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Bitbucket CLI

This bitbucket CLI tool is a simple and minimal helper to interact with Bitbucket via its public API.

In all honesty, at the moment you can only create PRs with it ✌️but... who knows :)

Motivation I needed a simple way to create PRs via our Bitbucket Pipelines Scripts and therefore I just created this super simple CLI tool. We use the public docker image to easily integrate it to our Pipelines so feel free.

Some details about testing

There are no tests as this is just a simple mini pet project including just a few lines of code.


We're using simple BASIC auth and no sophisticated OAuth stuff here just to warn you :)

How to use it

The recommended way is to use the (again, very simple) docker image to run a command.

docker run sebric/bitbucket-cli:latest {COMMAND_NAME} --help

Nevertheless, there might be an outdated version at npm also.

npm install --global bitbucket-cli
bitbucket-cli --version

Changes with v0.5.0

  • bitbucket-cli create-pull-request is deprecated, it can still be used but will be removed in the future. You can now use the sub-command from the repository group: bitbucket-cli repository create-pull-request


Creating a Pull Request

Well... It creates a PR for you.

Usage: bitbucket-cli repository create-pull-request [options] <repo-slug> <source> <target> <title>

Create a Bitbucket PR

  repo-slug                        Repository Slug, also include your workspace like {Workspace}/{Slug}
  source                           The name of the source branch
  target                           The name of the target branch
  title                            The title for the new PR

  -V, --version                    output the version number
  -u, --username <username>        Username to connect to bitbucket
  -p, --password <password>        Password to connect to bitbucket
  -d, --description <description>  Describe the PR, supports Markdown or leave it to us to generate a comprehensive description
  -r, --reviewer <reviewer...>     Add one or more reviewers by username (only Username works), use once with comma-separated values or multiple times
  --keep-branch                    Should BB keep the branch open after merge? (default: false)
  --no-fail                        Command will not exit with code != 0 even on failure
  -h, --help                       display help for command

Downloading a Download from Bitbucket

Well... It downloads a Bitbucket file from the Bitbucket Downloads

Usage: bitbucket-cli repository download [options] <repo-slug> <filename> <output>

Download file from bitbucket download

  repo-slug                  Repository Slug, also include your workspace like {Workspace}/{Slug}
  filename                   The Filename as it is shown on the Bitbucket UI
  output                     The path where the file should be downloaded to

  -V, --version              output the version number
  -u, --username <username>  Username to connect to bitbucket
  -p, --password <password>  Password to connect to bitbucket
  --no-fail                  Command will not exit with code != 0 even on failure
  -h, --help                 display help for command


docker buildx build \
  --push \
  --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64/v8 \
  --tag sebric/bitbucket-cli:latest \
  --tag sebric/bitbucket-cli:0.5.1