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[BUG-3854] Feature Request: Extended Parcel Settings (Resource Control) #12113

3 tasks
sl-service-account opened this issue Sep 11, 2013 · 0 comments
3 tasks


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sl-service-account commented Sep 11, 2013


Attn: Andrew,Simon,Kelly,Maestro
Here are 10 of the more than 50 extended parcel settings I've mentioned in the OH's for the last few weeks.
I feel these settings have a multitude of benefits aside from just deterring grief vectors.
I encourage anyone reading to discuss their thoughts as well.
Thanks in advance.

Parcel settings below are only accessible to land owners, group owners, estate owners, whichever is applicable.

|Extended Parcel Restrictions|On/Off|

|Setting|Everyone|Group|General Description|
|Maximum prims/land impact per owner. (includes temp objects)|1 - 15000|1 - 15000|Allows a land owner to limit public/non-public prim usage on the parcel.|
|Maximum physical object count per owner. (includes temp objects)|0 - 15000|0 - 15000|Allow/disallow rezzing/entry/transition of physical objects beyond target max.|
|Maximum non-physical object size on any axis. (meters)(includes phantom objects)|1 - 65536|1 - 65536|Restricts rezzing/entry/transition of non-physical objects with axii size greater than target max.|
|Maximum physical object size on any axis. (meters)(includes phantom objects)|1 - 65536|1 - 65536|Restricts rezzing/entry/transition of physical objects with axii size greater than target max.|
|Allow coalesced object rezzing.|Y/N|Y/N|Allow/disallow coalesced object rezzing.|
|Allow object rezzing from owners not present on this parcel.|Y/N|Y/N|Allow/disallow abandoned/unattended/remote rezzing.|
|Maximum Object Display Weight.|1.0 - 99999999.0|1.0 - 99999999.0|Objects exceeding this value do not render for group/non-group members on this parcel.|
|Maximum Avatar Render Weight. (ARC)|1.0 - 99999999.0|1.0 - 99999999.0|Avatars exceeding this value do not render for group/non-group members on this parcel.|
|Allow agents on this parcel to render objects owned by agents on this parcel's banlist. (including the banned agent themself)|Y/N|Y/N|Allow/disallow group/non-group members on this parcel to render objects owned by agents on the parcel's banlist or the banned owner themself.|
|Allow open channel shouting from agents & objects.|Y/N|Y/N|Allow/disallow public/non-public shouting on open channel.|

Setting Name:

Maximum prims/land impact per owner. (includes temp objects)

Current Area of Concern:

Currently, an agent is accidentally/intentionally capable of exhausting all available prims on a parcel or exceeding what is allowed by local rules.

Benefits of Use:

Gives parcel owners a hands-free, peace of mind approach to preventing excessive prim usage from any one agent.

Examples of Use:

Sandbox owners can limit prim usage for guests. Mall owners/landlords can limit prim usage of renters/tenants.

Setting Name:

Maximum physical object count per owner. (includes temp objects)

Current Area of Concern:

Currently, an agent is accidentally/intentionally capable of using excessive physical object counts, impacting region stability.

Benefits of Use:

Gives parcel owners a hands-free, peace of mind approach to deterring excessive physics usage from any one agent.

Examples of Use:

All places of commerce can limit physical prim count to whatever levels that are considered fair and/or prevent region instability.

Setting Name:

Maximum non-physical object size on any axis. (meters)(includes phantom objects)

Current Area of Concern:

Currently, an agent is accidentally/intentionally capable of rezzing/scaling a non-physical object larger than the parcel or even the region or larger than what is allowed local rules.

Benefits of Use:

Gives parcel owners a hands-free, peace of mind approach to deterring non-physical prims larger than desired on a parcel.

Examples of Use:

All places of commerce can limit non-physical prim size rezzing/entry/scaling to whatever levels that are considered fair and/or prevent inconvenience to other guests/tenants/land owners.

Setting Name:

Maximum physical object size on any axis. (meters)(includes phantom objects)

Current Area of Concern:

Currently, an agent is accidentally/intentionally capable of rezzing/scaling a physical object larger than the parcel or even the region or larger than what is allowed by local rules.

Benefits of Use:

Gives parcel owners a hands-free, peace of mind approach to deterring physical prims larger than desired on a parcel.

Examples of Use:

All places of commerce can limit physical prim size rezzing/entry/scaling to whatever levels that are considered fair and/or prevent inconvenience to other guests/tenants/land owners.

Setting Name:

Allow coalesced object rezzing.

Current Area of Concern:

Coalesced rezzing has different grey goo fence accounting than single rez requests. A single request is capable of exhausting all available prims on a parcel, depending on the number of objects coalesced. Thousands of individual objects are allowed to be coalesced together. The objects are capable of being large distances from one another.

Benefits of Use:

Parcel owners can choose whether or not to allow coalseced object rezzing.

Setting Name:

Allow object rezzing from owners not present on this parcel.

Current Area of Concern:

Currently, an agent is capable of rezzing from inventory on a parcel without being on the parcel or even in the region.

