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File metadata and controls

120 lines (107 loc) · 4.35 KB

3scale Sync

Define your API in an OpenAPI specification. Define your 3scale configuration in a YAML file. Sync it to 3scale. Allows you to manage in 3scale configuration as code.


An example configuration template is provided in config.yaml. General rules:

  • Product names and short names should be unique.
  • Application names and client IDs should be unique.
  • Backend IDs should be unique.


API path mapping are defined in a separate OpenAPI specification file. The path to this file is referenced in the configuration file, using the openAPIPath key. Additional mapping patterns can be specified using the mappings key, this can be useful if advanced patterns are required (for example, inexact matching).

Policy configurations

Policy configurations are defined in a separate json file using the policiesPath key. Note the 3scale APIcast policy must be included as the first policy in the chain, since 3scale will always add this to the bottom of the policy if not specified.

Example policy configuration file to set default credentials and setting a header for a product:

 "policies_config": [
   "name": "apicast",
   "version": "builtin",
   "configuration": {},
   "enabled": true
   "name": "default_credentials",
   "version": "builtin",
   "configuration": {
    "auth_type": "app_id_and_app_key",
    "app_key": "test_key",
    "app_id": "test_password"
   "enabled": true
     "name": "headers",
     "version": "builtin",
     "configuration": {
       "request": [
           "value_type": "plain",
           "op": "set",
           "header": "X-API-KEY",
           "value": "example-api-key"
     "enabled": true


environment: dev # Name of environment this file refers to.
  - name: Example API Display Name   # Product display name.
    shortName: example-api-display-name     # Short name. This will be used as the system name.
    description: Example API for automation # Description
    openAPIPath: openapi.yml  # Path to OpenAPI definition.
    policiesPath: policies.json # Path to Policy configurations.
    version: 1  # Version of this product.
    stagingPublicURL: # Staging Public Base URL (optional)
    productionPublicURL: # Production Public Base URL (optional)
      publicBasePath: /example/v1 # Base API path prefix for this product in the tenant.
        authType: oidc # One of [app_key | app_id_key | oauth | oidc].
        issuerURL: # OIDC issuer URL.
        issuerType: keycloak  # OIDC issuer type.
        credentialsLocation: authorization # One of [headers | query | authorization].
        oidcFlows: # Enabled oidcFlows (optional).
          directAccessGrants: false
          implicitFlow: false
          serviceAccounts: true
          standardFlow: false
    mappings: # Additional patterns not specified in OpenAPI spec (optional)
      - method: GET
        pattern: /api/test/1
      - method: POST
        pattern: /api/test/2$
      - id: example_api_backend_name  # Backend system name.
        privateBaseURL: http://backend-service:8080 # Backend URL.
        path: / # Backend API prefix.
      - name: example_api_consumer_1  # Application system name.
        client_id: consumer_1 # Client ID used in authentication.
        client_secret: consumer_1_token # Client secret used in authentication.
        account: anonymous  # 3scale account that this application should be created under.

Usage --3scale_url=${TENANT_URL} --access_token=${TOKEN} [--config=config.yml ...]

Useful options

  • Multiple configuration files can be specified by repeating the --config flag, or configurations in a directory can be synced recursively by specifying the --config_dir flag.
  • The root path for OpenAPI files can be specified using the --openapi_basedir flag.
  • The root path for policy files can be specified using the --policies_basedir flag.
  • The root path for validation (ensuring system names are globally unique etc) can be specified using the --validation_basedir flag.
  • To sync multiple files in parallel, use the --parallel flag to specify the number of parallel processes to use (one process per file).