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Enabling Ingress Traffic

This doc details how to run the ingress istio example using linkerd daemonsets as the istio proxy.

  1. Setup Istio by following the instructions in the Installation guide.

  2. Deploy the linkerd daemonset: kubectl apply -f istio-daemonset.yml

  3. Replace the default istio ingress and egress controllers with linkerd-powered ones: kubectl apply -f istio-ingress.yml -f istio-egress.yml

  4. Start the httpbin sample, which will be used as the destination service to be exposed externally. From the istio project directory, run: kubectl apply -f samples/apps/httpbin/httpbin.yaml

  5. Follow istio instructions for configuring HTTP ingress or HTTPs ingress.

More information on ingress controllers can be found on the Buoyant blog.

Enabling Egress Traffic

  1. Setup Istio by following the instructions in the Installation guide.

  2. Deploy the linkerd daemonset: kubectl apply -f istio-daemonset.yml

  3. Replace the default istio ingress and egress controllers with linkerd-powered ones: kubectl apply -f istio-ingress.yml -f istio-egress.yml

  4. Calls to outside the cluster are now possible (ExternalName services not yet supported).

Istio on DC/OS

For an example of running Istio on DC/OS, have a look at this example.