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Releases: semgrep/semgrep

Release v1.56.0

10 Jan 22:00
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1.56.0 - 2024-01-10


  • Added a new field that breaks down the number of findings per product
    in the metrics that are sent out by the CLI. This will help Semgrep
    understand users better. (pa-3312)

Release v1.55.2

05 Jan 18:32
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1.55.2 - 2024-01-05


  • taint-mode: Semgrep was missing some sources occurring inside type expressions,
    for example:

    char *p = new char[source(x)];

    Now, if x is tainted by side-effect, Semgrep will check x inside the type
    expression char[...] and record it as tainting, and generate a finding for
    sink(x). (pa-3313)

  • taint-mode: C/C++: Sanitization by side-effect was not working correctly for
    ptr->fld l-values. In particular, if ptr is tainted, and then ptr->fld is
    sanitized, Semgrep will now correctly consider ptr->fld as clean. (pa-3328)

Release v1.55.1

04 Jan 18:43
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1.55.1 - 2024-01-04


  • Honor temporary folder specified via the TMPDIR environment variable (or
    equivalent on Windows) in some instances where it used to be hardcoded as
    /tmp. (gh-9534)
  • Fix pipfile manifest parser error (sc-1084)

Release v1.54.3

05 Apr 20:21
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1.54.3 - 2023-12-22


  • Pro only: taint-mode: Added experimental at-exit: true option for sinks, that
    makes a sink spec only apply on the "exit" instructions/statements of a function.
    That is, the instructions after which the control-flow exits the function. This is
    useful for writing rules to find "leaks", such as checking that file descriptors
    are being closed within the same function where they were opened.

    For example, given this taint rule:

      - by-side-effect: true
          - pattern: $FILE = open(...)
          - focus-metavariable: $FILE
      - by-side-effect: true
          - pattern: $FILE.close(...)
          - focus-metavariable: $FILE
      - at-exit: true
        pattern: |
          def $FUN(...):

    Semgrep will report a finding in the code below since at print(content), after
    which the control flow reaches the exit of the function, the file has not yet
    been closed:

    def test():
        file = open("test.txt")
        content =
        print(content) # FINDING
    ``` (pa-3266)

Release v1.54.2

05 Apr 20:22
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1.54.2 - 2023-12-21


  • metrics: added more granular information about pro engine configurations to
    help differentiate scans using different engine capabilities. For instance,
    maintainers are now able to distinguish intraprocedural scans without secrets
    validation from intraprocedural scans with secrets validation. This allows us
    to have a better understanding of usage and more accurately identify
    product-specific issues (e.g., to see if something only affects secrets scans). (ea-297)


  • Revise error message when running semgrep ci without being logged in to clarify that --config is used with semgrep scan. (gh-9485)

Release v1.54.1

20 Dec 20:17
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1.54.1 - 2023-12-20

No significant changes.

Release v1.54.0

20 Dec 00:25
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1.54.0 - 2023-12-19


  • Pro only: taint-mode: In a function/method call, it is now possible to arbitrarily
    propagate taint between arguments and the callee. For example in C, one can
    propagate taint from the second argument of strcat to the first, that is,
    strcat($TO, $FROM). Another example, in C++ one can propagate taint from the
    left operand of >> to the right one, that is, $FROM >> $TO. (pa-3131)
  • Semgrep IDE integrations will now cache workspace targets, so a full traversal of a workspace is no longer needed on every scan (pdx-148)


  • OCaml: switch to using the tree-sitter based parser instead of
    the menhir parser, which has a more complete AST, especially
    for objects and classes. (ocaml)


  • solidity: support ellipsis in for loops header in the init part. (gh-9431)

  • taint-mode: Fixed recently added by-side-effect: only option for taint sources,
    so that it does not incorrectly taint expressions that are not l-values, e.g.
    given this taint source:

      - by-side-effect: only
          - pattern: delete $VAR;
          - focus-metavariable: $VAR

    The get(*from) expression should not become tainted since it's not an l-value:

    delete get(*from);
    ``` (pa-2980)
  • In C++, the string literal now has a type of char *. It won't match with the
    string type. For instance,

    - metavariable-type:
        metavariable: $EXPR
        type: string

    will only match

    string f;
    // MATCH
    int x = f.length();

    but not

    const char *s;
    // OK
    s = "foo";
    ``` (pa-3236)
  • taint-mode: Semgrep will now treat lambdas' parameters as fresh, so a taint rule
    that finds double-delete's should not be triggered on the code below:

    for (ListNode *node : list) {
    	list.erase(node, [](ListNode *p) {
    		delete p;
    ``` (pa-3298)
  • Fixed bug where empty tables in pyproject.toml files would fail to parse (sc-1196)

Release v1.53.0

12 Dec 21:33
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1.53.0 - 2023-12-12


  • Users can now ignore findings locally in Semgrep IDE Extensions, per workspace, and this will persist between restarts (pdx-154)
  • A new subcommand 'semgrep test', which is an alias for 'semgrep scan
    --test'. This means that if you were running semgrep on a test
    directory, you will now have to use 'semgrep scan test' otherwise it
    will be interpreted as the new 'semgrep test' subcommand. (subcommand_test)


  • Handling qualified identifiers in constant propagation

    We've added support for qualified identifiers in constant propagation. Notably,
    this enables the following matches (with the pro engine):

