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Solver parameters

The default values for the solver parameters are homotopy-specific. After having defined a game, chosen a homotopy and initiated the solver along the following lines

import sgamesolver
game = sgamesolver.SGame.random_game(3, 3, 3)
homotopy = sgamesolver.homotopy.QRE(game)

you can take a look at the parameter values by accessing the attribute :py:attr:`~.default_parameters`.

>>> print(homotopy.default_parameters)
{'convergence_tol': 1e-07,
 'corrector_tol': 1e-08,

Solver parameters can be changed either by setting the corresponding attributes directly

homotopy.solver.verbose = 3
homotopy.solver.ds_min = 1e-8
homotopy.solver.max_steps = 1000

or by calling the method :py:meth:`~.set_parameters` of the solver, passing a set of parameters as keyword arguments

homotopy.solver.set_parameters(verbose=3, ds_min=1e-8, max_steps=1000)

or as a dictionary.

parameters = {'verbose': 3, 'ds_min': 1e-8, 'max_steps': 1000}

Using :py:meth:`~.set_parameters` has the advantage that an error lets you know if invalid parameters were entered, e.g. due to a typo:

>>> homotopy.solver.set_parameters(versobe=3)
ValueError: "versobe" is not a valid parameter.

There is a second set of parameters for each homotopy, :py:attr:`~.robust_parameters`, which are chosen to be a bit slower, but potentially more stable. You can print them in the same way as above, or set all of them as follows:


A quick overview of available solver parameters is provided below. For more details, we recommend to check out the theory section on the :doc:`predictor-corrector procedure <predictor_corrector_procedure>`.


verbose: int

Determines how much information the solver displays during computation:

0:Silent; no reporting at all.
1:Current progress is reported continuously. This is the default.
2:In addition reports special occurrences, e.g. orientation reversals.
3:Further reports failed corrector loops; for parameter tuning or debugging.
max_steps: int
Maximum number of predictor-corrector steps the solver will perform before reporting failure. (It is then possible to increase max_steps and continue.)


The following two parameters are used to determine if a solution has been found and if continuation is completed successfully:

t_target: float
Value of the homotopy parameter t which the solver will attempt to reach.
convergence_tol: float
Desired tolerance; used to check whether convergence is achieved.

Together, these govern the convergence criterion for the solver:

  1. If t_target is finite, the solver will try to find a solution to H(x, t)=0 with |t-t_target| < convergence_tol. For example, in the logarithmic tracing homotopy, stationary equilibria are solutions at t=1, so that t_target defaults to 1 there. This mode is also used to compute quantal response equilibria for specific values of t (usually called λ in the context of QRE).
  2. If t_target is np.inf, the solver will increase t without bounds, but continuously check whether all other variables x have converged. The criterion is then |x_old - x_new|/|t_old - t_new| < convergence_tol. This mode is used in QRE, where the homotopy path only asymptotically approaches an actual equilibrium.
distance_function: callable, optional
Distance function used for the convergence criterion if t_target is np.inf (see 2. above). For example, the QRE homotopy is implemented in logarithmized strategies, which diverge to -\infty as a strategy converges to 0. To account for this, QRE uses a distance function which reverts the logarithmization for the convergence check. (distance_function is for specific use cases and probably nothing most users would want to change.)

Corrector step

After each predictor step, a corrector step follows, which in turn consists of a sequence of Newton iterations. These are governed by the following parameters:

Convergence criterion for the corrector step: Iteration ends successfully once H(y_corr) < corrector_tol.
corrector_steps_max: int
Failure criterion for the corrector step: Maximum number of allowed iterations.
corrector_distance_max: float
Failure criterion for the corrector step: If for any iteration, |y_new - y_old| > corrector_distance_max * ds, the corrector step fails.
corrector_ratio_max: float
Failure criterion for the corrector step: If for any iteration, |y_new - y_old|/|y_old - y_old_old| > corrector_ratio_max, the corrector step fails. Thus, a lower number requires faster convergence rates.
quasi_newton: bool
If true (the default), corrector steps will be quasi-Newton: The Jacobian and its inverse are only computed for the first iteration, and then re-used on all further iterations. Otherwise, full Newton iterations are used, i.e. the Jacobian is evaluated at each iteration. (See Allgower and Georg (1990) for details.) Convergence rate is slower for quasi-Newton, so that more iterations are necessary; but usually, the decreased computational burden more than compensates for that.
bifurcation_angle_min: float
Used to detect heuristically whether a bifurcation point is crossed and a sign swap necessary.

Step size control

ds_initial: float
Step size that is set when the solver is set up.
ds_min : float
Minimum step size.
ds_max : float
Maximum step size.
ds_inflation_factor : float
Factor used when step size is increased.
ds_deflation_factor : float
Factor used when step size is decreased.
ds_inflation_min_consecutive_successes: int
Step size is increased only if at least this many consecutive steps avoided a falling corrector.
ds_inflation_max_corrector_steps: int
If the corrector step is successful, but the required number of iterations exceeded this number, step size is kept constant rather than increased.

After a succesful predictor-corrector step, step size is increased, provided it is not already at ds_max and the criteria associated with the last two parameters are also met. If a corrector fails, step size is decreased and the predictor-corrector step repeated. If steps size is already at ds_min and the step fails, the solver will report failure instead.

Conservative values can increase solver stability -- especially in areas where the Jacobian is ill-conditioned (often near bifurcations, or where multiple paths are close to each other so that segment jumping might be a concern). Of course, they also slow down progress. One way to go about this is to start rather aggressive and adjust in areas where problems are observed.