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Training a language model


Because of the softmax normalization performed over the vocabulary at the output layer of a neural network, vocabulary size has a huge impact on training speed. Vocabulary size can be reduced by clustering words into classes, and estimating a language model over the word classes, or using subword units. Another option is to approximate the softmax normalization using hierarchical softmax, noise-contrastive estimation, or BlackOut. These options are explained below:

  • Class-based models are probably the fastest to train and evaluate, because the vocabulary size is usually a few thousand. TheanoLM will use unigram probabilities for words inside the classes. TheanoLM is not able to generate word classes automatically. You can use for example Percy Liang's brown-cluster, ngram-class from SRILM, mkcls from GIZA++, or word2vec (with -classes switch). Creating the word classes can take a considerable amount of time.
  • A feasible alternative with agglutinative languages is to segment words into subword units. For example, a typical vocabulary created with Morfessor is of the order of 10,000 statistical morphs. The vocabulary and training text then contain morphs instead of words, and <w> token is used to separate words.
  • A vocabulary as large as hundreds of thousands of words is possible, when using hierarchical softmax (hsoftmax) output. The output layer is factorized into two levels, both performing normalization over an equal number of choices. Training will be considerably faster than with regular softmax, but the number of parameters will still be large, meaning that the amount of GPU memory may limit the usable vocabulary size.
  • A new alternative to hierarchical softmax is to approximate softmax by sampling a subset of the vocabulary for each mini-batch and contrast the correct target words to these noise words only, instead of the whole vocabulary. Only normal softmax output layer supports sampling. This is explained in the Cost function section below.

A vocabulary can be provided for theanolm train command using the --vocabulary argument. If a vocabulary is not given, all the words from the training set will be added to the vocabulary. If a vocabulary is read from a file, those words will be called a shortlist. The shortlist words will be predicted by the neural network. The rest of the words from the training data will be added to the vocabulary, but they will not be predicted b the neural network. Their probability can be computed using the <unk> token and their frequencies in the training data.

If classes are not used, a vocabulary file is simply a list of words, one per line, and --vocabulary-format words argument should be given. Words that do not appear in the vocabulary will be mapped to the <unk> token. The vocabulary file can also contain classes in one of two formats, specified by the --vocabulary-format argument:

  • classes Each line contains a word and an integer class ID. Class membership probabilities p(word | class) are computed as unigram maximum likelihood estimates from the training data.
  • srilm-classes Vocabulary file is expected to contain word class definitions in SRILM format. Each line contains a class name, class membership probability, and a word.

Network structure description

The neural network layers are specified in a text file. The file contains input layer elements, one element on each line. Input elements start with the word input and should contain the following fields:

  • type is either word or class and selects the input unit.
  • name is used to identify the input.

Layer elements start with the word layer and may contain the following fields:

  • type selects the layer class. Has to be specified for all layers. See below for possible values.
  • name is used to identify the layer. Has to be specified for all layers.
  • input specifies a network input or a layer whose output will be the input of this layer. Some layers types allow multiple inputs.
  • size gives the number of output connections. If not given, defaults to the number of input connections. Will be automatically set to the size of the vocabulary in the output layer.
  • dropout_rate may be set in the dropout layer.

Currently the following layer types are implemented:

  • projection projects words to continuous vectors. Required as the first layer.
  • tanh basic feedforward layer with tanh activation.
  • lstm long short-term memory.
  • gru gated recurrent unit.
  • blstm bidirectional LSTM.
  • bgru bidirectional GRU.
  • highwaytanh highway network layer with tanh activation
  • dropout a layer without any units that just performs Dropout.
  • softmax normal softmax output layer. The last layer has to be softmax or hsoftmax.
  • hsoftmax two-level hierarchical softmax.

The elements have to specified in the order that the network is constructed, i.e. an element can have in its inputs only elements that have already been specified. Multiple layers may have the same element in their input. The first layer should be a projection layer. The last layer is where the network output will be read from. Description of a typical LSTM neural network language model could look like this:

input type=class name=class_input
layer type=projection name=projection_layer input=class_input size=100
layer type=lstm name=hidden_layer input=projection_layer size=300
layer type=softmax name=output_layer input=hidden_layer

A dropout layer is not a real layer in the sense that it does not contain any neurons. It can be added after another layer, and only sets some activations randomly to zero at train time. This is helpful with larger networks to prevent overlearning. The effect can be controlled using the dropout_rate parameter. The training converges slower the larger the dropout rate.

A larger network with dropout layers, word input, and hierarchical softmax output, could be specified using the following description:

input type=word name=word_input
layer type=projection name=projection_layer input=word_input size=500
layer type=dropout name=dropout_layer_1 input=projection_layer dropout_rate=0.2
layer type=lstm name=hidden_layer_1 input=dropout_layer_1 size=1500
layer type=dropout name=dropout_layer_2 input=hidden_layer_1 dropout_rate=0.2
layer type=tanh name=hidden_layer_2 input=dropout_layer_2 size=1500
layer type=dropout name=dropout_layer_3 input=hidden_layer_2 dropout_rate=0.2
layer type=hsoftmax name=output_layer input=dropout_layer_3


The objective of the implemented optimization methods is to maximize the likelihood of the training sentences. All the implemented optimization methods are based on Gradient Descent, meaning that the neural network parameters are updated by taking steps proportional to the negative of the gradient of the cost function. The true gradient is approximated by subgradients on subsets of the training data called “mini-batches”.

The size of the step taken when updating neural network parameters is controlled by “learning rate”. The initial value can be set using the --learning-rate argument. The average per-word gradient will be multiplied by this factor. In practice the gradient is scaled by the number of words by dividing the cost function by the number of training examples in the mini-batch. In most of the cases, something between 0.1 and 1.0 works well, depending on the optimization method and data.

