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shs96c committed Jul 22, 2020
1 parent a9c484b commit ed39bcc
Showing 1 changed file with 35 additions and 48 deletions.
83 changes: 35 additions & 48 deletions java/server/src/org/openqa/selenium/grid/commands/sessionmaps.txt
@@ -1,66 +1,53 @@
Selenium 4 Grid ships with SessionMap.

A SessionMap is a store of session id and it's capabilities.
It is a key value store. Now, how that data is stored differs
on the implementation used. As of Selenium 4, we offer the
A SessionMap is a store of session id and it's capabilities. It is a key value store. Now, how that data is stored differs on the implementation used. As of Selenium 4, we offer the
following types of data store.

1. RedisBackedSessionMap
## RedisBackedSessionMap

`RedisBackedSessionMap` uses Redis as datastore for key, value store.
Below are the steps to start a `RedisBackedSessionMap`.
`RedisBackedSessionMap` uses Redis as datastore for key, value store. To start it, run the following command:

1. Set an environment variable using `export SESSIONS_IMPLEMENTATION='org.openqa.selenium.grid.sessionmap.redis.RedisBackedSessionMap'`
2. Set scheme to redis using `export SESSIONS_SCHEME="redis"`
3. Download the redis-session-map jar from MVN respository.
4. Start the RedisBackedSessionMap using the command
`java -jar <path/to/grid/jar> --ext $(coursier fetch -p io.lettuce:lettuce-core:<latest release>): path/to/redis-session-map.jar sessions --sessions-host "<redis_host>" --sessions-port <redis_port>`

After the sessionmap server successfully starts, you should see some log lines as below:
15:22:54.247 INFO [LoggingOptions.getTracer] - Using OpenTelemetry for tracing
15:22:54.249 INFO [LoggingOptions.createTracer] - Using OpenTelemetry for tracing
15:22:54.827 INFO [EpollProvider.<clinit>] - Starting without optional epoll library
15:22:55.136 INFO [KqueueProvider.<clinit>] - Starting with kqueue library
15:22:55.328 INFO [SessionMapServer.execute] - Started Selenium session map 4.0.0-alpha-7 (revision a5536dfb7b*):
SESSIONS_IMPLEMENTATION=org.openqa.selenium.grid.sessionmap.redis.RedisBackedSessionMap \
java -jar selenium.jar \
--ext $(coursier fetch -p org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-session-map-redis:4.0.0-alpha-6) \
sessions --sessions-host "<redis_host>" --sessions-port <redis_port>
2. JdbcBackedSessionMap

`JdbcBackedSessionMap` uses the JDBC API to talk to the JDBC driver and use related database for sessions map store.
## JdbcBackedSessionMap

The `JdbcBackedSessionMap` uses JDBC to talk to use any supported database for session map store.

The table name used to store sessions is : sessions_map
It consists of three columns of string datatype : session_ids, session_caps, session_uri
The table name used to store sessions is: `sessions_map` It consists of three columns of string datatype: `session_ids`, `session_caps`, `session_uri`


1. Ensure the appropriate JDBC driver jar is downloaded on the host machine.
2. Ensure the "sessions_map" table with varchar "session_ids", "session_caps" and "session_uri" columns is created in the database.

Example of creating the table:
`CREATE TABLE sessions_map
session_ids varchar(1000),
session_caps varchar(1000),
session_uri varchar(1000)
Here the limit for varchar type is given 1000 as an arbitrary number in the example. Ensure the datatype and limit matches the selected database.
Also, the limit for varchar type should be able to accommodate the capabilities json stored in "sessions_caps".
2. Ensure the "sessions_map" table with varchar "session_ids", "session_caps" and "session_uri" columns is created in the database.

Below are the steps to start a `JdbcBackedSessionMap`.
You can create the required table using something similar to:

1. Set an environment variable using `export SESSIONS_IMPLEMENTATION='org.openqa.selenium.grid.sessionmap.jdbc.JdbcBackedSessionMap'`
3. Build the grid deployment jar by running the command
`bazel build grid`
2. Start the JdbcBackedSessionMap using the command
`java -jar <path/to/grid/jar> --ext path/to/selenium/bazel-bin/java/server/src/org/openqa/selenium/grid/sessionmap/jdbc/libjdbc.jar:path/to/jdbc-driver.jar sessions --jdbc-user "<jdbc_user>" --jdbc-password "<jdbc_password>" --jdbc-url "<jdbc_url>"`
CREATE TABLE sessions_map(
session_ids varchar(256),
session_caps varchar(1000),
session_uri varchar(256)

Here the size of each column is an arbitrary number. Ensure the datatype and limit matches the selected database. Also, the limit for varchar type should be able to accommodate the
capabilities json stored in "sessions_caps".

To start the `JdbcBackedSessionMap`:

After the sessionmap server successfully starts, you should see some log lines as below:
15:05:20.345 INFO [LoggingOptions.getTracer] - Using OpenTelemetry for tracing
15:05:20.348 INFO [LoggingOptions.createTracer] - Using OpenTelemetry for tracing
15:05:20.439 INFO [UnboundZmqEventBus.<init>] - Connecting to tcp://*:4442 and tcp://*:4443
15:05:20.489 INFO [UnboundZmqEventBus.<init>] - Sockets created
15:05:20.492 INFO [UnboundZmqEventBus.lambda$new$2] - Bus started
15:05:21.483 INFO [SessionMapServer.execute] - Started Selenium session map 4.0.0-alpha-7 (revision 857fe401ae):
SESSIONS_IMPLEMENTATION=org.openqa.selenium.grid.sessionmap.jdbc.JdbcBackedSessionMap \
java -jar selenium.jar
--ext $(coursier fetch -p org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-session-map-redis:4.0.0-alpha-6:org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.14.jre7) \
sessions \
--jdbc-user "<jdbc_user>" --jdbc-password "<jdbc_password>" \
--jdbc-url "<jdbc_url>"`

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