count) {
        if (pos >= count)
            return -1;
    return getBufIfOpen()[pos++] & 0xff;

pos >= count说明缓冲区中已没有可读的字节,此时需要调用fill方法从依赖的输入流中真正地读取数据。

private void fill() throws IOException {
    byte[] buffer = getBufIfOpen();
    if (markpos < 0)
        pos = 0; //markpos为负数,说明我们并未设置标记位置,即不需要再次读取标记处的数据,所以整个缓冲区直接覆盖写入即可
    else if (pos >= buffer.length)
        if (markpos > 0) {
             //markpos为正数,说明缓冲区中尚有可以利用的空间(因为此时pos为buf的长度),所以这里要做的就是整理缓冲区: 将被标记的数据([markpos, pos))
            int sz = pos - markpos;
            System.arraycopy(buffer, markpos, buffer, 0, sz);
            pos = sz;
            markpos = 0;
        } else if (buffer.length >= marklimit) {
            markpos = -1;
            pos = 0;
        } else if (buffer.length >= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
            throw new OutOfMemoryError("Required array size too large");
        } else {
            int nsz = (pos <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - pos) ?
                    pos * 2 : MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
            if (nsz > marklimit)
                nsz = marklimit;
            byte nbuf[] = new byte[nsz];
            System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, nbuf, 0, pos);
            if (!bufUpdater.compareAndSet(this, buffer, nbuf)) {
                throw new IOException("Stream closed");
            buffer = nbuf;
    count = pos;
    int n = getInIfOpen().read(buffer, pos, buffer.length - pos);
    if (n > 0)
        count = n + pos;


  • 有数据可读。
  • 流被关闭。
  • EOF.

read(byte b[], int off, int len)


public synchronized int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
    int n = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int nread = read1(b, off + n, len - n);
      if (nread <= 0)
          return (n == 0) ? nread : n;
      n += nread;
      if (n >= len)
          return n;
      // if not closed but no bytes available, return
      InputStream input = in;
      if (input != null && input.available() <= 0)
          return n;


private int read1(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
    int avail = count - pos;
    if (avail <= 0) {
        if (len >= getBufIfOpen().length && markpos < 0) {
            return getInIfOpen().read(b, off, len);
        avail = count - pos;
        if (avail <= 0) return -1;
    int cnt = (avail < len) ? avail : len;
    System.arraycopy(getBufIfOpen(), pos, b, off, cnt);
    pos += cnt;
    return cnt;



if (input != null && input.available() <= 0)


JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_java_net_DualStackPlainSocketImpl_available0(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint fd) {
    jint available = -1;
    if ((ioctlsocket(fd, FIONREAD, &available)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        NET_ThrowNew(env, WSAGetLastError(), "socket available");
    return available;


Use to determine the amount of data pending in the network's input buffer that can be read from sockets. The argp parameter points to an unsigned long value in which ioctlsocket stores the result. FIONREAD returns the amount of data that can be read in a single call to the recv function, which may not be the same as the total amount of data queued on the socket. If s is message oriented (for example, type SOCK_DGRAM), FIONREAD still returns the amount of pending data in the network buffer, however, the amount that can actually be read in a single call to the recv function is limited to the data size written in the send or sendto function call.


public synchronized long skip(long n) throws IOException {
    getBufIfOpen(); // Check for closed stream
    if (n <= 0) {
        return 0;
    long avail = count - pos;
    if (avail <= 0) {
        // If no mark position set then don't keep in buffer
        if (markpos <0)
            return getInIfOpen().skip(n);
        // Fill in buffer to save bytes for reset
        avail = count - pos;
        if (avail <= 0)
            return 0;
    long skipped = (avail < n) ? avail : n;
    pos += skipped;
    return skipped;


return getInIfOpen().skip(n);

这里调用的是父类InputStream的同名方法,其实现非常简单粗暴: 直接读出需要跳过的数目的字节就好了。但是可以想象,对于文件输入流一定不是这样的实现,FileInputStream的源码证明了这一点:

public native long skip(long n) throws IOException;



public void close() throws IOException {
    byte[] buffer;
    while ( (buffer = buf) != null) {
        if (bufUpdater.compareAndSet(this, buffer, null)) {
            InputStream input = in;
            in = null;
            if (input != null)
        // Else retry in case a new buf was CASed in fill()