The number of sequences included in one mini-batch can be set with the --batch-size argument. Larger mini-batches are more efficient to compute on a GPU, and result in more reliable gradient estimates. However, when a larger batch size is selected, the learning rate may have to be reduced to keep the optimization stable. This makes a too large batch size inefficient. Usually something like 16 or 32 works well.

Maximum sequence length may be given with the --sequence-length argument, which limits the time span for which the network can learn dependencies. Longer sentences will be split to multiple sequences. If the argument is not given, the sequences in a mini-batch correspond to sentences. There's no point in using a value greater than 100, and smaller values such as 25 or 50 can be used to limit the memory consumption and make the computation more efficient.

The optimization method can be selected using the --optimization-method argument. Methods that adapt the gradients before updating parameters can considerably improve the speed of convergence, but training may be less stable. In order to avoid the gradients exploding, gradient normalization is recommended. With the --max-gradient-norm argument one can set the maximum for the norm of the (adapted) gradients. Typically 5 or 15 works well. The table below suggests some values for learning rate. Those are a good starting point, assuming gradient normalization is used.

Optimization Method --optimization-method --learning-rate
Stochastic Gradient Descent sgd 1
Nesterov Momentum nesterov 1 or 0.1
AdaGrad adagrad 1 or 0.1
ADADELTA adadelta 10 or 1
SGD with RMSProp rmsprop-sgd 0.1
Nesterov Momentum with RMSProp rmsprop-nesterov 0.01
Adam adam 0.01

AdaGrad automatically scales the gradients before updating the neural network parameters. It seems to be the fastest method to converge and usually reaches close to the optimum without manual annealing. ADADELTA is an extension of AdaGrad that is not as aggressive in scaling down the gradients. It seems to benefit from manual annealing, but still stay behind AdaGrad in terms of final model performance. Nesterov Momentum requires manual annealing, but may find a better final model.

Cost function

The objective of the optimization can be change by selecting a different cost function using the --cost argument. The standard cross-entropy cost involves normalization by computing all the output probabilities. Recently proposed alternatives, noise-contrastive estimation (nce) and BlackOut (blackout), perform normalization only on a subset of the vocabulary during training. This subset, called noise words, is randomly sampled.

The sampling based costs can be faster to compute, but less stable and slower to converge. For each data word k noise words are sampled, where k can be set using the --num-noise-samples argument. The higher the number of noise samples, the more stable and slower the training is.

Creating a different noise sample for every data word is very slow. The noise sample can be shared across the mini-batch using the --noise-sharing argument. The value batch creates just one noise sample for the entire mini-batch. The value seq creates one noise sample for each time step (word inside a sequence), but shares the noise samples between sequences. Because of how multinomial sampling is currently implemented in Theano, noise sharing is practically necessary and it limits the total number of noise samples per mini-batch to the vocabulary size.

The distribution where the noise samples are drawn from plays an important role. Uniform sampling is very fast, but rarely gives good results. It can be selected by setting the --noise-dampening argument to zero. Setting that argument to one corresponds to sampling from the unigram distribution in the training data. The problem with the unigram distribution is that very rare words may never get sampled. Usually the optimum value is a bit lower than one.

Command line

Train command takes two mandatory arguments: the output model path and the --training-set argument followed by path to one or more training data files. The rest of the arguments have default values. You probably want to provide a validation text to monitor the progress of the training. Below is an example that shows what the command line may look like at its simplest:

theanolm train model.h5 \
  --training-set training-data.txt \
  --validation-file validation-data.txt

The input files can be either plain text or compressed with gzip. Text data is read one utterance per line. Start-of-sentence and end-of-sentence tags (<s> and </s>) will be added to the beginning and end of each utterance, if they are missing. If an empty line is encountered, it will be ignored, instead of interpreted as the empty sentence <s> </s>.

The default lstm300 network architecture is used unless another architecture is selected with the --architecture argument. A larger network can be selected with lstm1500, or a path to a custom network architecture description can be given.

The no-improvement stopping condition can be used when validation data is provided. It halves the learning rate when validation set perplexity stops improving, and stops training when the perplexity did not improve at all with the current learning rate. --validation-frequency argument defines how many cross-validations are performed on each epoch. --patience argument defines how many times perplexity is allowedto increase before learning rate is reduced.

Below is a more complex example that reads word classes from vocabulary.classes and uses Nesterov Momentum optimizer with annealing:

theanolm train \
  model.h5 \
  --training-set training-data.txt.gz \
  --validation-file validation-data.txt.gz \
  --vocabulary vocabulary.classes \
  --vocabulary-format srilm-classes \
  --architecture lstm1500 \
  --learning-rate 1.0 \
  --optimization-method nesterov \
  --stopping-condition no-improvement \
  --validation-frequency 8 \
  --patience 4

Model file

The model will be saved in HDF5 format. During training, TheanoLM will save the model every time a minimum of the validation set cost is found. The file contains the current values of the model parameters and the training hyperparameters. The model can be inspected with command-line tools such as h5dump (hdf5-tools Ubuntu package), and loaded into mathematical computation environments such as MATLAB, Mathematica, and GNU Octave.

If the file exists already when the training starts, and the saved model is compatible with the specified command line arguments, TheanoLM will automatically continue training from the previous state.


There are examples for training language models in the recipes directory for two data sets. penn-treebank uses the data distributed with RNNLM basic examples. google uses the WMT 2011 News Crawl data, processed with the scripts provided by the 1 Billion Word Language Modeling Benchmark. The examples demonstrate class-based models, hierarchical softmax, and noise-contrastive estimation.