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Predictor-corrector procedure

Predictor-corrector procedures are the standard tool to trace differentiable homotopy paths. As the name suggests, these are two-phase procedures, sequentially performing a prediction step and multiple correction steps. In the predictor step, the path at the current point \boldsymbol{y}_k := (\boldsymbol{x}, t)_k is extrapolated along its tangent with step size ds. Afterwards, the predictor point \boldsymbol{y}_k^0 is refined by a number of Newton corrector steps. Corrector steps are performed orthogonally to current tangents until a new point \boldsymbol{y}_{k+1} on the path is reached. Then, the step size is adapted and the two-step procedure is repeated, as illustrated in :numref:`predictorcorrector`.

predictor-corrector procedure

Predictor-corrector procedure.


The homotopy path implied by H(\boldsymbol{y}) = \boldsymbol{0} is defined up to its direction \alpha \in \{1, -1\}. In order to obtain the correct direction for path traversal, \alpha is chosen such that the very first predictor step increases t and is held constant thereafter, except in the case of crossing a bifurcation point.

Bifurcation detection

The principal branch of the homotopy path might be crossed by another branch at some point, as illustrated in :numref:`bifurcation`.

simple bifurcation

A simple bifurcation.

These so-called simple bifurcations are singular points of the Jacobian matrix at which the direction of the path may be reversed (see Allgower and Georg (1990)), chapter 8).

In order to ensure continuation after the bifurcation, simple bifurcation points must be detected and, in case of a reversal of direction, the sign of the direction \alpha must be swapped. To detect bifurcations, the angle between consecutive predictor tangents is checked at each step. If the angle is close to 180° and the tangents point in almost opposite directions, the algorithm considers a bifurcation point with reversal of the direction crossed. Specifically, the sign of \alpha is swapped if

[p(\boldsymbol{y}_k)]^T \: p(\boldsymbol{y}_{k-1}) \;<\; \cos(\gamma_{\min})

with tangent p(\boldsymbol{y}) and minimum angle \gamma_{\min} to classify changes in direction as bifurcation.

Predictor tangent

At each point \boldsymbol{y}_k, the predictor tangent is computed based on a complete QR decomposition of the transpose [J(\boldsymbol{y}_k)]^T of the Jacobian at point \boldsymbol{y}_k. After successful QR decomposition, the tangent is essentially given by the last column of matrix Q, adjusted for the sign of the determinant of matrix R. Specifically, tangent p(\boldsymbol{y}_k) is computed as

p(\boldsymbol{y}_k) \;=\; \alpha \: \text{sign}(\det(R)) \: Q^{(n+1)}

Given step size ds and tangent p(\boldsymbol{y}_k), the predictor point \boldsymbol{y}_k^0 is given by

\boldsymbol{y}_k^0 \;=\; \boldsymbol{y}_k + ds \: p(\boldsymbol{y}_k)

Newton correction

The Newton correction is based on the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse [J(\boldsymbol{y}_k^0)]^+ of the Jacobian at predictor point \boldsymbol{y}_k^0. To be precise, the solver uses a Newton-Chord algorithm in which the pseudoinverse is only computed once at the prediction and used for all corrector steps. The pseudoinverse is computed based on QR decomposition of [J(\boldsymbol{y}_k^0)]^T as

[J(\boldsymbol{y}_k^0)]^+ \;=\; Q \: \begin{pmatrix} (R^{(-t)})^{-1} \\ \boldsymbol{0} \end{pmatrix}

where R^{(-t)} denotes matrix R without the row corresponding to differentiation with respect to t within J^T. Given the pseudoinverse, corrector steps l are performed analogously to Newton's method, i.e.

\boldsymbol{y}_k^l \;=\; \boldsymbol{y}_k^{l-1} - [J(\boldsymbol{y}_k^0)]^+ \cdot H(\boldsymbol{y}_k^{l-1})

and iterated until either the tracking tolerance H_{\text{tol}} is reached or until failure (see next paragraph). To be conservative, the maximum norm is used to evaluate deviations from the path, i.e. the correction successfully terminates if

\max\{|H(\boldsymbol{y}_k^l)|\} < H_{\text{tol}}

Newton robustness

In order to ensure safe path traversal, the solver imposes a number of robustness requirements on the Newton correction. If one of the robustness criteria fails, i.e. if the convergence of the Newton correction is not ensured, the correction is aborted and the predictor step is repeated with a decreased step size.

The correction is considered unsuccessful if either (1) the number of corrector steps L exceeds a threshold, (2) the distance d_l of any corrector step relative to the predictor step size exceeds a threshold, or (3) the contraction of consecutive corrector steps, i.e. the ratio \frac{d_l}{d_{l-1}} of distances exceeds a threshold. (4) Finally, following Choi et al. (1996), the solver additionally requires that the determinant of the augmented Jacobian does not change too much in the correction. Specifically, the correction is also considered unsuccessful if

\left| \frac{\text{det} \begin{pmatrix} J(\boldsymbol{y}_k^L) \\ p(\boldsymbol{y}_k) \end{pmatrix} }{\text{det} \begin{pmatrix} J(\boldsymbol{y}_k) \\ p(\boldsymbol{y}_k) \end{pmatrix} } \right| \;>\; \bar{\Delta}_J \qquad\text{or}\qquad \left| \frac{\text{det} \begin{pmatrix} J(\boldsymbol{y}_k^L) \\ p(\boldsymbol{y}_k) \end{pmatrix} }{\text{det} \begin{pmatrix} J(\boldsymbol{y}_k) \\ p(\boldsymbol{y}_k) \end{pmatrix} } \right| \;<\; \frac{1}{\bar{\Delta}_J}

for given maximum change \bar{\Delta}_J > 0. This robustness requirement prevents accidental "path jumping" to a different nearby segment, as illustrated in :numref:`jumping`.

path jumping

Path jumping during correction.

When converging to a different path, the Jacobian typically changes so much that the correction is not accepted.

Step size adaption

After each predictor-corrector iteration, the step size is adjusted according to the performance of the Newton correction. In case of unsuccessful correction, the step size is reduced by a deflation factor f_{\text{defl}} < 1. In case of successful but slow correction, the step size is held constant. And in case of successful and fast correction, the step size is increased by an inflation factor f_{\text{infl}} > 1. The speed of convergence is considered fast if less than a certain number of corrector steps were performed until convergence.


Two cases are distinguished. First, if \bar{t} < \infty, homotopy continuation is considered converged when |t-\bar{t}| < t_{\text{tol}}. Second, if \bar{t} = \infty, homotopy continuation is considered converged when the change in \boldsymbol{x} between consecutive predictor-corrector iterations relative to the step size falls below a tolerance level x_{\text{tol}}. To be conservative, the maximum norm is used to measure differences in \boldsymbol{x}.

For further generality, one can define a transformation function f: \mathbb{R}^{n+1} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m and consider changes in f(\boldsymbol{x}) for convergence. This is particularly useful if the homotopy function is parameterized in for example logarithms of \boldsymbol{x} or some other unbounded transformation. Specifically, the solver reports convergence if

\max\left\{ \frac{| f(\boldsymbol{x}_k) - f(\boldsymbol{x}_{k-1}) |} {ds} \right\} \;<\; x_{\text{tol}}

In order not to impede performance, the solver checks for convergence in \boldsymbol{x} only if the current step size is equal to the maximum step size, indicating the path has been relatively smooth for many consecutive steps.