      - id: cpp-const-field
          - cpp
        message: testing
        severity: INFO
        pattern: std::cout<<1
    #include "a.h"
    namespace B {
    class Bar {
            static const int one = 1;
    int main() {
        // ruleid: cpp-const-field
        // ruleid: cpp-const-field
        // ruleid: cpp-const-field
    ``` (gh-9354)


  • Updated the parser used for Rust. The largest change relates to how macros are
    parsed. (rust)

Release v1.52.0

05 Dec 22:08
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1.52.0 - 2023-12-05


  • Java: Semgrep will now recognize String.format(...) expressions as constant
    strings when all their arguments are constant, but it will still not know
    what exact string it is. For example, code String.format("Abc %s", "123")
    will match pattern "..." but it will not match pattern "Abc 123". (pa-3284)


  • Inter-file diff scan will be gradually introduced to a small percentage of
    users through a slow rollout process. Users who enable the pro engine and
    engage in differential PR scans on Github or Gitlab may experience the impact
    of this update. (ea-268)
  • secrets: now performs more aggressive deduplication for instances where an
    invalid and valid match are reported at the same range. Instead of reporting
    both, we now report only the valid match when they are otherwise visually
    identical. (scrt-271)


  • In expression-based languages, definitions are also expressions.

    This change allows dataflow to properly handle definition expressions.

    For example, the pattern 0 == 0 will match x == 0 in

    def f(c) do
      x = (y = 0)
      x == 0

    because now dataflow is able to handle the expression y = 0. (pa-3262)

  • In version 1.14.0 (pa-2477) we made sink-matching more precise when the sink
    specification was like:

      - patterns:
         - pattern: sink($X, ...)
         - focus-metavariable: $X

    Where the sink specification most likely has the intent to specify the first
    argument of sink as a sink, and sink(ok1 if tainted else ok2) should NOT
    produce a finding, because tainted is not really what is being passed to
    the sink function.

    But we only intercepted the most simple pattern above, and more complex sink
    specifications that had the same intent were not properly recognized.

    Now we have generalized that pattern to cover more complex cases like:

     - pattern-either:
       - patterns:
         - pattern-inside: |
             def foo(...):
         - pattern: sink1($X)
       - patterns:
         - pattern: sink2($X)
         - pattern-not: bar(...)
     - focus-metavariable: $X
    ``` (pa-3284)
  • Updated the parser used for Rust (rust)

Release v1.51.0

29 Nov 15:00
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1.51.0 - 2023-11-29


  • taint-mode: Added experimental rule option taint_match_on: source that makes
    Semgrep report taint findings on the taint source rather than on the sink. (pa-3272)


  • Elixir got moved to Pro. (elixir_pro)
  • The 'fix_regex' field has been removed from the semgrep JSON output. Instead,
    the 'fix' field contains the content the result of the fix_regex. (fix_regex)
  • taint-mode: Tweaked experimental option taint_only_propagate_through_assignments
    so that when it is enabled, tainted.field and tainted(args) will no longer
    propagate taint. (pa-2193)


  • Fixed Kotlin parse error.

    Previously, code like this would throw a parse error

    fun f1(context : Context) {
        Foo(context).elem = var1

    due to not recognizing Foo(context).elem = ... as valid.
    Now calls are recognized as valid in the left hand of
    assignments. (ea-104)

  • Python: async statements are now translated into the Dataflow IL so Semgrep
    will be able to report findings e.g. inside async with ... statements. (gh-9182)

  • In gitlab output, use correct url attached to rule instead of generating it.
    This fixes url for supply chain findings. (gitlab)

    • The language server will no longer crash on startup for intellij (language-server)
    • The language server no longer crashes when installed through pip on Mac platforms (language-server-macos)
  • taint-mode: When we encountered an assignment lval := expr where expr returned
    no taints, we automatically cleaned lval. This was correct in the early days of
    taint-mode, before we introduced taint by side-effect, but it is wrong now. The LHS
    lval may be tainted by side-effect, in which case we cannot clean it just because
    expr returns no taint. Now that we introduced by-side-effect: only it is also
    possible for expr to taint lval by side-effect and return no immediate taint.

    This kind of source should now work as expected:

    - by-side-effect: true
        - pattern: |
            $X = source()
        - focus-metavariable: $X
    ``` (pa-3164)
  • taint-mode: Fixed a bug in the recently added by-side-effect: only option
    causing that when matching l-values of the form l.x and l[i], the l
    occurence would unexpectedly become tainted too. This led to FPs in some
    typestate rules like those checking for double-lock or double-free.

    Now a source such as:

    - by-side-effect: only
      - pattern: lock($L)
      - focus-metavariable: $L

    will not produce FPs on code such as:

    ``` (pa-3282)
  • taint-mode: Removed a hack that made lval = new ... assignments to not clean
    the lval despite the RHS was not tainted. This caused FPs in double-free rules.
    For example, given this source:

      - by-side-effect: only
          - pattern: delete $VAR;
          - focus-metavariable: $VAR

    And the code below:

    while (nondet) {
      int *v = new int;
      delete v; // FP

    The delete v statement was reported as a double-free, because Semgrep did not
    consider that v = new int would clean the taint in v. (pa-3283)