Objects are capable of scripted rezzing and self-replication without the owner being present on the parcel or in the region.

Rezzed/worn megaprims larger than a region can rez objects into a region from several regions away.

Bots are capable of connecting to a region from anywhere on the grid, becoming a child agent of the region and rezzing inventory objects on any public rez parcels.

Illegal tpv's with a "sim fill" feature can send hundreds of rez requests a second over the entire region without the user explicitly looking for land to rez on.

Regions with large banlists that cycle their bans over time may not have the owner on the parcel banlist at the time of rezzing.

Benefits of Use:

Gives parcel owners a hands-free, peace of mind approach to preventing abandoned/unattended/remote rezzing of objects on the parcel.

Setting Name:

Maximum Object Display Weight.

Current Area of Concern:

Rezzed sculpt laggers or graphics crashers are capable of lagging or crashing viewers and possibly damaging graphics cards using improper temperature thresholds/drivers. These objects are considered excessive display weight objects.

Setting Operation Explained:

The value set for the parcel the agent is on is what is referenced when that agent renders objects on that parcel and the surrounding area. Anything exceeding the value the land owner sets isn't rendered.

Benefits of Use:

Gives parcel owners a hands-free, peace of mind ability to protect their guests.

Guests on a parcel will not have to worry about unexpected rendering of sculpt laggers or the resulting lag/crash.

Other Information:

Setting uses Everyone/Group setup so land owners can decide whether or not to subject their staff to these thresholds so events can be isolated, moderated, AR'd with pics, etc.

Some of the most detailed mesh/sculpted buildings/home & garden/avatar/accessory objects in SL have display weights less than 300,000. The most commonly occurring sculpt laggers have display weights in the multiple millions.

Setting Name:

Maximum Avatar Render Weight. (ARC)

Current Area of Concern:

Agents wearing sculpt laggers or graphics crashers are capable of lagging or crashing viewers and possibly damaging graphics cards using improper temperature thresholds/drivers. When worn, these objects cause excessive avatar render weight values.

There is no "effective" scripted means of determining if an agent is wearing a sculpt lagger or graphics crasher.

Setting Operation Explained:

The value set for the parcel the agent is on is what is referenced when that agent renders other agents on that parcel and the surrounding area. Anyone exceeding the value the land owner sets isn't rendered.

Benefits of Use:

Gives parcel owners a hands-free, peace of mind ability to protect their guests.

Guests on a parcel will not have to worry about unexpected rendering of sculpt laggers worn by other agents or the resulting lag/crash and will not have to explicitly investigate who is wearing the sculpt lagger by selecting it then muting the owner.

Other Information:

Setting uses Everyone/Group setup so land owners can decide whether or not to subject their staff to these thresholds so events can be isolated, moderated, AR'd with pics, etc.

Some of the most detailed mesh/sculpted avatars/outfits/accessories in SL yield avatar render weights less than 300,000. The most commonly occurring sculpt laggers, when worn, yield avatar render weights in the multiple millions.

Setting Name:

Allow agents on this parcel to render objects owned by agents on this parcel's banlist. (including the banned agent themself)

Current Area of Concern:

Banned agents can leave behind undesired content on the banned parcel or surrounding area. Banned agents on nearby parcels can wear undesired content or use undesired animations,gestures,sounds,particles.

Setting Operation Explained:

The value set for the parcel the agent is on and that parcel's banslist is what is referenced when that agent renders objects on that parcel and the surrounding area or the owner themself.

Benefits of Use:

Gives parcel owners a hands-free, peace of mind ability to protect their guests.

Guests on a parcel will not have to worry about rendering any objects or any associated sounds/particles/updates/shapes/imagery owned by agents on that parcel's banlist.

Other Information:

Setting uses Everyone/Group setup so land owners can decide whether or not to subject their staff to the rendering so events can be isolated, moderated, AR'd with pics, etc.

Setting Name:

Allow open channel shouting from agents & objects.

Current Area of Concern:

Shouted chat can be see anyone in shout range and can cross other parcels or regions.

Benefits of Use:

Gives parcel owners the ability to restrict public/non-public shouting on the parcel.

Examples of Use:

Event operators can proactively prevent unwanted shouting from agents or attachments from interfering or interrupting events.

Scripts are not capable of detecting, limiting or stopping abuse with current, reactionary means. A server-based proactive means is necessary. The server is already checking many of the protocols outlined above, but isn't doing anything towards limiting or stopping abuse at the level land owners may prefer.|



Original Jira Fields
Field Value
Issue BUG-3854
Summary Feature Request: Extended Parcel Settings (Resource Control)
Type Bug
Priority Unset
Status Closed
Resolution Not Applicable
Reporter Lucia Nightfire (lucia.nightfire)
Created at 2013-09-11T08:00:24Z
Updated at 2016-09-19T20:55:23Z
  'Business Unit': ['Platform'],
  'System': 'SL Simulator',
  'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development',
  'What just happened?': '?',
  'What were you doing when it happened?': '?',
  'What were you expecting to happen instead?': '?',
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